The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Angie's Entry

Now normaly I'm pretty good at keeping up to date on things, but I also have a tendacy to get lazy, unmotivated and well, I procrastinate. Which is what I've done here. Hence Aimee's million posts to my two. LOL

I tend to journal when I'm upset or I need to vent. So my entries may be far between, but I'll try to do better about it.

For the most part my life is boring. Really. I work 11 to 12 hours a day Monday through Friday. I don't do much on the weekends. I get together with friends as often as I can but most of the time I'm so damn tired all I want to do is sit in my chair with my dog and chill. I work most Saturdays. I've been going tanning lately, one of the few things I like to do, cause hey if I'm gonna be fat then I might as well be tan. Plus I am half mexican, I feel I should look more like it.

A friend and I have taken up our walking thing again. Since I'm ten minutes from her house after I get off my part-time job, I meet her at the lake and we walk. It's nice cause she and I tend to lose touch every once and a while. Not by any fault of ours, we just have stuff going on. She's engaged to my ex's twin brother, so that cuts down our hang out time. That used to be my group to hang with but sometimes it is uncomfortable.

Got the car half fixed. Yey!!

I'm super excited for the Snoop/Game concert on Thursday!!

I scanned through your previous posts Aim, and I'm trying to remeber what I can from them as best I can. As far as the whole gays shouldn't raise children - that topic hits rpetty close to my front door. My cousin (sista) is a lesbian and she and her partner have two children. The kids are her partners from a marriage. And on top of that the youngest has C.F. I'm actually walking for that on a few weekends with my sista and a bunch of her crazy friends. So to say that, that topic gets me rather heated? I'll just say this to those who think gay people are bad people etc, : You raise your children how you see fit and I'll raise mine how I see fit. Because in the end there is no harm in two men or two women raising children. Better that than some child molester, drug addict or the like.

Ok! Onto happier things!

I got one of THE best presents yesterday!! I got a super cool Taz shirt and a visor to go with it!! Now for those of you who don't know, and that would be most I'm sure, I LOVE TAZ!! Love him! Alost as much as a certain white rapper who shall reamind nameless, but close! I got a new book to read with a book mark, I got a keychain that's on my work bag, I got a notepad with my initial on it! I got a little bear pin that will soon be added to my work bag as well. And onto top of all that everything was wrapped in purple paper!! (I also love the color purple) I giggled like a 12 year old kid as I unwrapped everything. I'm silly some days.

Hmm, what else? Not much really. I'll try to add something to my profile so you know a little more about me. But really, I'm not that exciting.

Aiight, I gotta scoot and post some stuff for Aimers at our site.


At Wed Apr 20, 01:07:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...


My million posts could just be because I talk entirely TOO much!! I can get downright annoying ;)

I'm *SO* happy that you loved your presents!!! You deserved each and every one of them pluse MORE!!!

I love you,

At Wed Apr 20, 03:04:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Oh Ang, THANK YOU for putting up those banners on our site!!! I would've done it myself BUT I am about the most computer illiterate moron you'll ever run into!!!

They look awesome!!! I fixed the CF banner and made it smaller and I think from going back through your steps and changing the size, I've figured out how you did it, so, I can do it next time.

Thanks again!! You're the BESTEST ever!!!

<3 Aimee


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