The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Aimee's Entry.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdon to know the difference...

That was my mantra this morning. Why? You ask. Well, for reasons that baffle me, my son, God love his sweet heart, morphed into a carbon copy, albeit a much smaller version, of his father this morning. Lord help me.

And I love them both, I do--quirks and all--but when Cameron suddenly takes on one of Drew's more annoying quirks, it's just not pretty. And since Drew told me as much, I happen to know that he feels the same way when Cameron takes on one of my less than lovable quirks (of which I have many). Matter of fact, Drew takes the time to lovingly point out these special moments to me so I'm aware of just how annoying I can be at times. Ain't he sweet? LOL. Like when we were driving to Gainesville, we'd stopped in Okeechobee to pick up Cameron at my mom's so he could go with us, and once we were on the road, Cameron was in the back watching The Incredibles on Drew's PSP, and he accidentally hit a button that sent him back to the main menu, and he couldn't figure out how to get back to where he was so he started that low grating sound in the back of his throat that sounds suspiciously like growling. Yes, I said growling. I know, I know, how awful, right? So Drew, the dratted man, smiled sweetly and said, "Hmm. I wonder where he gets that from?" Smartass. What? I only do it when I'm really frustrated.

But I digress.

Getting back to the point--Cameron was unreasonably contrary this morning. If he could complain about it, he did. The legs on his shorts are too long, and how's he supposed to bend his knees (the fact that he's worn those same shorts numerous times without incident was moot really because he wasn't hearing any of that), he doesn't want cool ranch doritos for snack today, he'd rather have regular ones (the fact that he picked them out himself was superfluous), I walked the dog entirely too quickly and that was unacceptable because how is he supposed to ride his scooter when I'm nagging him that it's time to go already (I didn't even bother mentioning that I didn't walk Bugsy any faster today than I normally do), and last but certainly not least, he's decided that he absolutely does not like the name Cameron and we must change it immediately, to what, he hasn't decided, but definitely not Cameron, that's not a cool name (I'm not even touching this one).

Sigh. If I didn't love that little monster...

Anyhow, Cameron's orneriness aside, my cold is much better, but it still gives me an unpleasant kick to the ass in the mornings (which made Cameron's cantankerous mood, oh, so pleasant). It's the cough that's really bothersome, and let me tell you, it wreaks havoc with my sleep. Ah well, it's on it's way out and that's all I can ask.

And my pal Jeff even entertained my bitchiness last night without batting an eye, LOL, you're super-fantastic, my friend. Thank you for calling, it's always nice chatting with you.

So, all in all, I'm in a decent mood.


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