The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Aimee's Entry - I Need a Hug...

I'm depressed.

Hurt. Sad. Angry. Tired. God, I'm so fucking tired. I believe that I need to indulge in a good cry. Maybe I will later.

I had a bad day today. Really bad. I found out some shit that went on behind my back and it felt like a kick in the teeth. And the hardest part for me is that it was by two people that I care a whole lot about. It hurts a whole hell of a lot and I want to talk about it. I think I need to talk about it but I'm so raw right now that I can't, ya know?

And I need some love but Drew thinks I should just shrug it off. He has that whole "Fuck it, who needs them" attitude so he's not being too supportive. But I can't just say "Fuck it" dammit, I can't, I care about these people.

God, I need a hug.


At Tue Jun 07, 11:05:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Oh, thank you both SO much! I needed the lovin'!!!

You're fabulous and I love PDA's, they're the best... absolutely!

Ya know, I see you on AIM all the time but I never IM you because I have that whole hang-up about disturbing people, ya know? And I have your e-mail in my address book so I'll definitely take you up on the offer of an ear and some catty bitching sessions. Thank you for offering babe, it means a lot!

The hugs were delivered via Drew(although I think he's a bit confused - LOL) and they were lovely. You're a sweetheart. Thank you.


At Wed Jun 08, 12:56:00 AM, Blogger grave_creek said...

ohhhh honey!!!!come here i hug you!!! cry if you want too...crying is not a form of weakness but rather it shows that you are strong enough not to be afraid to show your emotions!!!love you babe you know that???i wish i was there so that i could just take you in my arms and just rock you to sleep....if only to see you at peace for a little while..sometimes all we need is a hug and some reassuring words..i hope i have given you both!

At Wed Jun 08, 06:59:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

for Aimee.

Awww, hunny! I'm so sad that you're sad :(

I have the feeling today my be a bad day for me too.

You know I'm here when you want to talk about what happend.

Love you bunches!

At Thu Jun 09, 11:02:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

You are without a doubt the sweetest man - EVER! You definitely gave me both and I love you back babe - totally! Thank you from the bottom of my somewhat abused heart!

Thank you! I got those hugs from Toronto all the way down here in S. FLA... they were lovely!

Thank you for talking the situation through with me and well, for just being you. You are one of the best friends I've got and I love you more than words can say!

Gosh, another sweetheart!! How'd I get so lucky? Thank you for the beautiful words, for thinking of me, for supporting me and for just being an incredible man! You ROCK!




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