The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Oh, saints be praised, I finally got to wash my hair last night, and as silly as this'll sound because it was only a couple days, it was so blissful, seriously, it was pure bliss. Sigh. God, you have no idea how bad my head was itching.

And thank you Angie (my bestest pal ever--I love you), FFTVStar (who's name, I think, is Aimee too?), Dane (who, if he were closer, said he would've washed my hair for me--I would've let him. I love you too, my sweet), AJ (long time no see, babe), Stephen (it has been a while, and there's no need for apologies--I'll e-mail you) and last but certainly not least Jeff and Nina (for calling and the beautiful card and just being all around fantastic friends) for the love and support, it helped.

I'm feeling a bit better today, but it still hurts like bloody hell and since I've run out of the high-powered ibuprofen pills Cathy gave me, I'm trying not to think about the fact that the damn Extra Strength Tylenol the doctor prescibed isn't doing piss. He's an evil, evil man for not prescribing pain meds, he really is.

And honestly, I really haven't done all that much this week, well, aside from whimper and whine like an overgrown child, which sucks because I have so much that I have to do, but I'll get back to all that when I can, I suppose. And tonight is infusion time, which I'd usually dread, but this time I'm actually glad it's here because it'll help this thing heal faster, and that's a good thing.

Now, if you've a weak stomach, stop here, seriously, stop-right-here, go no further. I won't think less of you for it because honestly, I wouldn't want to look at it either, but unfortunately, I have no choice but to look at the icky, nasty, unpleasant thing.

Still with me? Well, I warned you.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Hey Ya'll

Aimee's having surgery this morning, please send positive thoughts and love her way today for a quick and easy proceedure and speedy recovery.


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another weekend bites the dust.

And aside from a bunch of packing, cleaning, rearranging and moving stuff back upstairs that I swear I just moved downstairs, I didn’t do much of anything. And since today will be full of every one of those aforementioned things, I’m actually wishing this weekend would just be over already. Well, except that I have to have surgery tomorrow morning, and I’m thinking I’d rather skip that too, and jump straight into Tuesday. It sounds like a wonderful idea to me, not gonna happen, of course, but a girl can dream, can’t she?

And while I'm talking about surgery, thank you, Jeff, my kickass friend, for calling to let me know I was on your mind, it made me smile, and gave me comfort. You rock, really and truly, you do!

Anyhow, I guess it hasn’t been all work because I did go hang out with Drew last night. But since I didn’t get there until after 9 pm, we didn’t really do anything all that fun either, but it was relaxing and since I was in need of some of that, it was nice. We watched "Alexander", and it was pretty good, although I’ve never really been a big fan of Collin Farrell, I just don’t see the appeal. But have I ever mentioned how hot I think Angelina Jolie is? Well, I do--she is absolutely delectable.

So my dad is on his way (yippie), and he’ll no doubt drive me up a wall. I’ll be so happy when everything is finished and they’re all moved in because I swear, until then he’s going to drive me absolutely nuts. He gets so bitchy when he’s stressed and his bitchiness makes me bitchy--it’s a bad combo.

Oh well, I need to go get dressed because Cameron is spending the night at Drew’s and I have to drop him off before I immerse myself into packing, cleaning, rearranging, etc.

I hope you all are having a good one.

P.S. Oh, I almost forgot, it's been a year since Angie and I started blogging, cool, huh? And you know, I don't think either of us figured we'd last this long. So, here's to another one.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I'm tired.

But staying up until an ungodly hour fretting about things (or people) you can't control will do that to you. And you know, with all the hurt she's caused me in recent months, I shouldn't worry so much about the woman, but I'm too soft to take that hard of a stance. And, good or bad, I love her, she's my family.

But over and above being physically tired, I'm mentally tired. And honestly, what tires me the most, is being the one always reaching, can't someone surprise me, and do the reaching for a change?

And boy, does the weather fit my mood perfectly...

