The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Much Ado About Nothing...

QUICK NOTE: For anyone that checks here regarding updates to our site, (Sky, Thaly, Tine), we did update the site today. And I know that it's stuff you've already read before it was edited, but as I've mentioned *numerous* times, my writing has fallen into some dark abyss, plus, I'm sick so, I don't really feel like doing dick at the moment. New stuff is comng soon (I promise). But hey, in the mean time re-read Chapter 8 of 'The Trouble With Love'. I hate my writing and I liked that chapter. YUM.

Marriage. Boy, oh, boy - what a word. The textbook definition: A close and intimate union, doesn't even come close to preparing you for all the crazy twists and turns that go on in that "intimate union". Well, I've been giving all the strange little intricacies of marriage quite a bit of thought lately. And it's all Christie's fault (thanks Chris). You see, years ago, I made this little vow to myself that, even though by law, I can legally wed couples, I would never do it. Silly, I know but I hated thinking that a couple that I married could very well end up in divorce court one day. Now, don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against divorce. Sometimes two people just aren't meant to be forever. Things change, they grow apart and staying together would do more harm than good but, I didn't want to be the one who joined them together in matrimony. Well, through the power of persuasion and some rather creative begging, I broke that vow. Just a little over two years ago, I married my sister Christie to her boyfriend Chris. Tomorrow at 11:00 AM, they will sit down across from me in my office so I can witness and notarize the signing of their final divorce papers.How depressing.

Moving on... my immunologist prescribed a "new" antibiotic, so, it's another 10 days of horse pills for me and she ordered some blood to test my Igg level, so, hopefully she'll be able to figure out why I can't kick this cold. Keep your fingers crossed.

That's about it for me today. It was payroll day, so, it was busy, busy, busy and I'm wiped.


At Fri Apr 22, 10:58:00 AM, Blogger savante said...

This is Paul. Gotta say I read your post on Drew's blog - I love Nora Roberts :)


At Fri Apr 22, 01:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you feeling better sweetheart. I thought about you this morning. I know how much it must be sad to see her sister getting divorced... I give you a HUG !!! <3

And you know, I will read with a HUGE pleasure your fic "Trouble with Love". This weekend I will babysitt the daughter of my Professor (she's a woman). We helping each other : I babysitt her daughter when she wants to go out and she reads and edits my stories when I need it ;) So tomorrow when the little sleepy head will be in bed, I will read your fic.

I'm going out in some club tonight with one of my friends. We will celebrate the scholarship I won Thuesday. I didn't go out in the clubs since a long time...I will tell you what will happen this weekend ;)

Maybe I will write a few scenes for our fic tomorrow. I have many ideas but I didn't have a lot a free time lately... I like writing those scenes !!!

Take care of yourself sweetie. I will give you some news in your blog this weekend.

Love you,

Thaly-Ann xxx

At Fri Apr 22, 01:56:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Well, hello Paul.

Nora rocks, doesn't she?? I'm more partial to her JD Robb's but everything she writes is phenominal :)


At Fri Apr 22, 02:05:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Thank you for the well wishes Thaly!!! You're awesome mamma and, oh, so good to me!!! I do feel better (sorta). CVID sucks and this cold is kicking my ass but the new antibiotics seem to be helping a bit. I'm not as weak today.

It was rough finalizing my sisters divorce. Having to sit across from two people that I love, Christie because she's my sister and Chris because I've grown to love the person that he is, in an official capacity was sad and uncomfortable but it's done now and they seem okay so, I have to be happy for them.

Well, I'm honored that you'll peek at 'TTWL' again this weekend, that is probably, writing wise, one of the best fics I've written to date but I'm sure by the end of 'SLBD', I'll have written a better one :)

Have fun out babe and I can't wait to hear about your weekend!!



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