The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, July 25, 2005

Aimee's Entry

I took down a post that Angie and I made this morning because it hurt someone that we care about and we can't and won’t allow that.

My feelings on the issue that prompted that entry are solid, when it comes to that situation there’s typically no bending with me but then I had to sit back and ask myself, how do I justify hurting someone that I genuinely care about just to release some pent up anger?

It’s a hard line to walk.

When I read her comment, I was extremely conflicted… one side of me wanted to ignore it and the other side of me was sad and appalled that I hurt her.

But really, here’s the problem that I’m struggling with in all of this… I got fucked over by someone that I cared about, someone that I loved, someone that I trusted implicitly and for no other reason than the fact that she associated with me, Angie got fucked over too. And what did we do about it? NOTHING! Not one damn thing. We didn’t lash out at anybody, we didn’t go stirring up trouble and asking people to choose sides. No, instead we went our own way and did our own thing. No harm, no foul. Do you think all that petty shit didn’t bother us? Do you think it didn’t burn our asses to sit back and do nothing?


God, out of some misguided sense of friendship, I devoted myself completely to that fucking place and even more so to the bitch that runs it? And Angie, who was completely innocent got dragged into this mess because that other psychotic bitch decided to go off half-cocked and start attacking people. How could it not bother us? Burn us? Fucking hurt us?

God, apparently I've given off the impression that I'm made of steel, that I don't hurt but that's all wrong, I'm human for God’s sake.

You know, after the big fuck over and all the hurt, we could’ve been petty and asked you to choose sides but we didn’t, did we? No instead, we did...


And now here, in our own place, we can still do nothing because doing something hurts people who’re still a part of both worlds.

So, I’m sorry you misinterpreted our entry Tine, it was in no way, shape or form making fun of the “team” that you’re still a part of but I removed the entry because I love you and I’d never intentionally do anything to hurt someone that I love but honestly, I really don’t think it’s fair that I was made to feel that I had to remove it.

…I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it…


At Tue Jul 26, 03:02:00 AM, Blogger AJ said...

Been there, done that, been bitch slapped. Suspisions & mistrust just destroy everything. Even fire doesn't destroy as fast. The horrid truth is that you have to sensor your feelings when you blog about it. How bout a new blog? MeeMee & GieGie Twisted Minds...

At Tue Jul 26, 03:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I did in no way mean it like that. I understand that they hurt you and I've tried to be here for you, listen to you, because I love you.
It just felt weired reading your post cause it seemed like you were making fun of me and the others of the team. You say you didn't so I believe you cause I love you.
You didn't need to take your post down it's your site afterall so you can say what you want.

At Tue Jul 26, 11:19:00 AM, Blogger grave_creek said...

ouhhh i like that new blog name androjane!! so cute!!! meemee and giegie!!!lol!!

At Wed Jul 27, 09:34:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

androjane... You're absolutely right but I don't how good I'll be at censoring my feelings. MeeMee & GieGie??? LMAO!!! That was good.

Tine... I think we've come to a point where we both understand how the other felt and can move past it.

Angie and I typically ignore the both of them and that place but there are going to be times that something bothers us and we won't hesitate to rant about here. But, with that said, we hope you know that when we rant about something, it has nothing to do with you or any of our other friends over there. Okay?

We love you baby!! And don't you forget it =D

g_c... It was cute, wasn't it?



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