The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Aim's Entry

Well, today didn't start out on a positive note. I woke up sick and feeling icky. I currently have a low grade fever, my head is all stuffy, my throat hurts and my ears are killing me, but since I'm having my infusion tonight, I'm hoping it'll give this wretched cold a little nudge toward the exit sign. Please God. And we're not even going to talk about the charlie horse that ripped me out of what was otherwise a rather pleasant sleep. Oh my God, that hurt.

Then there was a nasty little yelling match in Dunkin Donuts while I was trying to get my coffee, and I had the good luck to be standing behind the obnoxious asshole who started the whole ridiculous thing. Fuck me, he was so fucking rude and insulting. I completely understand why the girl behind the counter lost her temper, I would have too, but he just used her temper to fuel his idiocy and the whole thing got blown out of proportion, and now, of course, he wants her fired--asshole. Anyhow, I know the shift supervisor (and well, everyone who works the morning shift) so I gave her my cell number and asked her to have the manager call me because there's no reason that girl should lose her job just because some prick wanted a free a breakfast and decided to use her to get it. There was another nasty little yelling match in full swing when I got to work, but I didn't pay any mind to that one.

And then there's Drew. Sigh. As if I don't fret about enough stuff already, I have to add his health to my list. There is something wrong with his feet, his toes are purple and he wants to placate me by telling me it's a bad case of athlete's foot, but I'm not now nor have I ever been stupid. It's more than likely due to his weight combined with the fact that he's been told a thousand times that he's borderline diabetic and he needs to change his eating habits or he'll jump into full blown before he can blink. And you know, physically, I've never cared about the weight, that shit isn't important to me. Hell, Drew has been what most people would consider extremely overweight for as long as I can remember and it never made any difference to me, I've still always found him attractive. BUT when it comes to his health, I do care about the weight, and if losing it is going to fix the problem then that's what he damn well needs to do. And he will, dammit, even if I have to nag him until he'd like to strangle me. Drew and I may never get back together because when it comes to living together, it just doesn't work all that well, but I love him (even when I want to kill him), and I refuse to let him play around with his life.

But, and this is probably going to sound weird, putting aside all of the above, I'm actually in a wicked good mood today, there's no rhyme and there's no reason, I just am.

Oh, oh, oh--have I ever mentioned that my mommy is super-fantastic? Well, she is! She brought me a piece of Coca Cola Cake from Cracker Barrel a bit ago because she knows I love the stuff and they only have it once a year. I've been busting ass to try and get the rest of this weight off and this cake is so not good for my diet, but I don't really care, it's YUMMY!

Oh well, that's it. I hope everyone has a lovely day.


At Thu Mar 09, 09:58:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry about the nocturnal charlie horse. I get those once a year or so and wake up screaming. Not fun. I commiserate.

re Drew--it could also be peripheral artery disease, which can also be intensified heavily by weight. Nag him on over to the doctor.

I've never even heard of that cake. Sounds delish

At Sat Mar 11, 12:17:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Yes, love, you're absolutely right, they're SO not fun!

Nag him to the doctor I will, we'll probably want to kill each other by the time he actually gets there, but it's okay as long as he goes.

It is delish! I have a "copy-cat" recipe if you want it.


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