The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Aimee's Entry - What Happened To The Spark?

So, I was sitting here at my desk, my chin propped up on my hand, staring blankly at basically nothing and I started thinking about random shit, nothing remotely interesting but then my mind worked it’s way around to relationships. And I think I actually gave myself a headache but that’s neither here nor there.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that when two people get involved in a relationship, whether it’s marriage or just a serious commitment between two people, the sex suddenly takes a massive nosedive before practically dying out all together?

What’s with that?

Is there like an unspoken rule written somewhere that I don’t know about? “Thou shalt not engage in sexual activity, except in times of serious desperation.” Hmm. It’s a weird kind of phenomenon.

I mean, I remember back when Drew and I got together, sex was like a recreational drug, extremely addicting and doled out in massive quantities. But we certainly put the kibosh on all that when we got married. We’re lucky if we do it more than twice a month now. And then it’s a "wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am" type of thing. I rarely get off and he’s simply doing it to get off.

I can’t help but wonder what happened to us? Have we lost that giddy sense of excitement we felt for one another? Has the spark just died out so we continue to have sex periodically as a way to affirm that we still love each other?

I don’t know? Sighs. But I miss my sex life. I’m merely living vicariously through the sex lives of others at the moment.

And here’s a completely random thought, the guys hung this picture in my office, some weird water dripping thing and written at the bottom is: ATTITUDE IS A LITTLE THING THAT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE. Do you think they’re trying to tell me something? And is it good or bad?

Oh, my walking disaster warehouse guy bought me a Dr. Pepper yesterday so I guess I have to give him a freebie and not kill him the next time he hurts himself. Hey, I’m an easy bribe, what can I say?

And my poor baby (Cameron) tripped at Gramma’s house last night and busted his lip open. It was so sad. It was all puffy and he was so upset about it. I hate when he gets hurt, it breaks my heart.

Okay, well that's enough chatting for me. It’s back to work I go.


At Sat May 07, 05:44:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Me too Raph :( but I think it might leave two little scars on his top lip.

We'll pretend that they're 'battle scars.' And we'll have to make up some creative way he came about having them ;)

At Sun May 08, 08:14:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Yes Rod, we do have other issues - BIG ones. We've been trying to work through them but we haven't been too successful yet. Drew's a mite bit stubborn and I'm not exactly bendable so we usually end up butting up against each others attitude. But I do appreciate your advice - thank you :) You can don that hat anytime you'd like. I'm always open to advice.


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