The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, June 30, 2006

Aimee--It's Friday...

YAY! And saints be praised, I've been blessed with a 4-day weekend! Coolness! Since my Cameron is gone, I don't really know what I'm going to do with myself for fours days, but I'm certainly not complaining! It's like a mini-vacation and that's a very (very) lovely thing!

Thanks to a screw up with my meds, tonight I get to have my infusion, which kinda sorta sucks, but alas, it has to be done so I'm gonna be a good girl and just do it with nary a complaint uttered (probably--I mean, I might complain just a little). So while you're all out enjoying your Friday evening, I'll be hooked up to an IV pole in a drug induced coma--fun! Have some fun for me, will you?

Tomorrow is my families annual 4th of July BBQ/fireworks thingamajig and my mom really really wants me to go (she's reverted to bribing now, hmm, I really really want those shoes--LOL), but I don't know if I want to go, there's just so much drama going on lately and I don't think I'm up to dealing with it. We'll see.

I'm supposed to be working on penning a 15,000 word erotica themed story (a novella I believe that's called) so I can submit it to an eBook publisher and as my pal Sasha says, start trying to build my career. This would be a very good thing if I actually thought I could do it, but as always, I have doubts in myself. Maybe that's what I'll do with my 4 day weekend because I'll never know if I can actually do it unless I give it a try. Wish me luck.

And that's about it for me. I hope you all have a supre-fantastic weekend.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Aimee's Entry--Just a bunch of rambling, LOL.

You know, I have been in bed by 11 o'clock every night this week, it's an odd thing as I'm typically up until some ridiculous hour, but since I haven't been feeling at all well the last few days, it's been nice catching up on my sleep. I feel human today--a very cool thing.

Anyhow, while I was wandering around the net yesterday, I found these shoes at Beall's that I fell hopelessy in love with and I decided that I must have them! I must!

Image Hosted by

Arent't they cute? Anyway, I tried to con my mother into thinking it was a fabulous idea that she get them for me because you know, I'm like the wonderfullest daughter ever! But she wasn't buying it, literally and figuratively. She said, "Yes, Aims, those are adorible, you should have them, you really should! Let's go to Beall's after we work out so you can buy them for yourself." Isn't she mean? Well, she's really not, but still...

I also saw that they have my flip flops on sale and since I wear the ones I currently have to death, I'm thinking I should pick up another pair while they're still around. It's a crazy thing, but flip flops and sandals disappear and are magically replaced with more winter-like shoes some time shortly before Fall. I don't get that? I mean, it does get cold down here in South Florida, but the days it actually gets cold enought to wear winter-like shoes are so few and far between that it makes no sense to push them like they do.

And my Cameron is still not back and he won't be until July 7th (or knowing my mother-in-law, the 8th or the 9th), and I miss him something fierce, I really really do! He called me on Sunday because he had a bad dream during nap time and it was so lovely getting to talk to him. You see, usually when he's up there, our phone conversations are very short because he's anxious to get back to playing with his cousins, but this time he actually talked with me for a bit and it was wonderful! I can not wait until he comes home, I've started driving myself crazy counting the days!

Oh and I watched "Million Dollar Baby" this Sunday--absolutely incredible movie, but so very very sad! I cried and cried and cried, but still, if you haven't already, you should definitely watch it.

I was supposed to (and still might) go work out with my mom tonight, but before she left last night she told me she's thinking of going to church instead. I'd rather her come work out with me, but if she doesn't, it's alright, we'll just go together tomorrow night. And hopefully I'll be able to convince myself to get up in time to go this Saturady morning before they close, I've meant to go the last few Saturdays, but I always seem to be running behind and if you're not there by 11:30 am, it's a no go. And hey, if I don't go to Curves tonight (I hate going alone, you know), I can still roll around on my exercise ball and play with my weights before settling in to try and get a bit further into "Promise Me" by Harlan Coben--I love him, he's super-fantastic!

And that's all. I hope everyone is having a positively peachy week.

Monday, June 26, 2006


I don't know what the hell happened, but my body decided to rebel against me this weekend and it was a most unpleasant thing. I slept until 4 o'clock on Saturday and then I sorta felt like a rather large vehicle ran right over me and Sunday I didn't do much more than lay around in bed all day (Drew was a sweetheart, he hung out and watched movies with me all day), but Sunday night was kinda like hell on earth, I was weak and tired and I'd swear to anything that some awful prescence had taken up residence in my stomach and was having a field day kicking, twisting and otherwise making a mess of things in there--it hurt.