Oh, don't mind me, I'm just having a pleasant time pitying myself.


I was very much asleep, and seeing as I never go to bed early, it was good, really good. But since Christie is in one of her suicidal places, that really good sleep wasn't to be, she pulled me right out of it--BAM--although I am kicking myself because by the time my brain caught up with what she was saying she was gone. And so I just woke my mom up too, and she's probably over there cursing me, but what am I gonna do? It had to be done. Oh well, c'est la vie and all that. And I wish the woman would call be back, and let me know that all is well so I could go back to bed.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Oh, goody goody gumdrops...

I get to have surgery. Yee haw, whoo hoo and all that jazz. The doctors office has to call me back later today after they've spoken to outpatient, but they're aiming for Monday. That sucks. Oh well, it's nothing I haven't done before so there's no sense feeling pissy about it. As to why, well, that's a bit of a grey area, the doc said that he doesn't believe it's cancer, but as it isn't painful, and it isn't going away, it needs to be cut out and sent to the pathologist so that they can biopsy it. So it looks like I'll be getting to visit all my friends in the North Broward Medical Center Outpatient Department again. Fun stuff.

And oddly, I'm not really worried, I just hate doctors and hospitals and surgical procedures of any kind, you know?

In other news: Ain't he cute?

I think so, but I might be more than a bit biased.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Why are Monday's such a bitch?

You have this joke of a weekend that just flies right by you--poof, and then it's gone--and suddenly you're starting the week with some godawful day that you'd like to completely erase from your memory bank. Blah.

So, can you guess how my day is going? And it's not really all that bad, but it isn't really all that great either. What it is--is annoyingly and tediously busy. And I'm trying to figure out when "professional laminator" became a part of my job title. I swear I couldn't find the word laminate or any variation of the word anywhere on my resume. Hmm. And you know, everytime Terry walks through my office, he says, "It's not the terminator, but the laminator." Smartass.

Anyhow, after my trip to Curves this evening I have to take Cameron to Target (or some such place) because I promised him that if he was good yesterday I'd get him a computer game, he's been asking for one for a while now. Thing is, my mouse sucks, seriously it does, it's one of those wireless ones and no matter where I put the damn reciever, it still tells me that the wireless signal is low and so it's a pain in the ass to use. I can already hear all the whining and complaining that will ensue when Cameron is trying to play whatever game he decides to get. Sigh. I suppose I could just buy a new one while we're at the store, but I hate to spend the extra money, you know, because that stuff isn't all that easy to come by now-a-days. Oh well, I guess I'll just deal with the little monsters complaining.

Aside from that, my night is wide open and I have no clue what I'm going to do to entertain myself, maybe I'll read book, there are a couple that I've been meaning to read but haven't gotten around to yet. We'll see.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

'Tis Sunday already--sigh.

Well, I got up much earlier today than I did yesterday, but that’s only because Cameron had some kind of problem with me trying to sleep (ornery brat), and even though I was up earlier, I’ve still managed to maintain that lazy status I was pushing yesterday. But I do believe that’s about to be viciously put to death as my dad just called, and that means he’ll be over here shortly harassing me into doing some of that work I didn’t do yesterday. Blah. Boo. Hiss. And no bloody fun.

Anyhow, Cameron is spending the day with his father, and let me tell you, that was an argument. He just did not want to go today, and he was a mite peeved at me because I made him. He has this thing lately where he doesn’t like to be away from home, he told my mom that it’s because he needs to be home with me, and that’s really sweet, but he needs to spend time with Drew too. But he was okay with it when I left him, so all is well, and I’m happy about that because I hate making him do something that he doesn’t want to do, but I just think it’s important that they spend time together.

And I can’t believe it’s Sunday already. Where the hell did the weekend go? Maybe I’m just getting old, but they seem to fly by me anymore. I wish time would slow down just a bit and give me a chance to catch up.

