The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I (Heart) Hurricane Season!

Okay, really, I don't, loathe it maybe, severely dislike it absolutely, but love it, not a chance.

We're only 10 days in and there's already a Tropical Depression spinning around out there--what fun! But, the good thing is, this one isn't aiming straight for us and that's always nice. No, according to our friendly neighborhood weather man, Central Florida looks to be the target this go 'round and us South Floridians are just in for a whole mess of rain with some of the outer bands bringing "tropical conditions" (whatever the heck that means) over the next two days. Blah. I don't like rain, it makes me sleepy and makes driving a real bitch. I swear to anything holy, people around here completely lose their heads when it gets to storming, one would think they've never driven a car before. It's annoying.

Anyhow, my date last night had a couple nightmarish moments (not the company, mind you, they were fine, but some of the events), but as I'm still a bit peeved, I don't want to talk about it.

And that's all, I didn't do much more than go to the grocery store today and since there's a 90% chance of rain tomorrow, I doubt I'll be doing anything then either.


At Mon Jun 12, 10:27:00 AM, Blogger Drew said...

I've tried HARD not to ask the next question... but some force compells me-

Have you thought of moving someplace not so... Hurricany? I mean I know that your folks live near you... but maybe try to get them to move as well to a safer place( unless you don't like them in which case leave'm and the ATVs there)...

I'm just saying while I have to deal with SNOW in the Winter( and into April) I'd take that over Hurricanes, Gator Attacks, being Represented by Katherine { no f'ing relation} Harris, flash floods and earth quakes.

I know the last two don't happen in Fla. but you get the picture.

At Wed Jun 14, 11:17:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

I'm sorry, Drew, I completely missed this.

Sure, I've thought about leaving Florida, but never really all that seriously. You see, I'm kinda sorta stuck here because of my illness and all that "pre-existing" trauma health insurance companies throw at you.

But I agree, it would be nice to live somewhere that you didn't have to worry aboout some wicked ass Hurricane kicking the shit out of you.

Sigh. Maybe someday.

At Thu Jun 15, 06:52:00 PM, Blogger Drew said...

Umm... open mouth, insert foot?

I mean you JUST mentioned your health problems and I didn't for a second consider them when I asked this. I feel sorry.

It's just that I have a certian smugness for never wanting to live in Ca.- where all my bros live, because of the Earthquakes and other natural disasters. I think that Boston has it's draw backs( Red Sox fans and Public Transit) but by and large am glad that I've wound up living in the city I have- where I have rarely worried about power outages or other 'emergincies'

though this might change once they build a BIOLAB in Boston- the stups/.


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