And honestly, I'm not feeling at all well today. Blah.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Since I miss my baby...

I'll just go ahead and post these pictures from Father's Day weekend (and I had to take some of them with my cell phone because I forgot my digital camera so they're not the best quality)...

^^Cameron and Drew at the skate park on Father's Day.


^^Drew watching Cameron

^^Cameron scaring mommy (sigh)


^^Cameron hanging out on my bed the Friday before Father's Day (6/16/06). He said that my bear looked lonely so he brought his bear to snuggle with mine. Ain't he sweet? Oh and that funky outfit is his Robin from Teen Titans Halloween costume--don't ask.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Aimee's Entry.

Through my rather impressive powers of perception (heh), I've come to discover that I am the only person residing in my house who actually knows how to wash the dishes. Trust me, I am. And I must say, this particular discovery has caused me a good amount of needless pain. Really, it has. I don't know if you all happen to remember that I, in all my wonderfulness (humor me, will ya), am no domestic goddess, not by a bloody long shot and I may or may not have mentioned that out of all the chores in all the world, dishes (washing, drying, hell, touching them even) is the one that detest the most! Don't these people, who, mind you, are supposed to love me, understand that I loathe dishes?? Loathe them, I say!! Huh?? Don't they?? Sigh.

Okay then, moving on...

It's been a ridiculously slow week in my ridiculously busy world (and boy if that isn't a contradiction...). Work has been absolutely, completely and certifiably NUTS! Let me tell you, working for an irrigation company in South Florida during the summer is nothing short of a walk through hell. God save me from homeowners before I go stark raving mad! Please, oh, please. But other than work, my week has been slow and boring and stress free.

But I do, however, miss my Cameron most emphatically, he's in High Springs with his grandparents for the week and I'm somewhat at a loss without him here. Sigh. And for some reason, I'm unusually tired today--I really, really am. I think I need a nap, 'tis a pity I won't be getting one.

And you know, I'm a bit peeved about something at the moment, but I'm not going to talk about it because trying to explain could get complicated and I'd either need to say more than I can or not enough and you'd all be confused. Meh, whatever--I'm agitated, but it'll pass.

And that's all folks, I'm done, stick a fork in me.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Angie's entry - It's Super Sized!

So do you really want to hear about how my vacation sucked? I could give you a day by day breakdown of events? I dunno, let's see what's been goin on since the last time I posted a few weeks back. How bad is it that I'm going to have to go back and see what I posted? Bad, and pretty boring I don't say so myself.

Monday May 29th, good gosh I'm a freaking slacker.

Can you believe that June is almost over? Summer officially starts tomorrow but it's been summer here for at least two months.

Ok, Here's what I can remember happening and to warn you - it's really nothing exciting.

Brother - got a new car, ot SUV I should say. He just got it last weekend I believe, but it's better than the piece of crap he had. He ended up leasing, which he wasn't real hot on, but it got him into a brand new vehicle for a good price. It's reliable and if he ever has any trouble with it all he has to do is call his girlfriends' dad, who sold it to him and he's good to go. I'm just glad that he's gotten something new. Some thing that won't leave him stranded somewhere with a huge repair bill.

Hottie - had a head wound. Ha ha ha! I love sayin that! The last time I was at Sista's for memorial day weekend, he had his son(which he wasn't susposed to) and went jet skiing, was messin around and sorta got his ass kicked by the jet ski. Poor baby! I told Sista that, that was his punishment for not hanging out with us and not playing the safer,non-head wound causing game of Texas Hold Em!
I haven't seen him since the weekend we slept together. I could have seen him last Friday before I left for Vegas, but I declined. Sista offered to go over to his house, right next door and get us inside, but I said no. She's like, I'd do it for you. I said no, he'll open the door and be like -0h no not you again! She insisted that he wouldn't but I said, no.
He was at home on a Friday night surfing the web about Vegas, which he leaves for this Thursday with his only other single friend that I've met before, he came up and played cards with us a few times.
I've been getting crap from friends about not moving things along with him, so I emailed my Sista yesterday and asked her what she thought if I sent him a text message on his cell. She was gettin ready to leave for the day, is in training today and will give me her thoughts tomorrow when she gets back into the office.
Sometimes she stumps me. The weekend he and I hooked up she was all for us, tellin me that for sure I wasn't reading his flirtation the wrong way and to go for it. Now, since the ex/DWI thing she's really pulled back and I can't figure out why. Maybe cause she knows more about his ex than she did before? But he's still the same guy. So I'm not sure what changed her opinion. I know that she only wants the very best for me, but the perfect guy isn't out there.
But like I've told others, even though I didn't see him on Friday, there's a certain comfort in knowing that he was at home surfing the net and not out on a date with some chick that wasn't me!!! :)
I'm sad and pathetic I know!!

