The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Aimee's Entry - To be or not to be... that is the question.

Bo was in the bottom 3?? BO?? Come on America, what the fuck is with you people?? HUH? Ok, we’ll just leave that one for now and come back to it later. And, oh, we WILL come back to it!!

Boy, my hubby was in rare form last night. He's a normal, red-blooded, totally straight guy and like every normal, red-blooded, totally straight guy he has visions of threesomes dancing in his head. Two, hot, slipperly women wrapped around eachother while he tries to shimmy in between them. Well, I'm not opposed to a threesome. I think women are beautiful creatures. But he's been hitting it hard lately. Seriously. We were sitting at a restaurant having lunch on Saturday and he goes,

"We have to tip the waitress extra cause she has a great ass."

And I reply, "Oh yeah, having a stellar ass is a perfect reason to over tip."

He smiles and says too loudly, "What's the problem? You like women too."

I about spit my soda through my nose, I said,
"Good God Drew, you're gonna scare the poor girl."

Well, he thought it would be a dandy idea to take her home with us. LMAO. Like I said, I have no aversions to a threesome BUT we're not going to play with a complete stranger for Christ's sake.

But I digress. I swayed from the point with all that threesome talk.

Back to the subject at hand. Last night we were talking about different stuff, and we ended up on the subject of sexuality. It was because he was telling me about some customer of his that made this remark when Drew showed up at his house, "I'm glad you ain't no queer, you never know with artists." Getting off the subject again for a second, that's a fucked up comment, only assholes make those kinds of comments. Ok, anyway, back on point, so, he's talking about sexual orientation and the man (my husband) called me a queer. I said, "HUH?" He then proceeds to explain that I'm bisexual (I didn't snort but it was close) and so I ask him how he came to this dandy conclusion and Drew, God love his heart said, "Cause you like to kiss girls." A kiss with the same sex does not a bisexual make darling but seeing as how he threw my 'kissing is more intimate than sex' comment in my face I wasn't gonna argue. Well, at this point, I'm a bisexual queer and hey, I'm not offended, like I said, women are beautiful creatures, I am one. But a bit later, I was tired and I wanted to go to bed and the lovely man starts trying to grope me. I wasn't having it. When you're not in the mood, you're not in the mood, ya know? So, I smack his hands away and tell him, uh-uh, no touching and you know what he said?? Oh. My. God. He said and I quote, "Look bitch, I give you money from my side jobs and bail you out when you need some money for gas and shit, so, I should be able to touch what I want, when I want." Well, hell, what am I? A whore. Oh God. But the best part was when he said that I needed to compromise and come to him for a kiss goodnight instead of him coming to me, so, I said, "You want compromise? Ok, we'll compromise. You start doing your own fucking laundry and this bitchy, bisexual queer is gonna go get herself a woman. Night."

She shoots. She scores.

Anyhow, back to Bo. Why? I don't get it? What the fuck is America's obsession with Anthony?? He blows goats people. BIG TIME. And Scott getting more votes than Bo? What the hell? I just don't get it??

In other news... I'd like to blow up Tripod. I was trying to update our site and the damn thing was down or some stupud shit. And then for the short time it actually let me work, I had to do it it in HTML instead of the basic, easy way that I like to do it. God save me from HTML tags.

I have a headache!!!


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