I lost another 3 lbs this week and how I managed to do that will forever remain a mystery, but maybe it’ll just keep going because I’ve got a bit to go before I’m happy with myself. I’m going to start the whole Curves thing on Monday so hopefully that’ll help it keep going in a positive direction. We’ll see.

And that’s it, I’m just sitting here waiting for my dad to get here and start harassing me. I hope you all have a lovely Sunday.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Laziness is my middle name (no lie, it is).

After I convinced myself that it’d probably be a good idea to get out of bed (after one, mind you), and let me tell you, that took a lot of convincing because my bed was feeling awful comfy (and I was thinking that it might be a good idea to just stay there snuggled up under the blankets all day, but alas, I did not), I proceeded to sit around and do absolutely nothing. Seriously, I didn’t do a damn thing today. God, I am so lazy.

Oh wait, after my mom brought Cameron home, I did actually rouse myself enough to take him to lunch. Go me. Anyhow, I took him to Old El Paso because he likes that place (personally, I think it’s okay, but it wouldn’t have been my first choice), and halfway through lunch he looked at me and said, "They have Mexican food here." Sigh, isn’t he cute? I think so.

And then Christie came over to get some of her things from the garage, and while she was here she left her cell phone sitting on the ledge in front of my townhouse, and someone stole it. People are such assholes, and I feel so bad because she’s been in one of her very dark places lately (did I ever mention that she’s bipolar/manic depressive, and has been prescribed meds that she won’t take), and she didn’t need another kick right now.

It’s Saturday, and typically I’d go out with Drew, but I haven’t talked to him today, and when I talked to him yesterday, he said whatever, if I was still feeling sick, we’d go out next week or something, and that sounds like a good idea to me because honestly, I don’t feel like doing a damn thing.

Tomorrow, of course, I’ll pay for today’s laziness because now that the garage is cleaned out, I’m going to have to start helping my dad move some of his and papaws things in there. Oh, what fun.

Anyhow, that’s it, and I think I’m going to go back to doing more of that nothing I’ve been doing all day.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I am so completely bored, I'm starting to feel giddy with it. And you should see me over here trying to look busy, there's no point in it either, no one is here to witness my effort. Kim leaves at 1 every day, Cathy had a hair appt., Terry is on a roadtrip, and Bill is at Olympia. It's just me and Warren (the warehouse guy). Speaking of Bill, he was peeved at me because he asked if he could just go home, and I said, "Nope." So he said, "Geez, you're a lousy boss." And I object to that! I've been on the verge of death all week, and I've still dragged my ass in here everyday! If I can't go home, he can't go home. And that's that.

So, while I'm sitting twiddling my thumbs, shuffling papers and doing absolutely nothing productive, it occurred to me that I never mentioned my newest accomplishment. It's not really an accomplishment per se, but if you're a lazy bitch like me, it sorta is. Anyhow, I joined Curves because my weight loss decided to come to a screeching halt and I feel ridiculously unsexy as of late. I needed to do something about it, and as soon as I get over this bloody cold, I'm going to get up off my lazy ass and go play with all those other lovely women trying to work off some excess pounds. Wish me luck.

Oh and my sweet child fell off his scooter and took a header into the concrete wall in front of our townhouse, and now he's got a big, fat, puffy black eye to show for it. My poor baby! I hate when he gets hurt, and I fretted and worried for HOURS about a concussion and a million other things. But thankfully, aside from the shiner, he's alright.

And that's it. I've been very lazy, and a mite depressed this week.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I'm in such a mood today. And if I had a quarter for every time I've uttered that phrase, I'd probably be a rich woman by now. Anyway, it all started last night, but if I'm being honest, it started months ago, and last night was just when it finally crashed through that wall of denial I'd stubbornly built up around myself and spun out of control. It was a rough night and I was in rough shape and I'm certainly paying for it today.