So he's going out of town for the weekend and so am I.

So yesterday when we left sports fans, things had some promise, today - not so much. Sista got back to me on the cell phone number plan I had and explained why she's hot and cold.


He's not over some girl he dated before. I'm not sure how the time line works but, she's apparently the reason that things didn't work out with his baby's mama. Cause of this other chick. He and sista had a few drinks and got into some big deep conversation a few weeks back and he told her that no matter how hard he tries he can't get over this chick. Sounds like the problem my brother is or was having. Hanging onto someone that doesn't want you. Sucks.

So my crappy mood is even crappier. Just when things are looking up for me, something like this comes along and kicks me in the teeth. Just when I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm meant to be alone, someone like him comes along and makes me think that I can be happy, I deserve to be happy with a good guy, turns out to be too good to be true. Story of my life.

My friend Katie says that just cause of this other chick, doesn't mean that he doesn't have feelings for me. But Aimee, hit the nail on the head when she said "I get what Katie's saying because my mind traveled that path too, but I didn't say it because that way of thinking breeds more hope and if that isn't the way it is, more hope just leads to disappointment."

And she couldn't be more right.

Sista - and I and our other sista are going to SD to brother's to pick up my nephew, who's out there for this week at a swim camp that Brother is running. Then he's back in St. Cloud driving truck next week. I went up to Sista's on Sunday after I got back from the vacation that never should have been cause I needed to drop off her birthday present. Her birthday was on Saturday and she was just hangin out at home on Father's day. Her dad, my uncle, passed away a few years back, so I thought she could use the company. We watched some burger cook off thing from last year and made ourselves really hungry.
I brought her a set of tall shot glasses with her favorite baseball team logo on the front. She loved them and the piece of French Silk Pie that I got her. I didn't bring that back from Vegas, I bought it fresh. She jokingly asked if I had bought the pie at New York New York too. Just to clarify. We sat outside in the garage for a while cause it was so damn nice out. Then I headed home.
After exchanging a million emails today about our road trip and hottie, I think we're all good. No awkward moments hopefully.

Home - repair is the word of the week. I stopped at Menard's on Saturday while I was out running around in the 84 degree, humid as hell weather. I needed a new kitchen faucet because the one I had was a cheapy one and the Pur water filter I had on there was causing havoc. So I replaced that.
I bought some sheet rock patch cause the idiots that owned the place before me decided that it would be a good idea to not only use the screw that came with the shower curtain rod bumper to the wall, but let's glue it too. All the way around. So I spent some time the weekend before I left getting those off the wall and replacing the shower curtain liner, and rod.
This week I'm going to patch the holes and torn rock so I can sand it and repaint it. I also have some other holes that need to be patched, little ones from hanging X-Mas lights and such. So no better time that the present right?
I also bought some new silicone caulking for the bathroom where the crap between the tiles is crap. So after I replaced the kitchen sink, I went upstairs, sat in the bathtub and pried out all the old crap and replaced it with new stuff. I don't know that the white looks so good, so I may go over it with some beige color to match it better.
So that was Angie being a handi-woman so far. I still have to re-stain my shelves so they are a little darker before I polyurithaine them again.

I'm almost down to my goal weight. I'm 2.5 pounds away. Surprisingly I only gained 1.5 pounds while I was on vacation. Which I was surprised with. I didn't eat bad or anything, but not as good as I had been.

Side note, I bought the bra I'm wearing today before I left and it's the first time I'm wearing it and I love it. I might have to slowly replace the crappy ones I have now where the straps fall down off my shoulders and the cups don't fit like they used to. This bra is so comfy that I forgot I had it one. Funny thing is, it's the same size as my crappy ones, but it fits much better.

Ok, thanks. Just had to share that with you.

