The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, May 09, 2005

Aimee's Entry - You Can Do It Chris...

I don't know why but I've always loved to write. It started when I was in middle school (which was eons ago, BTW) with poetry and I stuck with that up into high school until I wore myself out and then for years I didn't write a thing. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Zero. That is, until I stumbled upon a "fanfiction" site (which I won't post the link to because I'm a petty, immature bitch and by posting the link, I'd be sending traffic that way *clearsthroat* okay, moving on...) almost two years ago. And that's when the real writing began for me. Before that I'd never moved beyond poetry, I never thought to try but once I started writing "erotica-based" fiction, I realized how much I love it.

Well, my sister and I were talking about my love for erotica recently because she's always wanted to write a fictional story with tinges of erotica woven into it but she doesn't think that she'd be any good at it. I disagree but the only sexually based thing that she's managed to write is a small poem that I, personally, loved but of course she hated it. So, I tried to explain that for me, it's all just fantasy driven, ya know? There is no basis in my reality to things that I write. What I write are things that I want to happen in the bedroom, bathroom, back seat of my comfy SUV - you get my drift.

Christie said, "Yeah, I get that but what happens when you step into murky water and get stuck? How do you write yourself out of it?"

I said, "You just use your imagination Chris."

She counters, "But what if it's something that you have no experience with? Has that ever happened to you?"

Sure it has. It's probably happened to everybody at least once. I'll never forget the first time that I stepped into murky writing water. I was sweating it for hours while I stared blankly at my computer screen. And it was all my own fault. Someone had issued a challenge to everyone that I just knew I could handle - yeah right. She wanted people to write an 'Epilogue' to their story. The epilogue had to be about the main character paying back a bet that she'd made and lost with somebody. The prize was her ass. Literally. Well, at that point, I'd managed to hang on to my virginity in that particular area. Anal sex was a big, blank screen of nothingness for me. How the hell was I supposed to write an entire epilogue about it? Well, I managed to bullshit my way through it and now that I'm no longer a virgin in that area I realize that I probably could've done a better job but hey, at least I didn't buckle under pressure.

Anyway, I digress. My whole point of this rambling entry was, I suggested that Christie just take a look at different forms of erotica. Everything from published stories to stories posted on the net to peoples "true" sex stories. Taking in erotic writing in all forms is a fabulous way to see how different people handle different situations. From oral to anal to vaginal - just all forms of sexual acts. Of course, I explained that she had to find her own writing style but by reading other peoples words she could take a look at all the various and wonderful writing styles that exist.

I don't know if she'll ever attempt to write her own but maybe...

So, anyway while I'm speaking of sex (and I‘m not feeling lazy), I mentioned sex blogs the other day. I love them. I have no clue why? I just do. Some of them are peoples real life experiences and some of them are merely fantasy but most of them are enjoyable in one way or another.

So, here's a few that I enjoy.

  • Rentboy Diaries (I already mentioned him but he's fantastic so, I'll mention him again. This is one of two sex blogs that I actually sat down and read from top to bottom. Starting from his first entry to his last.)

  • About Last Night (This is the other sex blog that I read from top to bottom. It was thoroughly enjoyable. I had a good time anyway. I think you will too. He’s bisexual and in an open marriage and I just love his style.)

  • Jacky‘s Gay Sex Chronicles (I don’t know if you’d consider this a “sex blog” per se but his stories focus around his sexual experiences and fantasy’s that he has with/about other men. And I absolutely love the way he writes.)

  • Rod Talks - Married With Lover (Rod came up with a brilliant idea involving bandaids. It sounds fun. I love the different dynamics of the relationship that he has with TJ. It‘s great reading.)

  • Freya's House of Dreams (I just adore the way she writes. I could get lost in her writing.)

  • Pussy Talk (Everything that she writes is just so sexy. Seriously sexy.)

    Okay, well there are more. Just follow some links and Wallah. Enjoy.

    And I’m done. Caio.


    At Tue May 10, 10:53:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

    You're welcome Jacky and Rod. I thoroughly enjoy you both :)

    so, what happens if you get bored with the writing? how do you get back on the horse and finish it?

    Raph - I often get bored with my writing. I've actually been on an extended writing hiatus for ages now because I got pissy over something and said, "Screw it - I quit." But then I went and promised Angie that I'd just take a break as opposed to quitting all together. So, I've been trying to get back into writing myself lately.

    There are a few things that I've been doing to try and get myself back into writing. Angie calls them taking "baby steps".

    One of the things I've always found helpful is using Writing Prompts. From the simplistic to the advanced, writing prompts can be magical tools to get you back in the saddle again. Creative Writing Prompts is a great site with a ton of ideas to get your mind moving. I also posted some writing prompts on our forum (that I never update because no one ever plays with me - hint, hint, nudge, nudge - LOL), Fun With Writing. Plus, there are a ton of other writing prompts out there. When I have an inkling for a new one I just Google "writing prompts" and it pulls up all kinds of sites.

    Another good way to get your mind in gear and your pen (or keys) moving is to find yourself a writing partner and try building a story together. It can be fun and when one of you gets blocked up, the other can swoop in and save the day. Angie and I do this alot. Here's an example:

    (NOTE: The "Regular" font is Angie and the "Italicized" font is Aimee)

    “You seem pretty comfortable here.”

    ”Is that weird?”

    ”How do you know about this place?” Okay, so I decided to give some substance to our night. It scares me but I'm interested in her. Really interested. I hate to set myself up for a fall but I REALLY want her to be normal. I want her to be real. I want her to want me. ME, Marshall. Not Eminem, Slim Shady or any of the other hundreds of persona's I've been gifted with.

    ”I used to work here.” She answered, steadily looking into my eyes again. Her answer caught me off guard. She didn’t seem to be the type to work in a diner. She gave me the impression that she came from money. I don't know? She just seems too classy for a dive like this.

    I don't know how to respond. I mean, seriously, what's a good response when someone tells you something about themselves that doesn't quite fit into the picture you've painted of them? 'Oh that's nice' seems so trite.

    I shift uncomfortably. I need a minute of alone time to repaint the picture I had of her in my mind. Does that sound weird? Probably but I can't help it. I had this picture all laid out, the edges were perfectly symmetrical and now they've changed.
    “There a bathroom in here?”


    Getting back into writing can be easy or it can be hard, I think it all depends on how bad you want to write again. But for me, writing is so blessedly therapeutic that when I take long breaks I miss it something fierce. I hope you're able to get back on that horse and ride out.

    I don't know if I helped you Raph but if there's anything I can do (at all), please let me know!

    <3 Aimee

    At Thu May 12, 05:47:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why, thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoy my writing, and welcome to the blogosphere---have fun!


    DTG xxoo
    Pussy Talk

    At Fri May 13, 12:54:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

    Freya and DTG xoxo,

    You're welcome and thank you for the welcome :)


    At Sat May 14, 01:35:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

    Thanks aimee, that was the greatest compliment. I hope I can always entertain

    At Sat May 14, 12:41:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

    You're welcome Evan and you do, always entertain, that is ;)



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