The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Aimee's newest love.

I am absolutely, irrevocably and madly in love with this song, it's called "Love Song" by Pink and it's so incredibly beautiful. Christie has been trying unsuccessfully to get it for me for days because there's something I want her to do with it, but she can't find it. It sucks because I have it on my computer at work (my computer at home is useless, it won't even recognize a CD anymore--bloody Dell), but since I bought and downloaded it from yahoo music, it won't let me share more than 30 seconds of it with her. It's beginning to annoy me. Ah well, here's my newest love.

I've never written a love song
That didn't end in tears
Maybe you'll rewrite my love song
If you can replace my fears
I need your patience and guidance
And all your lovin' and more
When thunder rolls through my life
Will you be able to weather the storm?
There's so much I would give ya, baby
If I'd only let myself
There's this well of emotions
I feel I must protect
But what's the point of this armor
If it keeps the love away, too?
I'd rather bleed with cuts of love
Than live without any scars
Baby, can I trust this?
Or do all things end?
I need to hear that you'd die for me
Again and again and again
So tell me when you look in my eyes
Can you share all the pain and happy times
'Cause I will love you for the rest of my life
This is my very first love song
That didn't end in tears
I think you re-wrote my love song
For the rest of my years
I wil love you for the rest of my life

Love Song by Pink

Sigh. Lovely.


At Fri Jun 09, 07:02:00 PM, Blogger Drew said...

haven't heard this song BUT have heard and saw the video for her "I don't want to be a stupid girl" and I really enjoyed it.

Sadly I often get... for some odd reason... black eyed peas "My Humps" which is odd because I don't really listen to the black eyed peas...

At Sat Jun 10, 10:51:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

I've never actually seen the video for 'stupid girl', but I've heard the song. And I don't know what it is, but I love Pink.

I'm not a big fan of the Black Eyed Peas myself, they has some good songs on their last album, but this album kind of sucks.



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