The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, April 15, 2005

Aimee's Entry - I'm On My Soapbox Again...

T . G . I . F . Oh Yeah Baby.

Mi dios, tengo un dolor de cabeza. Practicing my Spanish. Hey, if I keep practicing, one day, I might be able to have a conversation with my mother-in-law. She'd be so proud of me. She's always after my ass to learn Spanish. And if all else fails, at least, I'll be able to tell her when I have a headache.

And Lord, do I have a headache. OUCH.

So, I got an e-mail last night that bothered me. When it comes to issues, whether they're political or not, I don't usually get involved with them. I'm basically, a passive person. Hell, I've been registered to vote since 1995 and this is the first year that I actually voted and I only did that because I think Bush is an asshole and I didn't want to have to endure his ignorance for another four years. Like the Terri Shiavo case, I didn't give it more than a passing glance, I thought all the fan fair on that was sad. The poor woman should have been allowed to die in peace without all that fuss. It was time, plain and simple. I have been a bit vocal about Bush's "abstinence only" sex education plan and all the hoopla about taking away a woman's right to choose. I'm 100% ProChoice and feel that every woman should have a right to choose what happens to her body. But, like I said, for the most part, I stay out of sticky issues but I got an e-mail last night from the HRC and some of the comments that I read in there pissed me off.

"Putting same-sex relationships on a par with marriages harms the family by radically severing the biological tie between the married couple and the kids they are raising. Once same-sex marriage is accepted, children are no essential part of what marriage means."

...No two men--and no two women--form a mated pair."

Law Professor Gerald V. Bradley

^^^ That was one of them. So, I'm gonna nudge my nose in here for a minute and state my opinion.

Awhile back when they had the 'GLBT' marriage issue all over TV, my dad made a comment, something to the effect of, "I don't see what the big deal here is? They should be left alone to do what they please"

And I said, "Yep, I agree."

He comes back with, "My only pause is letting them raise children."

I said, "Excuse me? Why?"

He retorts, "I don't know? I just don't think they should be raising children..."

Me, "Because..."

He just looked at me uncomfortably.

So, I concluded that he didn't really have a valid reason, jumped up on my beautiful, handcrafted soapbox and proceeded to give my 2 cents, "Dad, why shouldn't they be able to raise children? If they love each other and the child that they are given to raise, then what's the problem? There isn't one, other than the one that people have created by being narrow minded assholes. There are millions of kids born into the world everyday and they're either killed by someone who was supposed to love them or they're mentally, physically and/or sexually abused to the point that they wish they were dead by someone who was supposed to love them. If two responsible, loving people want to give a child a good home where they'll be respected and loved then who gives a rats ass whether or not they're gay?"

So, this discriminating bullshit is still being tossed around and people like the person who made that quote above continue to spout out ignorant bullshit. It makes me physically ill.

Love is love. When you feel it, you feel it. Whether it's a man for a woman. A woman for a man. A man for a man. A woman for a woman. WHATEVER. What the hell is the difference. Yeah, I've heard all that, "it goes against God" stuff but I don't get down with that. As long as there is love between lovers then that's all that should matter. Sexual orientation is irrelevant. When two people love each other, they should be able to get married and raise a child, if that's their inclination. And that's that. End of discussion.

It's going to be so quiet tonight en mi casa. My son is spending the night at Gramma's and Drew is going to be brandishing his paint brush for a client (he's an artist, BTW. He does murals). I don't know what I'll do with myself. Go quietly insane, most likely. I'm out of books to read. I can't write. I'm not a TV person (with a few minor exceptions). I've seen every DVD we own at least twice. What the hell am I gonna do?

Oh, I have a gripe. I hate (yes, I said HATE) Pollo Tropical! Not the food, mind you, cause that's fairly decent, it's the place I'm contemplating blowing all to hell. They have the lousiest damn service I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing!!! And why, oh, why did I have to be the lunch mule today? I had to wait 30 fucking minutes for the food and that was AFTER waiting 15 just to order it. What the fuck?!?!?

I was psychoanalyzing myself again last night and sometime during the process I realized that I have quite a few addictions and some of them are downright loopy. Ok, so here goes, a few of my biggest addictions.

1. Cigarettes. Yes, I'm a smoker. I know, I know, bad habit. I can't help it! But, if my mom has her way, I won't be for much longer. She's gonna buy me the patch. I love my mommy.

2. Dr. Pepper. I can't quite figure this one out but, alas, it is a problem. I have to have the stuff. I crave it. Everyday, I tell myself today I'm going to be a good girl and drink the Diet Pepsi that helps keep those nasty pounds off my hips (which is bullshit because artificial sweetener makes you retain water and all kinds of other nasty shit but the word "diet" makes me feel better so, ya know... Hey, if I want to lie to myself, I'm entitled. I'm in self-denial) but somehow and, seriously, I don't know how this happens? I end up with a Dr. Pepper. Hell, I had the warehouse guy up there yesterday bargaining with the Manager of Hess to stock 1 liter bottles so I don't have to buy 2 - 20 Oz. bottles. It's a good damn thing they don't sell Mountain Dew Live Wire in South Florida and I have to wait for Angie's care packages cause if they sold that shit here, I'd weigh 400 pounds from all the damn sugar.

3. Clear Lip Gloss. Yeah, I know, why not color? Beats the shit out of me? I just like the clear gloss. And with sparkles. LOL. I've been using this sparkly Lip Smackers one that is supposed to taste like strawberries but my sister lovingly informed me on Easter when she placed a smacking kiss on me, "that shit don't taste like strawberries." Nice, eh?

4. Perfume. Such a girly addiction, what can I say? I have so many bottles of perfume, I can't keep track of them anymore. Wanna hear some of my favorites? Probably not but I'm gonna tell you anyway. Beyond Paradise, Spellbound, Romance, Ralph, Chance, Heavenly, Rapture, Amariege... and the list goes on...

Ok, that's enough for now. I have tons of other addictions but if I start getting into all of them, you're gonna think I'm fucking crazy.

Well, I'm done babbling and ranting and spewing for one day, so, I think I'm gonna go and, ummm, well I don't know but I'm shutting up now.


At Sat Apr 16, 03:06:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Thank you Jason.

And you're absolutely right! I figure blowing up Pollo Tropical because they made me wait so long for the food was probably a bad idea, but, oh, the fantasy was nice ;)

~ Aimee


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