The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Welcome to Aimee's Saturday from hell...

Remember when I mentioned how the angelic Sarah gets up entirely too early? Well, this morning she surpassed her previous record for early, and dragged my ass out of bed at 4:30 (that would be a.m.). Getting up that early is hell, but when you add that with the fact that when Christie left for work at 3:20, I was still laying in bed staring at the ceiling, it’s a living nightmare. I think I went up and down the stairs 4 times before I finally said, "fuck it" a little after 8:00 when she came down stairs wearing the nasty diaper that will forever haunt me. Cameron was down here shortly after that, and the craziness that is the two of them together commenced.

Let’s see, between the time I said "fuck it" and when Christie came home (around 2:00), Cameron painted Sarah’s cheeks purple with nail polish from the make-up kit Christie bought her for Christmas while they were playing in his room (I knew it was too quiet in there), he also covered himself in body glitter, broke one of the metal pieces on the edge of my bed, Sarah smeared chocolate and nail polish on my sheets when she was rolling around on my bed, one (or both) of them somehow managed to knock over a full glass of milk that seemed to multiply once it was out of the damn cup, I argued with my mother over my lack of a backbone as well as the fact that I need a new inhaler because Christie lost hers so she stole mine and now I can't use it because she has the fucking flu (that was what really pissed my mom off, and if I'd have known she was going to get so upset about it, I never would've told her about it) and had a nasty yelling match with Drew because I changed the plans for this weekend so my mom could see Cameron before she has her surgery this week.

And to make the day even crazier, just after Christie came home, I had a completely irrational emotional breakdown that started in a fit of laughter and ended with me in a teary sobbing mess. It was obnoxious and embarrassing, but apparently I needed to cry.

Anyhow, somewhere around 4:00 pm (after my emotional breakdown), my body decided it wanted to shutdown (apparently, my body has its limits), and I crashed and burned. I think I caught an hour before my dad woke me up because I had to get Cameron ready to go to Drew’s for the night.

Sigh. I’m tired. But you know what really sucks? As tired as I am, I couldn’t go to sleep if you held a gun to my head.

Oh well, such is life.

But on a positive note, I had a rather lengthy and definitely lovely conversation with someone who called to check up on me because apparently I’ve been sending off a negative vibe lately. Thanks for the call and for caring, my friend.
I hope you all had a much better Saturday than I. Night.


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