Work - is going good. At my part time job, our idiot, Eddy finally got the boot. His last day was last Friday and Jason was so happy that he hugged both me and Nicole. After squeezing his wife to death. So I'm sure I'm going to have a ton of work to do, cause he promised that he wasn't going to do any invoicing while I was gone. So I'll be working on Saturday for a while before heading out of town with Sista's.

Scrappie - was happy to see Grandma last Saturday and had lots of fun walking and walking, but by Thursday she was pacing the house looking for her mama. We spent the weekend hanging out and yesterday we went for a walk after I got home from work. She forgot that mama doesn't like her to stop and smell every other blade of grass. But she'll fall back into it.

Teresa - makes me crazy but she helped keep me from killing my vacation companion. She called me on Wednesday andwe talked for about an hour. She got her car situation figured out, her new boyfriend decided that with a baby on the way, he'd buy her a Cadillac Escalade. She has to pay the gas and insurance and he's making the payments. She's enjoying the perks of being with Andy but she's not really truly happy with him and I want to strangle her every time she says that she misses Tom. She has no business being in a relationship with someone when she's not over Tom. And I told her so. I also told her that I think it's pathetic that Andy knows she's not over Tom and is with her anyways. She thinks it's makes him a good person, I think it makes him an idiot willing to be her doormat because he wants a family that bad.
She never should have gotten pregnant, but she's one of those people that needs to be with a man or she feels incomplete. She'll never admit it out right, but it the truth.
Otherwise, she's fine. She's only got 4 more months until she's due. Oh and have I told you that Andy told her she doesn't have to go back to work? Yeah, and they're looking at a house on the lake. But Andy's house has to sell first.
Poor Brit is destroyed cause Tom won't return her calls and Tim, Brit's real dad, had enough and called Tom himself. As far as I know, nothing ever came of Tim's phone call. I told Teresa to suck it up and stop crying every time Brit needed to talk to her about it, she needed to put her own feelings aside and be a parent to her child.

Vegas - sucked. The company I was with was the worst of it. I had every intention of posting and getting it all off my chest, but in light of today's discoveries, I'm going to copy and paste from an email that I sent my friends:

I'm back from Vegas, and let's just say it was hot there. And in case I forget to tell you, the weather there is hot in the summer, it's the desert after all. Early morning, before 11 am and after sunset is a little cooler, but not by much. The next time I go, if there is a next time, it will be in the Spring or Fall, when it's much more comfortable to walk miles and miles up and down the strip. Or I'll win the lottery and stay downtown and gamble it all away.

The sights were good. I didn't make it downtown, in fact I didn't make it past Treasure Island, which if you've been there is quite a hike because once you get there, you have to turn around and walk back. But I got to see everything from the top of the Eiffel tower at Paris. Which at night is really cool. I hope my pictures turned out.

I came home with six new shot glasses and a few other souvenirs, the coolest by far being all the different colored M & M's from M & M World. The purple of course are by far my favorites.

Five days was definitely too long to be in Vegas, especially if you don't gamble like I don't. I played a penny slot the first night, but nothing after that. If you're there with the right person or people, and have an idea of the things you want to do and see, five days might be just enough time.

Went next door to Excalibur and saw Louie Anderson, he was great. Went to the Comedy Stop at the Trop (our hotel) and saw some comics, they were also good. I went to an Ansel Adams exhibit in the Bellagio which was amazing. The shark reef at Mandalay Bay was very cool and now I understand why Brother likes sharks. I hope I got some good pictures. The MGM Grand is huge. The roller coaster at New York New York was a great ride. The fountain at Bellagio is best seen at night and it's beautiful.

Other than that, Vegas is hot and not so clean. The ground is littered with advertisements for strippers and hookers, there's a lot of open space which kicks up a lot of dust when the wind blows. Rumor is that land on the strip is going for $25 million an acre. There's also rumor that they may tear down the Tropicana and rebuild it.

I've learned a few things on my trip and if you are planning on going to Vegas now or in the future, here's some words of wisdom:

~Make sure the person you are going with is someone you know you get along with and has similar interests as you. But can also be independent.

~Don't go to Vegas if you 't want to spend any money. It's expensive. I spent more money in Vegas on food (and I didn't eat that much) and water than I did on everything else combined in two weeks in Hawaii.

