MFB Art Productions.
This business venture is still a "work in progress" and this site is definitely still "under construction" but, here's a look at what Drew and I have been working on...
MFB Art Productions
If you're local and you're interested in viewing his portfolio or setting up an appointment for a free estimate, please fill out the contact form on the site's "contact us" page and Drew will give you a call to discuss the details.
In other news... My tattoo itches like a fucking bitch, Handsome Jack is unhappy with me because I won't let him have free reign to roam across my back and shoulders, I have to have a sonogram Friday (that will, according to my OB/GYN, most likely show nothing) followed by an appointment to discuss the sonograms results and my having a laparoscopy (cause he's certain the sonogram will, again, show nothing) to determine whether or not I have the endometriosis he suspects I have and I'm currently courting sun poisoning (which is rather unattractive).
Labels: Art, Drew, Life, MFB Productions