The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Aimee's Entry.

Through my rather impressive powers of perception (heh), I've come to discover that I am the only person residing in my house who actually knows how to wash the dishes. Trust me, I am. And I must say, this particular discovery has caused me a good amount of needless pain. Really, it has. I don't know if you all happen to remember that I, in all my wonderfulness (humor me, will ya), am no domestic goddess, not by a bloody long shot and I may or may not have mentioned that out of all the chores in all the world, dishes (washing, drying, hell, touching them even) is the one that detest the most! Don't these people, who, mind you, are supposed to love me, understand that I loathe dishes?? Loathe them, I say!! Huh?? Don't they?? Sigh.

Okay then, moving on...

It's been a ridiculously slow week in my ridiculously busy world (and boy if that isn't a contradiction...). Work has been absolutely, completely and certifiably NUTS! Let me tell you, working for an irrigation company in South Florida during the summer is nothing short of a walk through hell. God save me from homeowners before I go stark raving mad! Please, oh, please. But other than work, my week has been slow and boring and stress free.

But I do, however, miss my Cameron most emphatically, he's in High Springs with his grandparents for the week and I'm somewhat at a loss without him here. Sigh. And for some reason, I'm unusually tired today--I really, really am. I think I need a nap, 'tis a pity I won't be getting one.

And you know, I'm a bit peeved about something at the moment, but I'm not going to talk about it because trying to explain could get complicated and I'd either need to say more than I can or not enough and you'd all be confused. Meh, whatever--I'm agitated, but it'll pass.

And that's all folks, I'm done, stick a fork in me.


At Fri Jun 23, 09:18:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

sorry to rad about the peeving. You're getting "happier days" vibes from me now

At Sat Jun 24, 12:01:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Thank you, sweetness!


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