~Be prepared to walk. A LOT. The hotels look close together on TV, they are not. Bring tennis shoes.

~Don't go in the summer months: June, July or August. These are the hottest months to go.

I can now say that I've been to Vegas, it was and wasn't what I thought it would be, but I went and now I know what it's all about.

I am not the tour guide nor the camp director, or your mother. While by nature I do some research on the places I plan on visiting, just to familiarize myself with a new environment, that does not however mean that I am responsible for any one else's vacation but my own. If I wanted children I would have some and taken them with me on vacation. Also, I am not a seeing eye dog. Last time I checked, my eyes were for my own use. If you are not capable enough to get your eyes examined and get the appropriate corrections, that does not excuse you from paying attention to where we are walking and depending on me to lead the way.

Sorry for the vent.

I learned that the person I went with - I shouldn't have.

Anyways, I'm glad to be home!!

And now that you've been re-capped on the past two weeks and then some. I'm gonn head out.

I'm going to go tanning and then stop by the tattoo shop that's near my house and see if I have any better luck getting my re-color done. The twp artists that I was hoping to do mine aren't available for a few weeks. So I'm looking into alternatives. I'm also thinking and re-thinking my belly button ring idea. I'm just not sure, but I feel the need to change something, and I'm just not cool enough to pull off a tiny nose stud or tongue ring. And a bellt button ring I can hide when I want. But I really think I'm too old for that. But we'll see.

Have a good one, please feel free to let me know what an idiot I am for any of the things I said in the above post. I can take it.


Sunday, June 18, 2006

A day of Happiness, all around...

Happy Birthday, Evan--one of my absolute favorite people like ever. I hope you have a super-fantastic day, full of anything and everything that makes you happy, sweets!

And since it's Father's Day too, Evan gets double "Happy's" (no, triple, wait, unlimited--yes, unlimited) and of course, the rest of you Father's out there, have a splendidly happy one too.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Drew's Tag Back.

Because Drew insists that sanity is VASTLY overrated (LOL), he tagged back on the "five questions" meme and seeing as I'm the lousiest question asker like ever, it's taken me this long to come up with five questions for him. They're not the best questions (I did mention how lousy I am at this questions asking thing, didn't I? Heh), but here they are...

1. I'm not familiar with the EFF, but seeing as they have an affection for my mailbox, I am familiar with the ACLU, so, why those two? And does one tempt you more than the other?

2. From reading your blog, I know that you're not happy with your current job (or your previous ones from what I gather) and you'd like a job utilizing your education, but putting all things aside--educational background, comfort level, financial issues, etc.--what area of work, above all others, would make you the happiest job wise? Or simply put, do you have a dream job, Drew?

3. You said your mom used to work at National Lampoon (an adult humor mag)--I think that's way cool, btw--so, I'm curious, what was that like?

4. I have a couple friends in the Boston area, but I've never actually been there, it sounds like you're rather fond of it though, so I'm wondering, if I were to come to Boston, what's the one thing that I absolutely must see and/or do while I'm there? And why?

5. And because reading is one of my absolute favorite things to do, I'm going to turn your question around on you. Do you have a favorite book and/or author that you'd recommend I check out? And what is it about the book and/or author that sets it/them apart from others?

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Aimee--Five Questions Thingamajigger...

I sorta kinda asked Drew to ask me "Five Questions" and if you play by the rules, anyone who would like for me to ask them "Five Questions", just needs to leave their request in my comments (although, if you love me and care for my sanity, you'll be a pal and not ask--LOL).

First- Wanted to ask this for ages; what’s up with you and Angie? Why don’t the two of you have your OWN blogs?

Ah, very good question, with a rather complicated answer. I think we've been asked this question before, but for the life of me I can not remember how we responded, so I shall go back, way way back (LOL)...

Angie and I met in 2003 on a fan fiction site/forum (who's link and/or name I shant be saying because I'm a grudge holding bitch), I was a moderator there and Angie was a member, we both wrote fan fiction and though our paths crossed quite often, we didn't really start building our friendship until we were near the end of our association with this site/forum.

