The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, August 01, 2005

Angie's Entry - Weekend Update

That was one of the best Saturday Night Live skits ever. But I'm partial to Dennis Miller.

So what did I do this weekend?

I was susposed to go out of town, up to the cabin with Teresa but Tom decided to act like a child. I told you about that right? No? Oh well, as it turns out Tom wanted to go to the cabin and Teresa did not want to go if he was going to be there. Which I understand 1000%. When you're dealing with an irrational person, the last thing you want to do is be around them. So we ended up not going.

Which bummed me out because I was really looking forward to a weekend in the country. Laying on a floatie in the lake and catching some sun before the wedding this weekend. Oh well, good thing I didn't cancel my tanning membership.

So Friday after work Katie and I walked, then I went home.

Saturday I went down to the softball tournament Nicole was in this weekend. It was their co-ed tournament and I'd never seen them play before, so that was fun. I hung out with them until their last game at 4. I played with a cute baby. She got fussy and decided that she wanted to be held, so I picked her up and let her drool all over my arm for an hour. Yeah, ya know most woman get that loud ticking in their ears whenever they're around babies? I don't. I don't have this burning desire to go out and have a baby. Don't get me wrong I like babies. I'm not afraid of them crying or to hold them or changing them. I just don't have the ticking. That sense that I need to have a baby soon or my time will run out.

I suspose that's good in a big way. To know that that's something you're not ready for versus thinking you're ready and everyone else thinks you're crazy. Right?

Dumbfuck texted me at like 10:30am. Asking where I was.
Softball tourney
call me later if u want

I told Nicole and she's like, are you going to call him? I dunno. I've already got plans with Teresa tonight since we didn't go up to the cabin, so. And I'm not breaking plans with her for him.

So when I got home, Teresa and I made plans to meet at this bar/restaurant called The Blacksmith, at 8:30. By then the dinner rush would be done and we'd be able to find a place to sit. This place gets really busy. They probably only have about 30 - 40 tables and people will wait for up to an hour to eat. Their burgers are good, drinks are relatively inexpensive too. But not really worth an hour. But I digress.

So while I'm on the phone with Teresa, making plans on where and when to meet, he texts me again - busy? Teresa and I got disconnected, so I texted him back quick - talking to Teresa.
Teresa and I got off the phone and I went to get ready to leave.

I texted him back just as I was walking out the door - what's up? And then I went on my way to meet T.

I got there before she did, like I always do and noticed I had two missed calls. One was from T, who probably called to say she was on her way, at 8:20. So there was no need to call her back. Then he texted me - ? at home. Which meant he didn't understand what I meant by what's up. So I texted him - I'm meeting Teresa in Hugo

then a little later -
are you coming down here?
no, softball at 9am.

Teresa and I are old ladies, we left around 10:30. Of course, Brit was home alone and I had to get up early the next day and we had no plans on getting drunk and stupid. So it was fine. We split a couple appertizers, had a couple drinks and talked about Tom, work and the people we work with. She let me listen to the messages Tom had left her last Wednesday and let me just say for the record, he's ranking up there with Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. He's lost it this time. Wow. I've heard Tom be mean and threaten, but this time he's really pissed off. Yikes.

Teresa's having all these doubts about what the right decision is, what if he did show up and propose marriage, would she still do it and honestly, would it be for the right reasons. Or would it even be something she'd want to do now. She doesn't want to make any decisions right now cause she's not sure of anything. She says she still has hope for them, but between us? It's not going to happen and I don't want it to happen. I think it's better for both of them to just walk away.

The trust between them is so far gone that nothing is going to heal that wound. Nothing.

So I get home and go to bed and at 12:55 my freakin phone starts buzzing next to my ear. I pick it up and check it. A new text message has come in. It's Aaron - 'at bleechers' is what he sends me. And I've already been asleep for an hour and a half and I wanted to text him back, 'and your point is what? I already told you I'm not coming down there, now if you don't mind, I'm going back to sleep'. But instead of saying something I'd regret, I just closed my phone and went back to sleep.

I didn't even hear the second time he texted me a half hour later. I must have slept through it.

So the next morning when I unplugged my phone, I checked it for missed calls. Which is something I do every morning. I always flip it open and check to make sure I didn't miss anyone. I had another message from him (the one I slept through) and it said - are you mad at me?

And again, my inner bitch came screaming to the surface with all sorts of nasty comments like - In general or are you referring to a specific incident? Mad? No, what would give you that impression?

But again, I suppressed her and simply replied: No, I was sleeping.

And, here's my new tag line: and I haven't heard from him since.

Now, am I just being stupid or what is the problem here? Am I expecting too much from him? I thought he wanted 'us' to happen as much as I did, but I'm wrong. Right?