Oh, it's nothing all that serious or maybe it is, I don't know and truthfully, I don't want to know? And that's the problem, you see, because really, I just don't want to know. I don't. I just want it to go away and leave me alone, but I've let it go long enough to realize that it isn't going to do that. It's not going to go away, and I have to deal with it whether I like it or not.

One of my biggest faults has always been my uncanny way of hedging, it's what I do, and maybe it's wrong, but it allows me to walk around in a state of ignorant bliss, and as long as I'm in that state nothing could possibly go wrong, right? Wrong. Shit still happens when you're floating down the river of denial, only you're too wrapped up in that denial to admit that everything isn't alright, and as long as you stay there in that place, it isn't going to be. You're going to sink when you could have swam.

I've been dealing with this on my own because I didn't want to admit that it could be a problem (and I'm still hoping that it isn't), and sharing it would've been, in my eyes, giving it more credence than I thought it deserved. And that's just stupid because, though they are few, there are people I could have and should have turned to for help, support, advice, love, and yet I didn't, I kept it to myself. I needed (hell, I need) all of those things, and I could've had them if I wasn't so damn stubborn. And I'm truly sorry for that.

Anyway, I've had a lump in my right armpit (sounds icky, doesn't it) for months, and now that I've accepted that it isn't some swollen gland that's just going to go away, I've gone ahead and made an appointment with my surgeon and I guess we'll see what we see.

(And please, I don't want anyone to be hurt that I didn't share this with them. I didn't share this with anybody, not even my mother until this weekend, and that was wrong, I know. There are a few of you that I love very deeply and I should've shared this, it would've helped me deal with it better than I have, but sometimes I just have trouble laying my problems at other peoples feet because I know that they have their own lives and their own problems and they shouldn't have to take on mine too. And that's the wrong way to think because I know that when people love each other they're supposed to be there for one another through anything. But I'm telling you now, I need you.)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Aimee's Entry.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdon to know the difference...

That was my mantra this morning. Why? You ask. Well, for reasons that baffle me, my son, God love his sweet heart, morphed into a carbon copy, albeit a much smaller version, of his father this morning. Lord help me.

And I love them both, I do--quirks and all--but when Cameron suddenly takes on one of Drew's more annoying quirks, it's just not pretty. And since Drew told me as much, I happen to know that he feels the same way when Cameron takes on one of my less than lovable quirks (of which I have many). Matter of fact, Drew takes the time to lovingly point out these special moments to me so I'm aware of just how annoying I can be at times. Ain't he sweet? LOL. Like when we were driving to Gainesville, we'd stopped in Okeechobee to pick up Cameron at my mom's so he could go with us, and once we were on the road, Cameron was in the back watching The Incredibles on Drew's PSP, and he accidentally hit a button that sent him back to the main menu, and he couldn't figure out how to get back to where he was so he started that low grating sound in the back of his throat that sounds suspiciously like growling. Yes, I said growling. I know, I know, how awful, right? So Drew, the dratted man, smiled sweetly and said, "Hmm. I wonder where he gets that from?" Smartass. What? I only do it when I'm really frustrated.

But I digress.

Getting back to the point--Cameron was unreasonably contrary this morning. If he could complain about it, he did. The legs on his shorts are too long, and how's he supposed to bend his knees (the fact that he's worn those same shorts numerous times without incident was moot really because he wasn't hearing any of that), he doesn't want cool ranch doritos for snack today, he'd rather have regular ones (the fact that he picked them out himself was superfluous), I walked the dog entirely too quickly and that was unacceptable because how is he supposed to ride his scooter when I'm nagging him that it's time to go already (I didn't even bother mentioning that I didn't walk Bugsy any faster today than I normally do), and last but certainly not least, he's decided that he absolutely does not like the name Cameron and we must change it immediately, to what, he hasn't decided, but definitely not Cameron, that's not a cool name (I'm not even touching this one).

Sigh. If I didn't love that little monster...

