The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Aimee's Entry - A Day in the Life...

GAH. I have to do housework today. Do you have any idea how distressing that is? I’m in serious need of some sympathy, y‘all. Please… pretty please…

Remember that discussion (mindless bunch of babbling, more like) yesterday on ‘Aimee’s Addictions’? Well, I forgot to mention my nails and I don‘t know how I forgot that one? I have this minor *coughs*MAJOR*coughs* obsession with my fingernails. They have to look pretty. It’s the weirdest damn thing. Seriously. I mean, I wake up on the daily, roll out of bed, throw on… whatever, pull my hair in some messy, usually lopsided knot, brush the teeth and hit the road. I don’t play fussy with the make-up, spend hours coiffing my hair and picking out the most fab outfit in my closet. What would be the point? I’m just going to work. So, I have to wonder… why am I so damn fussy over the nails? I spend $40.00 every two weeks having them done (pink and whites) and God forbid if I actually break one. It usually brings a sheen of tears. I should probably seek counseling.

I forgot to mention this but it dawned on me yesterday while I was updating our website, that I’ve been bitching and moaning about not being able to write - which I still stand behind, by the way, because all 6 (God, help me, how could I have let myself start 6 for fuck‘s sake) stories that I have waiting to be finished are still left dangling out there without an update. BUT by God, I actually DID write something!! Yes, I most certainly did. I wrote a poem. Go Me. Thank you
  • drew
  • (not my husband) for inspiring me to write a poem. You’re the man, baby!!! I bow to you!!! Whoo Hoo.

    Since I spent a vast amount of time bitching and moaning yesterday, I hate to do it again today but I just gotta. I can’t help myself. I was happily driving along, on my way home from the salon today (yep, my nail appt.) and I noticed that I needed gas. I always wince when I notice that lately but what am I going to do, right? That machine that I drive will not run without gas. So, I pulled into Shell in Boca and proceeded to pump gas. It was $2.39 per gallon for Regular. Fucking Regular. It’s a good thing the Explorer loves his ‘Regular’ nourishment because if he were a ‘Premium’ vehicle, he’d be shit out of luck. It costs $2.29 (which is still TOO much) at the Hess in Pompano near my work but I didn’t have the good fortune to be in Pompano today, so, I had to pay the damn $2.39. Getting gas anymore is like fucking robbery. I’m always left feeling a bit violated after.

    Today was my step-fathers Union picnic and my mommy wanted me to go but I had my nail appt. at 12:30 and I have all that housecleaning to do, so, I told her that I just couldn’t make it and she starts going on about…

    “But Christie’s gonna be there with Sarah and Kelly’s gonna be there, she’s bringing the babies and Allison too with Jake and Emily…”

    So, I reply sincerely, “I know mom, I’m sorry, I just can’t…”

    She says in her, I‘m-fittin-to-lecture-your-ass tone, “Aimee…”

    So, I cut her off before the lecture can begin,
    “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know mom, I’m such an anti-social bitch.”

    And she says, “Yeah, you are.”

    OUCH. She wasn’t supposed to agree.

    Alright, I’m about to get on out of here and do some cleaning - FUN (not). But, I should probably mention, that I love to talk. And I mean TALK. So, if reading my entries makes your eyes cross, I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I figure rambling on and on (and on) here is better than talking to myself, right? Me thinks so.


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