The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Angie's Entry

Warning: Do not read unless you want to listen (read) to me vent. If I don't vent I may combust, and that would not be pretty. So tighten your seat belt, keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times and whatever you do - do not feed the bears. The damn things keep coming back and I can't get them to leave!

So let's start with last week shall we? Friday I took the day off work and it was good. I got some shopping done and went tanning.

I met my friend Teresa for dinner and a few drinks. By 4 p.m. I was sitting outside on a patio with a huge beer in my hand. Perfect way to celebrate the day before my 30th birthday.

So all is good Friday.

Then Saturday.

I go into work (I have two jobs) for a while,cause yes, I'm a workaholic too. Then meet my mom and Brother for lunch.

Mom and I hang out for a while afterwards then I decide I gotta head home since my friend Nicole insisted that I couldn't stay home on my birthday.

So I hit one more store, looking for a pair of shoes that I can't seem to find. Brother calls and asks where I am, I tell him. His car is acting up and he's about a mile from me. So being the amateur NASCAR driver I am, I stay on the phone with him and tell him I'm on my way to him. I catch up with him and we talk over what the car is doing. We let it cool down then he tests is out and decides to head back up to school instead of out to dinner with a friend. So I follow him for a while to make sure he's okay, and of course is not. So I tell him let's head down the street to a mechanic. Well, it's 3 on a Saturday - good luck with that. Good thing I know a few backyard mechanics that I trust. So I call one. He tells me what it sounds like to him. So I open brother's hood, which our father broke and didn't have fixed. But that's another story. I take a look at some of the fluid levels and stuff. We head up to the auto parts store, pick a few things up and go back to his car. Then I get him on his way. Luckily he has to go up by where I live to get back to school, so I follow him again. Car seems to be running fine, he'll call when he gets home. He feels bad that I had to spend an hour running around with him to fix his car and I told him don't be absurd. That's what sisters are for. Besides, it's not like I had anything else to do.

So I get home and get ready to go out. I head out with my friend Nicole and her friend Brandi.

We sit and have an appertizer, a few drinks then head to a club.

I walk into the club and who walks up behind me? I guy I haven't talked to in a year. He gives me a funny look, we say hi and hug. Well, as soon as I sit down I call my friend Teresa -
A: Guess who's here?
T: Who?
A: Guess.
T: I dunno, who?
A: Stands about 6 foot 7.
T: Holy shit- Aaron!?
A: You bet sister.
T: Did you talk to him?
A: Just to say hi.
T: What's he doing there?
A: I think he works here.
T: Really?
A: Yeah.
T: Ok, well call me tomorrow.

So, me, Nicole and Brandi hang out for a while, dance, have a few drinks then leave cause it's super crowded in there. I finally go over to talk to him, cause yes he does work there. I asked if he knew what day it was and imagine my surprise when he remembered it was my birthday. He said he'd call the next day - and no big surprise he hasn't. Am I a little upset by that? Yeah a little. But that's Aaron, he's kinda flaky like that sometimes. But I think it's more than that. Aaron and I have had a wierd thing for a while. The last time I saw him, he flirted with me hard. But I'm never sure with him. If it's something I really want to be involved in or not. Aaron needs fixing and I don't know that I can do that again. Don't get me wrong, Aaron is a super fun guy. Absolutely fantastic to party with and is protective of his female friends. Me and Teresa especially. The three of us spent almost two years attached to each other. Teresa and I are still close, I talk to her every day.

But here's where all starts to go amiss.

I get to work, a job that I hate and I have a dozen new emails. Three of which are from my boss.

The first is a summer schedule reminder. Send your current schedule, make sure to notify me of any changes, vacation days etc., etc. So okay fine I can deal with that.

The second is a forward from our HR guy about our dress policy, my boss sends me a little reminder that the dress policy (business casual) applies to me, even on Mondays.
WHAT THE FUCK? I'm in my office all day on Monday, with my door shut!! What the fuck difference does it make what the hell I'm wearing!! I don't wear raggedy jeans or anything like that!! So I'm pissed off about that. I dress in jeans and a t-shirt cause I close my door and it gets hot in here. No one sees me so who cares?

