The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, June 17, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Out of the Mouths of Babes (Pt 2) and Drew's Fantasy (Revisited)...

Drew and I were having this convoluted conversation about sex in the car on the way home from work the other day. We were, of course, having it in whispers because of the innocent ears happily riding in the back seat. Well...

Drew whispered, "How was I supposed to know you wanted to have sex? You didn't come to bed in sexy panties or anything?"

I rolled my eyes and whispered back, "I was naked for God's sake."

He snorted and said a bit too loudly, "So? You're always naked in bed."

And my sweet, innocent child started giggling.

So, I turn around and arch my brow at him, "What's so funny?"

"You. Naked." ... more giggling.

"And what's funny about that?"

No answer, just giggling so I turn an evil eye on Drew and the bastard starts laughing too. Well, now I'm a bit peeved so I sit back and contemplate pouting. But that lovely child of mine (did I mention how sweet and innocent he is?) blurted out, "I've seen you naked in the bed with daddy before!"

Oh. My. God. Please, please, please tell me he didn't see anything ummm... well, you know... "Oh. Really? Hmm."

"Yes, I came in to wake daddy cause I wanted to play Tony Hawk and you were sleeping naked."

Whoo. Thank God. "Oh. Okay." Crisis averted until...

"Pretty impressive -- for a girl?"

Huh? Excuse me? Come again? My Lord... Impressive? Where the hell did he learn that big word and how in the hell does he know what it means? For a girl? Just how many girls have you seen naked Cameron?

What am I supposed to say?? Umm... "Thank you Cameron."

"Yes, you looked very nice."

God help me... I almost choked on a Cheeto.

"I liked it."

And then Drew blurted out the most illogical thing I think I've ever heard him say, "Stop telling your mom she looks good naked."

Cameron snickerd, I tried not laugh and Drew glared.

That child is 5 years old and sometimes I hold my breath because you just never know what's going to come out of his mouth next.

Speaking of Cameron...

Ain't he cute?

While we're talking about nakedness...

Last night, out of the fucking blue Drew asked, "What would you do if I brought a woman home?"

Here we go again... "Excuse me?"

"Aimee... you know what I'm asking."

Of course I did but for pity's sake he could've given me a little warning before he put me on front street.


"Is this a rhetorical question Drew? Do you have someone in mind or something?"


Liar. Liar. Liar.

And then he blurted out, "You'd have to do some of the work, ya know."

Well DUH. What? Did he think I was just going to sit back and watch? Not bloody likely.

I swear, sometimes that man says the most asinine things.

Oh well, it's about quitting time for me. So, I'll catch y'all later.


At Fri Jun 17, 08:39:00 PM, Blogger Jaschocolate said...

Cameron is a swwetheart.. so cute..

At Fri Jun 17, 09:09:00 PM, Blogger Jay said...

Your son is incredibly cute, but in light of what I've just read, that cheeky smile of his now looks more like a leer...

So Drew wants a 3-way with you and another woman. Congratulations, you married a man.

At Sat Jun 18, 06:14:00 AM, Blogger grave_creek said...

awwwww......cute!cute!cute!!!you just wanna pinch those rosy cheeks!! and by cheeks i mean his face duh!!!lol!!! very intelligent for his age...god knows children grow so fast nowadays!!!..
whats that bout bringing another woman home??? huh.....some men just dont know how to appreciate the good stuff!!!!

At Mon Jun 20, 10:36:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Oh my gosh Aimee, he just gets cuter and cuter everytime you post a pic!!

At Thu Jun 23, 05:16:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Thank you all for your compliments on Cameron. I personally think he's a cutie too ;)

As for the other stuff, I'm fittin' to address that in a second.



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