The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Angie's Tag ;)

10 Years Ago, I...

1. Was 19 years old
2. Was almost a year out of high school and still struggling to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.
3. Ended a long and unhealthy relationship that left a number of emotional scars and not a lot of good memories.
4. Was working three "minmum wage" jobs in crazy shifts that didn't allow for much sleep or anything esle.
5. Met Drew when we started working together at Publix and the flirtation which led to love, marriage and family began.

5 Years Ago, I...

1. Was 24 years old.
2. Was a newlywed.
3. Was a new mommy.
4. Was only working one job and we were struggling to make it while Drew pursued his art career.
5. We had a big, beautiful wedding and reception to make-up for the shot-gun wedding we had when I was 3 months pregnant.

Yesterday, I...

1. Had a very emotional conversation with my mother about something that has plagued our family for too many years to count. It was hard and heartwrenching but oh so necessary.
2. Scavenged every drugstore in Coral Springs to find blue hair color for Cameron for "Crazy Hair Day".
3. Shared a fun, funny, happy, easy moment with Drew. It's been a long time.
4. Took the two men in my life out to Buffalo's and had a nice relaxing dinner together (Cameron didn't even crawl all over and under the booth like an animal).
5. Got laid - FINALLY.

Today, I...

1. Giggled like a schoolgirl while Drew teased, fluffed and primped Cameron's electric blue hair.
2. Bought two coffees at Dunkin Donuts instead of one (sinful).
3. Will bust my ass at work because it's Thursday - payroll day.
4. Am determined to start the new book I bought.
5. Am going to attack Drew... it was so much fun last night, why not do it again?

Tomorrow, I will...

1. Try to explain to Cameron why Grandma can't pick him up like she does every Friday. I don't look forward to it, he's a creature of habit.
2. Try to look busy at work, even tho I'm not (yeah... me too)!!
3. Try not to do my happy dance because it's fucking Friday - Yee Haw!!
4. Write Angie a letter because it's been ages since I've written her a letter (right after her trip to Hawaii, I think) and I have some things I need to share with someone I love and respect.
5. Try to figure out what the heck I'm going to do to celebrate Father's Day.

5 Snacks I Enjoy:

1. Cheetos.
2. Snickers.
3. Cinnamon Crisps.
4. Whatever that was Angie sent me for Christmas with the caramel and nuts and YUM. I've been lusting for it for weeks.
5. Giardelli brownies.

5 Songs I Know all the Words to, Even Without the Music (there's a ton but here's 5):

1. Renegade - Jay Z/Eminem
2. Candy Shop - 50 Cent
3. Hate it or Love it - 50 Cent/Game
4. Rock Bottom - Eminem
5. Don't Want to Miss a Thing - Aerosmith

5 Things I Would Do With $100,000,000.00:

1. Send my Papaw back to Kentucky in style. He wants to go back for a visit and they can't afford it... he deserves to go wherever he wants.
2. Buy a few (+1) houses... Mom, Dad, Christie, Us...
3. Buy that bloody Escalade that I lust after and we currently can't afford.
4. Start the business that I've always wanted to start but never had the balls to.
5. Put Cameron through college or anything else he wants to do.

Top 5 Locations I'd Like to Run Away To:

1. Hawaii
2. Scotland
3. Paris
4. Italy
5. Any where it snows (but not too much). I have a hankerin' to see snow.

5 Bad Habits I Have:

1. Smoking
2. Passiveness
3. Being a bloody doormat
4. Being overcritical of myself.
5. Being too much of a pussy to stand up for myself until I get it gets to the point of explosion (and then I get ugly)

5 Things I like Doing:

1. Surfing the net
2. Writing
3. Reading
4. Hanging with my mom and Christie-
5. Sleeping (I frickin' LOVE to sleep)

5 Things I Would Never Wear:

1. Spandex
2. Fluorescent colored clothes
3. Leg warmers
4. Crotch cutters (ouch)
5. Bell bottoms

5 T.V. Shows I Like:

1. House
2. Law and Order : SVU
3. Six Feet Under
4. Soprano's
5. Carnivale

5 Movies I Like:

1. Gladiator
2. Ocean's Eleven & Twelve
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
5. Kill Bill (1 &2)

5 Famous People I'd like to Meet:

1. Eminem
2. Hugh Laurie
3. Angelina Jolie
4. Steven Tyler
5. Jenna Jameson

5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:

1. My mom is taking me to Disney for three glorious days in August for my 30th birthday.
2. We're going to see Eminem and the rest of the S/A crew in August for my birthday.
3. Drew and I are communicating with each other.
4. My baby (Cameron) is going to kindergarten in August.
5. I finally got rid of the cold that refused to go away for almost 4 months and I can breathe again (not to mention I once again sound human).

And there you have it...


At Fri Jun 17, 10:26:00 AM, Blogger Mia said...

smiles I like thatlist. I followed you down the comment path. will bookmark you for later reading.

At Thu Jun 30, 07:43:00 AM, Blogger Jay said...

After reading that you got laid yesterday everything else became irrelevant. But don't worry, I read it all anyway.


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