The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Aimee's no good, very bad day.

You know, I discovered tonight that there is nothing in this world that could ever prepare you for the gut wrenching terror that overtakes you when your child is hurt. Nothing. Ever.

And I think it's going to be a good long while before I'm able to get past the images of my Cameron's sweet face covered in blood or seeing it pour down his chin and his neck and soak into his favorite skateboarding t-shirt or having to watch powerless while clots of blood poured from my baby's nose as he violently vomitted in the parking lot because he was choking on his own blood.

The paramedics were great, they didn't chastise me for panicking and they were wonderful with Cameron, they assured me he'd be fine, the vomitting was only because he was upset and choking on his own blood, not a concussion, they explanied that when a blood vessel in the nose is broken, there's a lot of blood and it looks pretty scary, but it's rarely as bad as it looks, they offered a million times to transport him to the hospital if I was uneasy, but in their opinion, as long as we kept a close eye on him, he'd be fine and after I chose not to have them transport him, they assured me that they were only a phone call away if I began to feel uneasy after they left.

The police, on the other hand, weren't nearly as soothing. They told me, "You're going to have to get used to this kind of thing if you want to continue living here, you've just got to chalk it up to the neighborhood." What kind of bullshit answer is that? At least they went across the street and talked to the woman whose son punched my kid in the face and warned her that since her kid doesn't live here he needed to stay off the property because if I had to go back over there and talk to the bitch again, the paramedics would've been transporting someone to the hospital after all.

I went from bone chilling terror to violently pissed and after I got past my mad (as my mom puts it) I spent the rest of the evening trying not to be sick.

It was a fucking nasty bitch of a night and still, after all is said and done, I couldn't honestly tell you why that fucking kid punched Cameron in the face, his momma, who was across the street and inside the fucking house so she couldn't possibly know, told the cops that Cameron hit her kid first (of course), but the kid that lives next door to me who was playing with Cameron when it happened said that Cameron didn't touch the kid. And what's saddest to me is, this didn't happen down the street or at the other end of the complex, no, this happened on the sidewalk right in front of my fucking townhouse. It's such bullshit.

Anyhow, Cameron is alright, a little traumatized, but he bounced back pretty quick. Me, not so much.


At Wed Aug 23, 01:02:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Oh my gosh Aimee, what a night. I'm so glad to hear that Cameron is ok.

I agree with Jason, I know when my niece decided to act out, the whole family was sweatin a law suit. I'd threaten her with a civil suit.

I know you've been having trouble with that lady for a while now, I'd call the cops at the drop of a hat if that kid comes anywhere near Cameron again.

That much blood and his nose wasn't broken? Wow. He's such a trooper.

At Wed Aug 23, 01:39:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Evan, love, I absolutely agree, it was bullshit to the highest degree and yes, so like them indeed.

And karma is certainly a bitch, isn't it?

As to the other, my thoughts actually paralleled yours on that one and I know Drew's mind was traveling the same road, but as pissed as I was at the kid, he's just a product of his environment, which was obvious the minute his mother opened her mouth and it's funny because the first thing Drew said to me last night after the paramedics and the police left was, "Why in the hell didn't you beat her fucking ass?" And honestly, it was a close call on that one, she pissed me off something fierce and if I'd been in her presence any longer, things would've gotten ugly.

And thank you for being concerned, love, you're the bestest.

Jason, no, not all, but definitely most.

I hate the court system down here, I really do, it's extremely unfair and in most cases more trouble than it ends up being worth, but I like the idea of her sweating over a law suit, though I doubt it would've instigated parenting skills as she seemed like the type who just doesn't give a fuck.

That's what upsets me the most, he should be able to play there and not worry about being bullied or hurt, but I learned the hard way that, that isn't the case. Thanks, hon.

Ang, it actually wasn't the same lady I've been having the problems with and oddly enough, the lady that I have been having problems with was out there with me last night bitching out the other lady whose kid hit Cameron. Let me tell you, that was a bit surreal.

And yeah, no broken nose and I was almost positive it was, but you're right, my baby's a trooper! I love that little monster! And you! Thank you, cupcake!


At Wed Aug 23, 02:26:00 PM, Blogger Drew said...

Just read this... and yeah I at first thought that this was your "arch enemy's" kid... until I read the comments.

The cop was a jerk. I've deleted several ways I'd like to deal with him, as in my mind what he said was just the height of rudeness. Sorta like Barbara Bush Sr. explaining that things have worked out well for the NO residents because they were now in the SuperDome with the government looking out for them... as they're poor 'don't ya know'.

I however feel I should mention if there are two "monsters" in the neighborhood that you think about enrolling Cameron in some sort of Kung Fu/ self defense class. Might have many good positive affects on him.
and would prolly be safer for him then those darn heallys


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