You see, one dark and stormy night (heh), a negative force entered my realm and pretended to befriend me, but her intent was actually to wreak all kinds of havoc between myself and the owner of this site/forum (who I was very very good friends with), which she did quite effectively, btw, and in the process of fucking up that relationship, this dark force went ahead and decided to drag Angie, feet first, smack dab into the middle of the melee she'd launched against moi. The dumb bitch apparently got it into her head that if she attacked Angie and accused her of all kinds of weird "conspiracy theories" and meaningless unfounded bullshit, she'd somehow pit Angie and I against each other and put an end to our friendship, but that wasn't what happened. On the contrary, all she managed to do was piss Angie off and take the friendship that was slowly growing between Angie and I and catapult it into one of the closest relationships I've ever shared with anyone.

And when the dust settled, Angie and I said, (pardon our language) "fuck them", and started our own fan fiction site. And because we started this site dedicated solely to our writing and we'd become such good friends in the process, we thought it'd be cool to start a blog together. So we did. And there you have it. We don't update as much as we used to and I've always been a bit more chatty than Angie, but from the get go, neither of us ever thought to start our separate blogs, only together.

Question the Second; what one lesson/ teaching do you want Cameron to take with him when he moves out. What, above all other lessons, do you think is the most important thing for you to teach your son for him to have a good life?

Acceptance. Of himself. Of his life. Of his choices. Of others. Of their lives. Of their choices. There are so many different types of people and just as many different types of lifestyles and more times than not, those who choose an "alternative" lifestyle or one that society deems "unacceptable" have to struggle to be what it is they want to be or live how they want to live and aside from pissing me off, that makes me sad. Who is anybody to deem or judge what is or isn't acceptable for somebody else? People should be free to be whatever they want to be and live however thay want to live and not have to worry about being accepted. So above all else, I want Cameron to learn accapetance and to know that no matter what path he chooses in life, he'll always be accepted and he'll always be loved.

Third Question- Your blog is the only one I’ve seen with links to Charity web sites. Can you tell me abit about why you did that; and why you chose the 7 that you listed?

Because we're a couple of charitable ladies, Angie and I (LOL). But all jokes aside, I link charity web sites because as an individual, there isn't much that I can do personally to help those who need it and I feel very strongly about what these charities do to help others who do not have the means to help themselves.

As for the seven I've (we've) chosen, some are more personal than others for me (us), but all are near and dear to my heart.

IDF (Immune Deficiency Foundation) -- Is probably the most personal for me as I was diagnosed with an immune deficiency, I do belive it's coming up on ten years ago, and the IDF does so much to help those who struggle with immune deficiencies, from acceptance issues to helping them get needed information about IVIG shortages and recalls to helping them set up infusion therapy to helping them deal with the insurance nightmare that almost all immune deficient patients have to go through and so much more. They're a wonderful organization one that I personally, would be lost without.

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation -- This is Angie's baby as someone she loves has Cystic Fibrosis.

Make A Wish Foundation -- When I was old enough to draw a paycheck, I started having money deducted and donated to the Make A Wish Foundation because I've always adored children, all children, they're beautiful and innocent and bring so much joy, so if I can help in any way to make a wish come true for a sick or special child, I will.

HRC (Human Rights Campaign) -- I've been a member of the Human Rights Campaign for quite a while now because I believe wholeheartedly in equality for all. All the judgemental bullshit and prejudice in the world today is disgusting and sad and so completely unnecessary. What most of these people fail to understand or accept is that you are no better than I and I am no better than you, we are equal and we both deserve the same rights.

Million For Marriage -- I don't believe that anyone, least of all our government, has a right to decide who should or shouldn't be allowed to marry. If two people love and respect each other, no matter what their sexual orientation happens to be, they should be able to legally marry each other if that is their wish. -- AIDS is a devastating disease and one that too many people turn away from because they either consider it a "homosexual" disease or one aquired solely through deviant behavior. It isn't. And to be that one-dimensional speaks volumes about the vast amount of ignorance spreading through our country. I could probably go on for days, but I'll stop now before I get up on my soapbox and get carried away.

National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. -- The obvious answer would be that I am a woman and that puts me at risk of aquiring breast cancer some time in my life, but it's a bit more personal than that. Because of my immune deficiency, I have a much higher risk of aquiring breast cancer (as well as lung and gastrointestinal) than most women and if you combine that with my family's extensive history of aquiring various forms of cancer, breast cancer becomes a very scary thing for me. I, personally, have had two breast cancer scares in the last four years and I'm fairly positive they won't be my only.

Question #4- Do you have a favorite book? And if so, why is it your favorite?

