The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, January 09, 2006

Just a bunch of boring medical blah.

Good mood. Bad mood. Good mood. Bad mood. Which is it today? Well, it certainly ain’t good, but then again, it ain’t exactly bad either. I guess I’m stuck somewhere in that strange realm between the two. But all moods aside, I can sum up my physical state in one word: Ugh. That’s it. Ugh.

Anyhow, I had to go do something I’ve been putting off for months (and months) today. And I didn’t want to do it, but to please my mother (and others), I finally just went ahead and did it. What’s that? You ask. Why, I had my annual physical, of course.

And it sucked. I hate being poked, prodded and stuck. It makes me cranky. And to make a miserable situation that much more miserable, when my company switched insurance companies, my mother convinced me to switch over to the doctor she works for, and I wasn’t all that crazy with his bedside manner. It could definitely use some improvement. We started off really shaky because there is nothing I hate more than someone who talks to me like I’m stupid, and he definitely had that going on in the beginning. It got a little better after he found out that I was his nurses daughter, but I’m still thinking he could be a little less rigid.

Well, the consensus is that I need to put more pressure on my insurance company to stop dicking around with the authorization for my infusion (they still haven’t authorized it, and since the meds alone run somewhere in the range of $6,000, there’s no way I can do it without authorization) because the walking dead thing I’ve got going on lately is just going to keep getting worse until I well and truly crash if I don’t. Other than that, he’s concerned about my tachycardia (rapid heartbeat, which isn’t an everyday thing nor is it a new thing really, it’s actually over half the reason they admitted me into the hospital in July when I went to the ER for chest pain), so he ordered an electrocardiogram, a thyroid panel and a full metabolic panel. So, we’ll see, but personally, I’m thinking it all comes down to stress. I have too much of it, and I need to get rid of some.

And that’s it. I came home a bit after 4pm, slept until 8pm, and now I’m off to watch CSI: Miami.

Have a good night, all.


At Tue Jan 10, 03:19:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

And me, I'm here for you always.

Stress and caffeine...cut down on those where you can (I *know* how hard it is to just cut stress) and I bet you'll see a bit of improvement in the heart rate

At Wed Jan 11, 11:47:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...


I know you do, and I know you are. Thank you, my friend.


I know you are, sweetness. Always.

I'll try and cut back on the stress, but caffeine? Gasp. Oh love, I thought you cared about me, and here you are trying to kill me (LOL). Have I ever mentioned that I'm addicted to coffee? Lots and lots of coffee. But for you, I'll try.

Thanks again, both of you.



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