The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Today Was A Good Day...

I am in such a funky mood today. And it’s not a bad funky, it’s a good funky. Weird. Cause I’m figuring with the sinus headache I’ve got, I should be cranky but I’m not. It’s probably delirium from lack of sleep. Sleep all day, up all night. Shrugs. Paybacks a bitch

Once upon a time… Angie and I had another blog through Tripod but I hated it so, I moved us over here and we just started over. I’m happier, Angie’s happier (are you?) BUT the one thing that I loved about Tripod was the snap-your-fingers and it’s done way you could post pictures. Now you see, over here… I get the whole you have to host your pics on the web thing, I use Image Shack but in my mentally depleted, computer illiterate mind, it just doesn’t work for me. What the hell am I doing wrong? I’d have Angie figure it out and then try and explain it to me but, well, she’d just toss the towel in after a while and do it herself. So, if anyone has major patience, I’d love to know how in thee heck you post a frickin’ picture without developing a migraine.

So, I was talking to Sky on AIM last night and she was super excited because she got her tickets to the AMT3 show in NY and well, dude, I got an e-mail from Ticketmaster today and tickets for the AMT3 show in West Palm Beach go on sale this Saturday at 11:00 AM. Whoot Whoot. I’m not exactly in a fit of helpless giggles - yet. But just wait, come Saturday I’ll be as giddy as a hapless schoolgirl on speed. Can’t wait. You can laugh at me all you want on Saturday Sky, I won’t even grumble.

Have I mentioned that it’s supposed to be hotter than purgatory tomorrow? 86 or some craziness like that. I don’t have any problems with warm weather but can’t we keep it in the mid 70’s? A body could wilt in the late 80’s. Sheesh. And that’s all I’m going to say about the weather before Angie feels tempted to do some kung fu shit on my ass (I’m sorry Angie). Watch, I’m going to go and visit her one day and she’s going to pick like the coldest day, smack dab in the middle of winter to pay me back for all the times I’ve bitched and moaned about the weather in South Florida. Be Gentle With Me Angie.

And on a final note, I am proud to say that I am absolutely, completely, 100 percent done with all the back editing on peoples stories that I had piling up!! YAY!! I played catch up today and I am free and clear. Go Me.

Ok, I’m out. Night y’all.


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