The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Aimee - Tag, we're it (again :P)!

The wonderfully mysterious Sven has book tagged us and since I'm rather sad today, it's a good distraction. Thanks Sven *hugs*.

Now, this is the 2nd go round on the book tag for A&A but Angie conveniently skipped the last one. Not this time my love or I'm headed up to MN to dole out some punishment!! (wait... that might be fun...)

How many books do I own?

(I did a rough count after the last tag - I know, I know... I'm such a dork!!) Over the whole of my life, I've owned well over a thousand but through time and circumstance that number has dwindled down to just over 200.

The last book I bought?

Saturday morning I bought 'Black Rose' by Nora Roberts. It's the 2nd book in NR's "Garden Trilogy". The first book in the trilogy was 'Blue Dahlia' and I HIGHLY recommend it. As a matter of fact, I highly recommend any Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb book you can get your hands on.

The last book I read?

'Black Rose' by Nora Roberts. Bought it Saturday, finished it Sunday. Before that, it was 'The Innocent' by Harlan Coben which I had trouble getting into but ended up being a phenominal read. Now I'm toying with reading 'The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty' by A.N. Roquelaure, it's the first in an Erotic trilogy about Sleeping Beauty. But I think I might actually finish 'How to Write a Dirty Story' by Susie Bright first because my writing has taken some serious hits lately and the erotic scenes are the ones getting hit hardest. I need me some help y'all.

Five books that mean a lot to me?

This was a hard question the first time around and it's not any easier this time. There are so MANY books that mean something to me on so many different levels.

1. Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul - My mother-in-law bought this book for me when Cameron was tiny. I giggled when she gave it to me because I thought it was silly but when I took the time to sit down and read it, I felt my emotions being pulled in so many directions. I went from laughter to tears. It was exceptional.

2. Skin Deep by Nora Roberts - If you're a Nora fan you kow that while this is a very good book, it's not her best BUT, it happens to be the first Nora book that I read and I'll treasure it always because it opened me up to the beauty that is Nora Roberts.

3. Naked In Death by J.D. Robb - ^^^ Ditto (just insert J.D Robb)

4. The Joy of Writing Sex: A Guide for Fiction Writers by Elizabeth Benedict - I write, at this point it's only a hobby but it's a very passionate hobby and although I was once dubbed "The Queen of Sex Scenes" I always aim to improve because honestly, writing sex is much, much harder than you think.

5. Life on the Edge by Dr. James Dobson - My mother bought me this book to try and guide me through those crazy teenage years but in my early 20's when I found out I was sick, this book was comforting to me in some odd way. I'm not religious and the author is but I related to this book during some very dark times in my life.

Tag now You are it...

Well heck, Paul already tagged the lovely gentlemen that I would have chosen so once again, it's an "open call" on this one...


At Wed Jun 08, 07:00:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Oh alright, I'll do the book tag thing. I can't promise that my answers will be exciting or anything. But I'll give it a shot.

At Wed Jun 08, 07:02:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

I am in LOVE with the vampire chronicals by Anne Rice.

I have yet to read any of the witch books, but they are on my list.


p.s. The above post is mine too, I forgot to sign my name! It's too damn early!

At Wed Jun 08, 12:36:00 PM, Blogger Sven said...

*big hug*

At Thu Jun 09, 10:53:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

I've never read any of Ann Rice's vampire books but I did read 'Witching Hour'. The Sleeping Beauty book is okay so far (I'm too deep into it) but the Prince appears to have a fascination with spanking. Hmm...

See... it wasn't hard was it babe? I love you!!! SMOOCHIES!!

Oh boy, watch out!!! I'm a talker too and I absolutely LOVE to babble. Thanks again you gorgeous creature ;) I loved your pic for HNT.

*Hugs* back atcha!

My love, you're a sweetheart, without question. The hugs made all the difference in the world. Those combined with all the support, beautiful words and talking it through with Angie helped more than I could ever express. Thank you. It's a combo of the normal and the difficult, I suppose and then something happened to break my spirit but I'm feeling better about it. 'Joy of Writing Sex' is an excellent reference for anyone that enjoys writing about sex, whether it's a hobby or professional - no matter - it's a good book. B&N is one of my absolute favorite places!! I could spend HOURS there!



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