Anyhow, Cameron's orneriness aside, my cold is much better, but it still gives me an unpleasant kick to the ass in the mornings (which made Cameron's cantankerous mood, oh, so pleasant). It's the cough that's really bothersome, and let me tell you, it wreaks havoc with my sleep. Ah well, it's on it's way out and that's all I can ask.

And my pal Jeff even entertained my bitchiness last night without batting an eye, LOL, you're super-fantastic, my friend. Thank you for calling, it's always nice chatting with you.

So, all in all, I'm in a decent mood.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Aimee's fun-filled weekend (*snort*).

Well, ladies and gents, I’m feeling downright miserable today (and yesterday and the day before). But today was hell, really and truly it was. Earlier I was quite literally wishing that someone would just please put me out of my misery. God, my head hurt, I couldn’t even begin to describe how bad. And I swear it feels like someone had themselves a field day pounding the hell out of my ribs. Ouch. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll feel human again eventually.

Anyhow, I didn’t really do a damn thing this weekend. Although, I did manage to whimper my way through cleaning out the garage with my dad because unless I was wearing a bloody toe tag, he wasn’t going to let me get out of that one. So that’s it, other than cleaning out my garage, the only thing I did was lay around and whimper pitifully every chance I got. Saturday night, I was actually contemplating stripping down to the skin and rolling around naked in a tub of Vicks VapoRub before curling up in bed to snuggle with my tiny white teddy bear (the poor thing, I smoosh him during cuddle time, but I don’t think he minds), but alas, I skipped the naked Vicks rolling and went straight to cuddle time, after overdosing on Nyquil, of course. Sigh. This fucker better go away soon cause I’ve about had enough.

And tomorrow is Monday, back to work--Yee Haw.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Oh Joy, more cleaning. Blah.

Well, this day is finally coming to a close (thank you God), and it's a good thing too because I feel like utter hell. All I wanna do right now is lay down and go to sleep for awhile, but that's not an option for me today because my mom isn't picking Cameron up like she normally does on Friday's. She picked him up last night because I was having my infusion, and she has Sarah tonight because Christie is working an over-nighter. Oh well, I'll just have to deal.

And I pray to anything holy that I feel better tomorrow because if I don't, it's going to be one hellacious day for me. We're cleaning out my garage because my dad needs to start moving stuff in. And since my garage is a fucking disaster area, it wasn't going to be any fun when I was feeling peachy, but now that I'm not, it's going to be sheer toture. Sigh.

Anyhow, cleaning out my garage and trying to finish clearing out the mess Christie left behind in the master bedroom so I can move back in there are the highlights of my weekend. Sounds fun, don't it?

Ah well, I do hope that you all have a much more exciting weekend than the one I'm sure to have.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Aim's Entry

Well, today didn't start out on a positive note. I woke up sick and feeling icky. I currently have a low grade fever, my head is all stuffy, my throat hurts and my ears are killing me, but since I'm having my infusion tonight, I'm hoping it'll give this wretched cold a little nudge toward the exit sign. Please God. And we're not even going to talk about the charlie horse that ripped me out of what was otherwise a rather pleasant sleep. Oh my God, that hurt.

Then there was a nasty little yelling match in Dunkin Donuts while I was trying to get my coffee, and I had the good luck to be standing behind the obnoxious asshole who started the whole ridiculous thing. Fuck me, he was so fucking rude and insulting. I completely understand why the girl behind the counter lost her temper, I would have too, but he just used her temper to fuel his idiocy and the whole thing got blown out of proportion, and now, of course, he wants her fired--asshole. Anyhow, I know the shift supervisor (and well, everyone who works the morning shift) so I gave her my cell number and asked her to have the manager call me because there's no reason that girl should lose her job just because some prick wanted a free a breakfast and decided to use her to get it. There was another nasty little yelling match in full swing when I got to work, but I didn't pay any mind to that one.

