The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Aimee's Entry - The Oddity That Is Me...

Today has been one of those monotonous days. It's been dreadfully tedious so far and it's left me longing for a nap. Plus, unpleasant remnants of last nights migraine have dug their claws in and are happily hanging on for dear life. Sighs. Anyhow, days like today either put my brain to sleep or force me to think about inconsequential shit. Unfortunately, I couldn't allow my brain to catch some Zzzzz's so that left me with the inconsequential pondering.

So, I started thinking about the odd obsessions that I have with some things. I mentioned a few of them in yesterday's entry, let's talk about me.

It made me wonder, why do I pick up these weird attachments to things? Or develop some weird, unexplainable habits?

Shrugs. I don't know the answer but I know I certainly have a few. Weird attachments or hang-ups, I suppose you could call them.

Like panties for instance. I have a strange panty fetish. Not lingerie, just panties. The sexy, lacy, slinky kind. I know I mentioned my obsession with pajamas but no one in their right mind would consider my pajamas lingerie or remotely sexy, for that matter. I like those comfy yet cutesy two piece pant set pajamas. But, don't get me wrong, I love sexy lingerie too but it's panties that I collect like my son's prized possession of Yu-Gi-Oh cards. And I have to ask myself why? Most of them are ridiculously expensive and they're usually so flimsy that it takes next to nothing to ruin them. Just last week I put a thumb nail through a perfectly lovely pair of black lace "boy shorts" panties. Oh well, I like them. What're ya gonna do?

And then there's my glitter fetish. I can never quite get a handle on this one. I don't know? But I fucking LOVE glitter. Glitter body lotion, glitter body gel, glitter shower gel, glitter body spray, glitter lip gloss. Glitter, glitter, glitter. One of my favorite body sprays is called 'Shimmering Waters' and that stuff will make you glow like a beacon in the night when you get in direct sunlight. Apparently I have sparkly issues.

Capri pants. Why do I like them so much? One would think that they'd be annoying, right? I mean, they're not really pants yet they're not shorts either. They're stuck somewhere in between. But it doesn't matter. I adore them. Completely.

Toe rings. They're so damn cute. They're extremely uncomfortable if you're not wearing open toed shoes but I don't care, I love them. Seriously love them.

And as far as weird habits… well, there’s my desk at work. Don’t Fuck With It. I can’t stand it when things are out of place. My stapler, tape, post-it pads, paperclips, etc. have their place and I get itchy when people move them. And God, I can NOT stand it when there’s paperwork just lying around on my desk, it drives me to distraction, I have to make it go away. The smart ass guys that work here think it’s funny to fuck with me so they move my shit around all the time. You know - my stapler a couple inches to the left, my tape on the other side of my rolodex, my post pads crooked, work orders spread haphazardly across my desk. Ha, ha - they’re so funny, huh? One day I’m just going to go nuts on the smart ass motherfuckers and then we’ll see how funny they think it is.

Okay, well that wraps up Aimee's "I Have Issues" session for today. But seriously, is it just me? Am I the only loopy one out there that finds themselves attracted to some of the silliest things? Or saddled with some weirdo habits?


At Thu May 12, 12:26:00 AM, Blogger grave_creek said...

ohhh honey!!! youre not the only one!!! well you know bout my awful closet and my choice of wearing only black boxer briefs,without forgetting my obsession with hair products!!! you should see my bathroom shelf!! theres like a mountain of pots stacked onto each other!!and lets not talk bout my collection of magazines! seriously does one really need to have vogue from 4 different countries?and that goes for elle,glamour and allure!! as the king of freak,michael jackson, once sang, you are not alone!! i am hear with you!!! cheers love
ps:i heard that lipglosses are as addictive as ciggarettes!! think i read that in one of my many magazines!!

At Fri May 13, 12:45:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Rod - You too, eh? Cool! It's comforting to know that I'm not alone ;)

grave_creek - Yes darlin', I know all about your closet, I've still got that # whenever you need it (*wink*wink*). And I'm crazy with the beauty products too. I rarely wear make-up because half the time I'm just too lazy to mess with it but I believe that I own every make-up product ever invented and not the cheap stuff either! Oh no, I refuse to let the cheap stuff touch my face. God, I'm such a snob!! Us addictive types need to stick together, eh?

Raph - Yes, being OCD can be pretty hilarious at times. It sure as heck garners me some strange looks on occasion :)



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