The third is my priority list. One if the items on there is training to be a backup as a receptionist, which I am dead set against doing. I told her I will not do it, but she tells me I won't even be up there for an hour a week. THE WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT???

I'm also training for my old job here cause the person doing it is going to Vegas in three weeks. I'm frustrated with training with her cause it's changed so much that I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I've told her I need a step-by-step, click here then click here type of instructions. Has she put one together for me yet? No. When I went to Hawai'i I sat down and wrote a payroll manual for dummies. Every single mouse click. But know what? While I was gone, my boss clung to that thing like it was a bible. She got through payroll just fine and even told me how well she thought I'd done with my "manual". So billing should be interesting in the early part of May.

The thing that I'm really pissed or that adds fuel to my fire is that out AP clerk is her favorite. She (our AP clerk) was susposed to be trained on my job by the end of March, but we had to push that back cause she can't get her daycare situation figured out. So it got pushed back to by the end of April, well we can't do that!! She has a wedding to get ready for!! GOD FORBID THAT JULIE DO ANYTHING MORE THAN HER JOB WHEN I GET ALL THE SHIT THAT NO ONE ELSE WANTS TO DO DUMPED IN MY LAP!!! I'm so f*ckin tired of this place I seriously am ready to just walk into my boss' office and tell her I quit, just to see the look on her face.

So to add to my already five start day, I took my car to my trusty mechanic after I got off work. I love the guy, he's super. Really. He's not one of those sheisty guys who's gonna tell me that I have 8000 things wrong with my car and I have to have them done pronto. He tells me what's wrong, how much longer I have before it turns into a million dollar problem and gives me an almost to the penny estimate.

I need new ball joints. Now for all you folks that only put gas into a car and drive, just kidding, my brother is one of those peeps. But when you dated a semi mechanic who's built a few cars, you get to learn alot. Whether you like it or not. Like that time he instructed me on how to change my alternator. I've also changed my spark plugs and wires as well as my oil. I'm a girl who's not afraid to get my hands dirty. Dirt comes off with a little soap and water. It also has some good bonding qualities when you're not afraid to help out your bf. Chicks who know about cars are cool. Just ask me.

Anyways I digress.

Ball joints make this binding/creaking noise when their loose. Which mine are. It probably didn't help that I cracked my rim in half a couple weeks back either. So I ask how much and I thought he said the part was 210 each. So I thought I'm looking at a $1000 car repair. So now I'm back to frustrated. How the hell am I going to afford that? On top of that my student loan payments are starting back up and I need to pay them so I can go back to school in the fall and get the f*ck outta this job that I hate.

So I stew this over for two days and call my mechanic back yesterday. I heard him wrong. My car is gonna cost me $210 each side total. Parts and labor. Can you say: Whew!

So that is a huge weight off my shoulders. My mom is telling me she'll try and help me out and I told her no. This is my problem and I have to figure out how to fix it.

Work still sucks, but it's hard to be pissed off when it's 70 and sunny out.

Okay, so that's the snapshot of what my suck ass life has been like for the past few days.

Aim, Nope I don't think you have anything of mine to beta. The chick who asked you for help, turn her down. You got to much to do already. She'll understand. Tell her you thank her for her admiration, but you have five/six unfinished fics of your own you can't finish because your muses have all gone on vacation, seemingly together without so much as sending a damn postcard. Bitches!!

Aiight looks like I'm outtie. My fingers are numb from typing so much, but I tried to keep the details down to a minimum.


At Thu Apr 14, 07:33:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Ang, I reread your post a bit ago and Oh. My. God. I started having heart palpitations. I said to myself, "SIX unfinished fics. No way. She's crazy. I couldn't... I wouldn't."

I did.

What in the bloody hell is wrong with me?? Starting 6 seperate fics at one time? I must be out of my mind!!! Especially seeing as how my muses are off having a massive orgy in like Hawaiii or some place equally as lovely. Without extending an invitation, no less.

I need a drink. Midori Sours, anyone?

~ Aimee


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