The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, January 09, 2006

Lazy, lazy, lazy...

Hmm, I feel (and probably look) like road kill, but strangely, I’m in a wicked good mood tonight. I know, I don’t get it either? It’s probably due to the fact that I have more moods than Sybil. Ah well, I shant complain.

Jason, my step-brother, stopped by to hang out with Christie and I last night, and we had a blast. Since he lives up in north Florida, I rarely get to see him (holidays mainly), and I’ve really missed hanging out with him. Back in our crazy days of youth (I was 17, he was 18) right after he moved here from California, we got really close, but then he up and got married, moved his ass to Georgia and we kind of lost touch with each other. It made me sad because he’s one of the good guys, and it’s extremely cool to have him back.

Well, I’ve discovered that my DSL service has its own special kinks, and it’s quite annoying. It appears to like to go down for a few seconds at a time on a semi-regular basis, and boot my ass offline. Ah well, what am I gonna do? And I need to try and remember to sign out of Yahoo or change my settings – whichever – because now that I have DSL, the bitchin’ thing signs itself on automatically every time I turn on my computer, and if I leave without shutting the damn thing down, it leaves me signed into Yahoo. I felt so bad cause someone was talking to me earlier and I wasn’t even home at the time. Oops.

Anyhow, seeing as I didn’t do a damn thing today, it was a complete and utter waste of a perfectly good day off. And it was stupid of me really, because there are about a million and one things I could’ve (and definitely should’ve) done. But I didn’t. At least Cameron’s PS2 is hooked up now, no thanks to me, of course. Drew is responsible for that one, all I did was manage to fall asleep somewhere in the middle of the hook-up procedure. And apparently I freaked Drew out because he tried to wake me up to see if I wanted some lunch and it took him a few minutes too long to get me up. What can I say? I guess I was tired.

And other than my impromptu nap, I didn’t do anything but take Cameron to my moms so she could see him before her surgery.

I know, I’m so lazy, but I just didn’t feel right today. I do believe I’m coming down with the fucking flu that is running rampant through my house.

And I’m still in a good mood. Baffling.


At Wed Jan 11, 11:49:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

'Tis true, it could've been worse.

I think it is too, and I do believe I need to do just that.


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