The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another weekend bites the dust.

And aside from a bunch of packing, cleaning, rearranging and moving stuff back upstairs that I swear I just moved downstairs, I didn’t do much of anything. And since today will be full of every one of those aforementioned things, I’m actually wishing this weekend would just be over already. Well, except that I have to have surgery tomorrow morning, and I’m thinking I’d rather skip that too, and jump straight into Tuesday. It sounds like a wonderful idea to me, not gonna happen, of course, but a girl can dream, can’t she?

And while I'm talking about surgery, thank you, Jeff, my kickass friend, for calling to let me know I was on your mind, it made me smile, and gave me comfort. You rock, really and truly, you do!

Anyhow, I guess it hasn’t been all work because I did go hang out with Drew last night. But since I didn’t get there until after 9 pm, we didn’t really do anything all that fun either, but it was relaxing and since I was in need of some of that, it was nice. We watched "Alexander", and it was pretty good, although I’ve never really been a big fan of Collin Farrell, I just don’t see the appeal. But have I ever mentioned how hot I think Angelina Jolie is? Well, I do--she is absolutely delectable.

So my dad is on his way (yippie), and he’ll no doubt drive me up a wall. I’ll be so happy when everything is finished and they’re all moved in because I swear, until then he’s going to drive me absolutely nuts. He gets so bitchy when he’s stressed and his bitchiness makes me bitchy--it’s a bad combo.

Oh well, I need to go get dressed because Cameron is spending the night at Drew’s and I have to drop him off before I immerse myself into packing, cleaning, rearranging, etc.

I hope you all are having a good one.

P.S. Oh, I almost forgot, it's been a year since Angie and I started blogging, cool, huh? And you know, I don't think either of us figured we'd last this long. So, here's to another one.


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