Just one? Goodness, no. I do, on the other hand, have a favorite author--J.D. Robb, and any one of her books could easily be considered my favorite. Why? Because I love her writing style, she's witty and fun and engaging and sarcastic and addicting. She is, for lack of a better phrase, one kickass writer. She writes the "In Death" series set in the 2050's about homicide detective, Eve Dallas, and if I had to pick what I love most about her books, it'd be her characters, they aren't merely characters, they're people, she invites you into their world and by the end of the book, you either love them or you hate them, but you feel like you've known them for years. It's good stuff, I'd recommend her to anyone.

And the last one- I notice that you have two erotic links on your web page, so have you given any thought about what you would do when you find a stack of Cameron’s porn as you clean up his room( in a few years of course ;-) ). And if so, how do you think you’ll handle it?

What a fantastic question, Drew. I do, in fact, have erotic sites linked to my blog and this would be because I love erotic material (reading it, writing it, watching it--I don't discriminate) of all kinds, but one of my favorites is erotica in it's written form. And before I get to answering your actual question, if you enjoy written erotica, I highly recommend Lazy Geisha, she is an extremely talented and multifaceted writer.

Alright, now back to your question--No, I haven't given it any thought, but now that you mention it, I probably should. How would I handle it? Huh. Well, if I'm being honest, the first thing I'd do is probably sit down and take a look through what he's got there. All you gaspers, suck it back in, will ya? What'd you expect me to do? Rant, rave, cry? Nope, that's not me. Everyone, even children (of appropriate age, mind you, because it'd be a different story if it happened now when Cameron is only 6) are curious about sex and exploring their sexuality, it's natural and nothing to be ashamed of. So if I were to rant, rave or cry over finding porn in Cameron's room, what kind of message would I be sending him? A negative one and I wouldn't want to do that. After taking a look through what he's got, I'd more than likely call his father and discuss with him the best way to approach Cameron (again, this would depend on his age). I don't believe it's wise to try and repress anyones sexuality or sexual urges nor do I think it's wise or right to make anyone feel ashamed about those sexual urges, they're natural not shameful. So I suppose I'd just want him to know that it's okay and if he's intending to move beyond visual or mental stimulation, that he understands the possible consequences and knows how to protect himself. And this probably won't be the most popular answer because in my experience, a lot of parents tend to take an irrational and somewhat radical approach when it comes to the subject of sex and their children, but it is my answer and hell, I've never cared all that much about being popular anyway.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I (Heart) Hurricane Season!

Okay, really, I don't, loathe it maybe, severely dislike it absolutely, but love it, not a chance.

We're only 10 days in and there's already a Tropical Depression spinning around out there--what fun! But, the good thing is, this one isn't aiming straight for us and that's always nice. No, according to our friendly neighborhood weather man, Central Florida looks to be the target this go 'round and us South Floridians are just in for a whole mess of rain with some of the outer bands bringing "tropical conditions" (whatever the heck that means) over the next two days. Blah. I don't like rain, it makes me sleepy and makes driving a real bitch. I swear to anything holy, people around here completely lose their heads when it gets to storming, one would think they've never driven a car before. It's annoying.

Anyhow, my date last night had a couple nightmarish moments (not the company, mind you, they were fine, but some of the events), but as I'm still a bit peeved, I don't want to talk about it.

And that's all, I didn't do much more than go to the grocery store today and since there's a 90% chance of rain tomorrow, I doubt I'll be doing anything then either.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Ugh, today was an extremely long day, most likely due to the fact that I didn't really do much of anything so the time sort of just trickled on by at a snails pace, but that's not to say it was a bad day, it wasn't, just a long one.

Anyhow, Drew and I came to an impasse of sorts earlier today over the fact that I didn't call him last night because I've been doing the calling lately and I was wondering if he'd call if I didn't (you following me), which he did not. So when he called me at work earlier to say that he missed my call last night, I explained to him why I didn't call and he came back with, "So you didn't call because you were being spiteful." And I object to that, I was most certainly not being spiteful. Maybe I was playing a little "tit for tat", but there was absolutely no malice involved. He did not fully agree that there was no spiteful intentions, so we decided to reasonably agree to disagree. But, spite or no spite, we have a date tonight (it was supposed to be tomorrow night but when we were agreeing to disagree earlier, he changed it to tonight) to do what I have absolutely no clue, but something which is better than the nothing I typically do on Friday night. Besides, Drew and I usually always have fun when we go out.