And then there's Drew. Sigh. As if I don't fret about enough stuff already, I have to add his health to my list. There is something wrong with his feet, his toes are purple and he wants to placate me by telling me it's a bad case of athlete's foot, but I'm not now nor have I ever been stupid. It's more than likely due to his weight combined with the fact that he's been told a thousand times that he's borderline diabetic and he needs to change his eating habits or he'll jump into full blown before he can blink. And you know, physically, I've never cared about the weight, that shit isn't important to me. Hell, Drew has been what most people would consider extremely overweight for as long as I can remember and it never made any difference to me, I've still always found him attractive. BUT when it comes to his health, I do care about the weight, and if losing it is going to fix the problem then that's what he damn well needs to do. And he will, dammit, even if I have to nag him until he'd like to strangle me. Drew and I may never get back together because when it comes to living together, it just doesn't work all that well, but I love him (even when I want to kill him), and I refuse to let him play around with his life.

But, and this is probably going to sound weird, putting aside all of the above, I'm actually in a wicked good mood today, there's no rhyme and there's no reason, I just am.

Oh, oh, oh--have I ever mentioned that my mommy is super-fantastic? Well, she is! She brought me a piece of Coca Cola Cake from Cracker Barrel a bit ago because she knows I love the stuff and they only have it once a year. I've been busting ass to try and get the rest of this weight off and this cake is so not good for my diet, but I don't really care, it's YUMMY!

Oh well, that's it. I hope everyone has a lovely day.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I have a tummy ache and it’s making me feel so incredibly icky. I hate tummy aches, especially the ones that make you feel nauseous. I swear, I’d rather have my teeth pulled then deal with one of those. I need someone to kiss it better. Please? Sigh.

Tummy ache aside, today was a fairly good day. Work wasn’t too crazy, Cameron was positively pleasant this evening (well except for when he fell off his scooter and busted his knee–my poor baby) and House was on, what more could a girl ask for? Mind you, I avoided calling Drew about the Parkinson’s Walk-a-Thon because then we would’ve argued and that would’ve put a damper on my fairly good day. I’m saving that one for tomorrow.

And you know, arguing over it is just so silly, but yet we do every year. You see, we’ve been volunteering at the annual Walk-a-Thon for the Parkinson’s Foundation for years--Drew paints faces and I just stand around looking pretty while I hand him colors and paper towels and refill his water cup and rinse off his brushes, etc. (well, except for that one year they coerced me into a clown suit and let me tell you, that ain’t happening again, not in this lifetime anyway), but since Drew has serious issues with my step-father (as does quite a few people) and my step-father is the reason we got involved in this, Drew and I fight about it every year. Personally, I don’t see the need for fighting over it, you know? I mean, if painting little butterflies and flowers and just silly things on the faces of these people makes them smile then who cares that you have a problem with my step-father? Because honestly, you’re doing it for them, not him. There’s this one really sweet older woman who waits for us every year because she wants Drew to paint an angel on her cheek, and I don’t know why he’d want to begrudge her that pleasure just because he doesn’t like my step-father. If I could do it myself, I would, but I can’t so I just need him to agree to do it without giving me a bunch of grief over it. Oh well, like I said, I’ll deal with that one tomorrow.

And that’s it, it was an anticlimactic and oddly pleasant day.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


If I were a bit more technologically inclined I would’ve posted some rather ancient pictures of yours truly that my dad found this afternoon while he was going through some of my gramma’s things, but alas, I’m not so you’ll just have to imagine how ridiculously cute I was(n’t) before the age of 10.

Well, I thought last week was rough at work, but let me tell you, today took the cake. It was awful, awful, awful--the day from hell--and I swear, I was 5 seconds from killing someone all day long, it’s a miracle I didn’t. It’s probably because I was (am) tired. The trip to Gainesville wore me out, and I just wasn’t ready to step into the mass chaos that was work today, I do believe I needed an extra day off to unwind, but that wasn’t to be.

