The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Angie's post - Angie who? Aimee's invisible friend!!

Just kidding.

Because of my lack of posting, Aimee's wondering how many of you think that I merely exist only in the recesses of her mind. I don't. I'm chained there for her sexual pleasure, but I'm not complaining!!

So in order to prove that I am a real human girl, here's some rather boring things about me:

I live alone, unless you count my dog. Which is more like a child to me than anything else. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old and she is truely mama's girl. She has attitude and spunk. And I swear to anything unholy that she understands every single word out of my mouth. She's spoiled like an only child should be.

I just recently turned 30. It's not as bad as it sounds, but I'm still not reaping any benefits from it. I don't feel 30 and I hope to god I don't look 30. I still get carded for cigarettes and booze.

Speaking of booze, I like to drink. Not a lot, in excess anymore. The hangover just isn't worth it. Plus I don't live at the bar like I used to. Among my favs:

The Captain, from which I have another nickname - Captain Coolpants. Don't laugh, it's cool. If you're a rum drinker, I would suggest Captain Silver. Much smoother, less bitter than the original.

Jack and I used to be bestest friends until I had a little too much of him one night. It didn't end well. But he and I still talk on occasion.

I've started drinking beer, so yey me. My usual is Mich Golden Light. I'm not much for branching out in this area because honestly, all beer tastes the same to me. Sorry guys.

I smoke. Cigarettes. I have since I was 12. That's when I tried my first. I got caught a few times, went off and on until I was in college. Then it was all on from there. I've been a religious smoker since I was 18. I've heard all the lectures about smoking and I will quit someday. I just don't know when that is. I've had two grandparents die from lung cancer and I should know better.

I have one brother, younger. He's about 6 foot 5, 220 or so. He's just finishing up college and he's fuckin awesome. He took me to Hawai'i this past January cause he's already gone 6 times previous. This was most likely his last year going so he brought me with. I love Hawai'i. It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen. The weather is perfect for a freeze baby like me. 70 and sunny every day. *sighs* I wish I was there now.

My brother and I have different dad's and I do not know my biological father. He left the state when I was two. The only pictures I have ever seen of him are two that my mom took when I was two, just before he left. He could walk up to me on the street and I'd never know. I have often thought about looking for him, but never had the nerve. I know that I look more like him than my mom but other than that, I know very little about his personality. My mom has been open and forthcoming when I've asked her about him.

My mom and my brother's dad are divorced. Have been since I was 12.

I am half Mexican, from my dad and French, German and Irish on my mom's side. Can you say temper anyone? LOL

What else?

I live in Minnesota.

I drive a 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix and I love it.

I haven't been involved in a serious realtionship in 6 years and I like it that way. I'm looking for my ideal guy (coughMarshallMatherscough). The last one fucked me up something good, so I think it's time to be independant for a while. When it's time to find someone, I will. I'm just not activelt looking right now. And I'm completely fine with it. I like being on my own.

Music. I love music. I grew up on the sounds of the 70's. Earth, Wind and Fire. The Doobie Brothers, Barry Manilow (don't laugh. I've seen him in concert three times and it's a hell of a show. Also, I can't listen to "Can't smile without you" because my mom told me that song is her song to me. So everytime I hear it I cry.)

I loved the 80's bad hair and crazy fads aside. I love VH1's shows about the 80's and 90's. It's amazing how much I remember from those times.

I am a fan of almost every genre of music. Save for the twangy country, jazz for extended periods of time and some classical. I like the old classical, the kind you study in music class in college. Beethoven, Mozart.

I went thorugh my, hip-hop faze, metal faze, had my alternative faze and now I'm back where I started - hip-hop.

I love hip-hop. LOVE it. The beats, the lyrics. From my first Run DMC tape to The Game's CD, I've been a fan. I strayed for a while and got into Rock and Roll, Motley Crue to be specific. For a few years I listened to nothing but heavy metal. I did the black nail polish, black eyeliner, the whole nine. Since I already had/have black hair, I fit.

Some of my favorite artists from across the board:

Eminem (I could go on for DAYS about this guy. What I wouldn't give to have a conversation with him, among other things. wink, wink)

The Game (this guy has a hold on me. I love his CD)

John Mayer

Sarah McLaughlin

Motley Crue (can't wait to see them in August!!)

Linkin Park (these guys rock, lyrically and musically. I love the Mash-up they did with Jigga man)

Tim McGraw (I couldn't listen to "Live like you were dying" much past the first verse without breaking into tears, but now it's better. I love this song)

Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks

Ok, moving on. I could talk about music for hours.

I hate my job. I work for a small company during the day doing payroll. After I leave here I go to my part time job that I've had for 4 years. I work in the second mortgage department entering orders. It's an easy job for pretty good pay.

My favorite color is purple or black, depending on my mood.

I LOVE Taz!! LOVE, love love him!!

I have three tattoos. My most recent one I got while in Hawai'i. I want another one, but alas I have no funds. So it'll have to wait. I got the idea for my fourth one from a fic that someone wrote, but it seems cheesy to actually have it done. Maybe, maybe not. It's either that one or my Taz that I've wanted for a few years now.

I stumbled across a fan fiction site a while back (about two years ago), and like Aimee, I'm not going to post a link either cause I'm upset about some things that took place, but we won't get into that right now. And I've been addicted ever since. I finally got the courage to postsome of my work up and that's how I met Aimee. She helped my with my frst sex scene and we developed a friendship from there. We've co-authored a couple fics together and I think she's an amazing writer. She nearly broke my heart when she threaten to quit and I'm very thankful that I could talk her out of it.

Ok, that's all of the fun stuff about me that I can think of posting right now.

Catch ya later!


At Tue May 10, 09:36:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

OMG. Seriously. Oh. My. God. You came. You saw. You conquered. And for me. I love you.

Captain Coolpants has arrived *snickers* Ya know, I laughed the first time I saw that nickname in one of your e-mails and it gave me a little tickle this time too.

And you see? I knew you could do it!! YAY!

OH. I've been meaning to ask you, how'd the Taz shirt hold up? I've been worried about fading. Let me know.

Mushy X's & O's,

At Wed May 11, 12:46:00 AM, Blogger grave_creek said...

OHHH MYYY GODDD!!! you do exist!!! lol!! and here i thought that you were some imaginary friend that aimee had created!!! no offense aimee dear!! well its good to finally hear from you and hope to hear more from you from now on!! cheers!!!


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