The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Aimee's Entry - AOL BLOWS...

This part will fall under "Too Much Information" so, I'll just get it out of the way. Feel free to skip it... God, I haven't had an orgasm that wasn't "mechanically-assisted" in so long. Even the other night when Drew traveled south to pay back a bet he lost, I couldn't cum. I had to use a clit stimulator when he was inside of me to get off. But the worst part, is even with a clit stimulator, it was like pulling teeth. I think I'm broken. It's so fucking frustrating.

I am SO ready to blow up AOL headquarters. I hate them. Seriously-fucking-hate-them! Why can't they just get their shit straight?

I'm not much of a chatter. I don't know why, I've just never been. That's not to say that I won't chat with you if you start-up a conversation, I will. I'm actually super-friendly. I just don't go bugging people. I figure if they wanna chat, they'll let me know.

The two exceptions to that rule are Angie and Christie. Angie's cool cause we chat on Yahoo and I have no beef with Yahoo but Christie is another story all together. We both have AOL. And God, she's been offline for so fucking long that I was beginning to have "Christie Withdrawls" because even when we shared a duplex we used to chat online constantly (with an occasional sneak outside to meet on the porch for a smoke. Drew used to make fun of us. He'd say, "If you two wanna fucking talk to each other, why don't you just go outside on the porch and talk? You two don't make any fucking sense." I digress. Sorry.) but when we sold the duplex and went our separate ways, she never hooked up her phone. So, she called super-excited the other day because she finally got a phone and our "chat-fest" was back on. But AOL loves nothing more than to fuck with me. It kept showing Christie that I was signing off in the middle of a conversation (I wasn't) and then POOF like 5 minutes later it'd show her that I signed back on. What the fuck is with that shit? Sighs. They annoy me.

Anyway, someone recently asked me why sometimes I talk about Drew in passing but I've never really talked about Drew. Shrugs. I don't know? What's to say? But to appease anyone's curiosity, I'll tell you a bit about Big D.

Drew is 25 years old (Yes, he's younger. He was actually only 16 when we started dating and 19 when we got married).

We're the complete opposite of each other in looks and well, personality too - where I'm 5'1, blonde hair, hazel eyes, pale skin... he's 6'2, black hair, brown eyes, dark skin. Where I'm volatile and have a quick-fire temper... he's silent with a slow to fuse, icy temper. We're an interesting couple.

He's an artist. He works full-time for a full-service art company as head of their mural division. He makes shit money working for them but he does fairly well with some clients that he's picked up on the side. He's extremely fucking talented.

I don't know what else to say about him? We've been together for ten years and we don't get along most of the time but for all our bullshit, we love each other.

And that's all folks. It's been an extremely boring day. Oh, before I go... Thaly-Ann, if you're reading, I updated the site. I added Ch. 9-12 of 'TTWL'. I did a few re-writes (I'm still not happy with it) and Angie edited it but it's pretty close to the original.



At Thu May 19, 12:17:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Thanks Raph ;)

And yes, we've tried the "reverse cowgirl" position. It's not a bad position. Penetration is deep and it allows me to have more control but I'm more partial to riding "cowgirl", if I'm gonna ride. I've had an orgasm riding "cowgirl" but never during "reverse cowgirl".

I'm just contrary, I think :)



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