And since I left the hospital yesterday I’ve been doing nothing but wishing that just this once, the "worst case" scenario was just that, a scenario, but that wasn’t to be either.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, life’s a bitch.

But on a positive note, Cameron got a smiley face for today on the behavior chart his teacher sends home from school daily. Go Cameron.

Anyhow, it was a rough day, but seeing as I’m feeling strangely mellow at the moment, I shall cease with the complaining and just say goodnight.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

And I'm off.

On the road again, and all that noise. It’s a rather long and tedious drive and we’re planning to stop for dinner on the way so I need to get out of here shortly because I have to stop in Boca to pick up Drew before I hit the turnpike.

I hope the remainder of your weekend is peachy--play nice and have some fun for me, will ya?

‘Til we meet again or some such thing... later.


This week has been blah, blah and more blah, all blah all the time, all work and no play, etc., etc., etc. And I’m tired.

Anyway, my mom took Cameron to Okeechobee for the weekend because there was a little problem with some jealousy earlier this week after Cameron found out that Sarah spent the weekend there a couple weeks back, and he hadn’t yet gotten to spend the night himself. So, I’m sitting here all by my lonely listening to some ridiculously sappy music while I debate whether or not I should just go to bed.

Tomorrow evening Drew and I are hitting the road for an unplanned trip to North Florida (High Springs to be exact, which is about 5 hours from here) to go visit with his father in the hospital. They’re still being elusive about what’s going on with him, but from the small pieces of information they’re giving us (they found a spot on his liver and need to biopsy to verify whether it’s benign or malignant), my mom said it doesn’t sound very good. She’s thinking in terms of worst case scenario, that because of the severe rectal bleeding which required an emergency blood transfusion, he’s got colon cancer that’s metastasized, and spread into the liver. And I’m sad, so very sad.

Life is such a fucking bitch at times it hardly seems worth it, but Otto (Drew’s dad) would be pissed at me for thinking that way so I’m trying to aim for some semblance of positivity, but sometimes that’s easier said than done.

Although Drew doesn’t follow his family’s religion anymore, he was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist and his family follows the practices of that religion to the letter. His parents are both missionaries and positivity in any situation is just their way, it’s perplexing to me at times because if I were in Mara’s (Drew’s mom) shoes I don’t think I’d be able to hold up near as well as she is. Her and I don’t agree on a lot of things (I’m far too liberal about many things that their religion considers sinful), but somehow we’ve always managed to overcome the differences in our beliefs and have an incredible love and respect for each other. You know, when I told her that Drew and I had separated, she said the most amazing thing to me, she said, "Aimee, no matter what happens between you and my son, it doesn't matter, we share blood, and though you could try, you couldn't separate the blood running through Cameron's veins into mine and yours, they're mixed, they always will be, just the way I'll always love you, you're mine." I admire her--her courage and her strength.

Again, whether you’re religious or not, I ask you to keep him in your thoughts, he needs good vibes, lots of them.

And that’s all really, it’s been a less than stellar week, and I’m glad it’s almost over.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


I'm not dead nor am I better, and I never did manage to make it to the doctor on Tuesday like I was supposed to or today and definitely not tomorrow, work is just too busy this week as we have monthly bills due to be turned into the builder on Friday. Oh well, I'm dealing and if it does't magically go away by Monday, I'll go to the doctor then.

Not much else has been happening in my world. Just work, work, work. Blah. And I don't forsee anything exciting going down anytime soon either. The most exciting thing I can think of that's coming up is I get my bedroom back, and I'm going to start moving my stuff back up there this weekend. It'll actually be a pain in the ass, but I'll be glad to have some privacy again.

And that's it, it's almost 2 in the morning and I have to get up at 6, I should probably go to bed. We'll see. Night.

P.S. Jeff, no they're not, I'll try to find a picture so you can see what I'm talking about.