The co-ed team had a game at 9 Sunday morning, which really didn't start until 10. I got some nice sun on my back, which evened out the sun I'd gotten on my front the day before. I played with the baby some more and they lost. So by 11 they were done for the day. So I went home, stripped my bed, washed all the sheets and pillowcases. I got the paper, sat down in my recliner and watched TV for the rest of the day. Sunday is my day to do nothing. And I'm very good at it bytheway.

I think I'm just disappointed. I was hoping or had thought that Aaron would have somehow grown up. That he would have gotten his priorities straight and started acting like the 31 year old he is and not the 21 year old he wants to be. I refuse to be the girl who drops her friends for a guy. I've had that done to me and it fuckin sucks. I won't go running to him just cause he called. No way. Put forth some effort and accept responsibility when you've fucked up.

I'm not cool with going over to spend time with him and we end up sitting in the bar. BORING. I already did that whole scene. It's like we just tried to slip into being a couple or something to fast? I dunno, I can't explain it. It just did not go how I thought it would. He has not changed one single bit and I have. I've grown up. I've got my priorities straight for the most part. I'm not perfect and I would never claim to be, but I know what's important and having a drivers license is important. Showing the person your interested in is important if you want that person to stick around.

Okay, it's time to go read the employment section of the paper. I'm still waiting for my payroll to come back.

I'm going to go birthday present shopping this week too. YEY!!


At Mon Aug 01, 12:54:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Men. Sigh. Why do some of them have to be so incredibly ignorant where women are concerned? Baffles me.

I'd love to school Aaron on exactly how to handle a woman because he's got it all wrong. But then again, Drew doesn't handle me very well either so I best shut my mouth.

I feel Theresa's pain, I honestly do. When you break it down, Drew and I are probably broken beyond repair too (probably for different reasons) but until one of us decides to walk, we keep trudging on.

It's tough for me sometimes, loving someone but not really being in love with them anymore but I've told you all this already.

Did I tell you Cameron's gone until Thursday? I miss him SO much and tonight I'll be so lonely because I'll be all by myself. Oh well.

Birthday shopping, eh? I won't be a total blonde and ask you "who for?" again (LOL).

I love ya babe.


At Mon Aug 01, 01:43:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

And in all honesty, I should just call him and tell him how I feel, but part of me doesn't even think it's worth the air I'd expend. Cause in the end is he going to change? Probably not. People change because they want to not to satify someone else. I changed because I wanted to, I realized it was time I stop acting like a kid and more like an adult with responsibilities.

I feel for Teresa too, but I can see the damage she's doing to herself. I've had this 'what do I' conversation with her soooooo many times over the years and most of the time she doesn't listen, but I do whatever I can to support her. And I want her to be happy, but I don't think that going back to Tom is going to make her happy. And I told her that on Saturday night. She'd be going back on his terms and would have it hanging over her head - putting her right back into the same situation she just got out of. And to what end?

Awww, I'm sure he misses you too! But think of the quiet you'll have tonight, put a call into you know who and see if he'll stop by and keep you company until his show tomorrow. *wink, wink* And tell him I'm still mad at him, he's got some serious ass kissing to do!! LOL

Love ya!

p.s. you've given me some good ideas too! Thx!!

At Mon Aug 01, 02:10:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

No, you're right, he isn't going to change and you'd probably be wasting your time telling him how you feel but it really sucks because I know how much you cared about him.

I'm glad you told her. There's no sense in going back to something that hurts you. Sometimes that's hard to hear but it needs to be said and you're an excellent friend for being straight with her. But I already knew you were an excellent friend! You've done slapped me into place a few times, wiped my tears a time or two, calmed my punk ass down when I was raring to do something stupid a whole mess of times and listened to me while I told you things that probably made you blush. You rock mamma!! Thanks for everything.

I wish I had some friends cause then I could call one of them up and have a chat. I haven't done that in AGES. Hell, the only two people I ever converse with on the phone are my mom and Christie and they spend a lot of time bitching about each other (LOL). Maybe I'll just call Cameron and yack at him.

Hmm, I could call him ;) that's a good idea and I'll definitely give him your message!! I'll make sure he's got those lips ready... *smooch*.

You're welcome and thank you, I always love when there's a package from you on my doorstep, makes me smile.

Love ya,

At Mon Aug 01, 03:18:00 PM, Blogger grave_creek said...

awwww shucks!!! the dumbfuck has been at it again!!! man hes like the freaky bad guys in the horror though it was finished with them and they just reappear once more..they just cant take a hint goddamit!!! maybe you should try a chainsaw???lol...
so you didnt go to that cabin huh?? at least you can be reassured you would have had the chance to be mauled by a grizzly bear or some other forest animal...ouhhh half eaten by a ferret!!!! kidding!!
okay big kisses to you and aimee...and the way i would NEVER send you a sms at 1 in the morning..we gentlemen know how important beauty sleep is to a lady!!mouah!! big kiss!!


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