The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I am so completely bored, I'm starting to feel giddy with it. And you should see me over here trying to look busy, there's no point in it either, no one is here to witness my effort. Kim leaves at 1 every day, Cathy had a hair appt., Terry is on a roadtrip, and Bill is at Olympia. It's just me and Warren (the warehouse guy). Speaking of Bill, he was peeved at me because he asked if he could just go home, and I said, "Nope." So he said, "Geez, you're a lousy boss." And I object to that! I've been on the verge of death all week, and I've still dragged my ass in here everyday! If I can't go home, he can't go home. And that's that.

So, while I'm sitting twiddling my thumbs, shuffling papers and doing absolutely nothing productive, it occurred to me that I never mentioned my newest accomplishment. It's not really an accomplishment per se, but if you're a lazy bitch like me, it sorta is. Anyhow, I joined Curves because my weight loss decided to come to a screeching halt and I feel ridiculously unsexy as of late. I needed to do something about it, and as soon as I get over this bloody cold, I'm going to get up off my lazy ass and go play with all those other lovely women trying to work off some excess pounds. Wish me luck.

Oh and my sweet child fell off his scooter and took a header into the concrete wall in front of our townhouse, and now he's got a big, fat, puffy black eye to show for it. My poor baby! I hate when he gets hurt, and I fretted and worried for HOURS about a concussion and a million other things. But thankfully, aside from the shiner, he's alright.

And that's it. I've been very lazy, and a mite depressed this week.


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