And that's really all I have planned this weekend, Cameron begged and pleaded to go spend Friday and Saturday night at my mom's because there's that badass ATV up there and he's been itching to ride it (sigh), so he just rode off with my mom and I'm all by my lonely until Sunday. Woe is me. I shall miss the little monster, but now that summer is here, between my mom and Drew's parents, I expect my baby to be spending a bit more time away from home than he normally does. Sniffle.

Well, I hope you all have an absolutely lovely weekend. Really and truly.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Aimee's newest love.

I am absolutely, irrevocably and madly in love with this song, it's called "Love Song" by Pink and it's so incredibly beautiful. Christie has been trying unsuccessfully to get it for me for days because there's something I want her to do with it, but she can't find it. It sucks because I have it on my computer at work (my computer at home is useless, it won't even recognize a CD anymore--bloody Dell), but since I bought and downloaded it from yahoo music, it won't let me share more than 30 seconds of it with her. It's beginning to annoy me. Ah well, here's my newest love.

I've never written a love song
That didn't end in tears
Maybe you'll rewrite my love song
If you can replace my fears
I need your patience and guidance
And all your lovin' and more
When thunder rolls through my life
Will you be able to weather the storm?
There's so much I would give ya, baby
If I'd only let myself
There's this well of emotions
I feel I must protect
But what's the point of this armor
If it keeps the love away, too?
I'd rather bleed with cuts of love
Than live without any scars
Baby, can I trust this?
Or do all things end?
I need to hear that you'd die for me
Again and again and again
So tell me when you look in my eyes
Can you share all the pain and happy times
'Cause I will love you for the rest of my life
This is my very first love song
That didn't end in tears
I think you re-wrote my love song
For the rest of my years
I wil love you for the rest of my life

Love Song by Pink

Sigh. Lovely.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Aimee's feeling icky.

I think I'm coming down with something, aside from being incredibly tired, a bit achy and more than a bit moody, I woke up with a sore throat this morning. Ick. It bites. I don't like getting sick (does anyone really?) because usually when I do, it decides to settle in for a nice long stay. Well, hopefully whatever it is will pass through quickly. Cross your fingers for me, will ya?

Work has been absolutely nuts this week! And since I work for an irrigation company and summer is here, it isn't bound to slow down anytime soon. Summer is always crazy at work, but since we've been a hell of a lot busier than we usually are these last couple months, this summer is bound to be a nightmare. But it's alright, we're so busy, the days practically fly by.

And Cameron is loving this whole summer vacation thing, he and my dad go hang out at the pool for hours every day while I'm at work and he thinks that's the coolest. He's all tan now, it's adorible. I never tan, just burn, how unfair is that?

Oh, I almost forgot, my cousin Jaime and I have managed to reconnect with each other and we've been e-mailing since late last week--it's been so awesome talking to her again. She left Florida and moved to San Diego, CA shortly after I got married and we completely lost touch with each other. It always made me sad because we were so tight growing up. She's married now and living in Hawaii, how cool is that? She's been through some shit and I'm so happy she's finally found some happiness! I haven't spoken to my other cousin Wendy in just about as long and though we weren't as close because of age the difference, I've missed her a whole bunch too, but Jaime said she's still in California and doing pretty good for herself. And Cindy, my oldest cousin, who I do talk to periodically with the occasional e-mail thrown in, just got married on Saturday, I really wish I could have made it for that because my mom said it was beautiful, but she lives in Louisiana and since I have limited vacation time, I just couldn't take the time off right now. But I'm supposed to be getting pictures shortly--I can't wait!

Anyhow, aside from not physically feeling well, things have been pretty quiet around here, I'm feeling rather happy lately and it's good.

Monday, June 05, 2006


But now that I've said that, I have to admit that this one hasn't been so bad. This weekend, on the other hand, was most definitely blah. Aside from dinner with Drew on Saturady night, I didn't do much of anything but sit inside on my lazy ass because the weather was wicked nasty pretty much all weekend. And then there was all that smoke and ash flying around, choking you every time you stepped outside and coating your car with a nice dirty layer of ick. Those damn brush fires again, and let me tell you, it's a bit intimidating having them close enough that it makes it so smoggy outside you have to squint to see. Though I think I heard on the news this morning that they finally managed to put this one out. Whew.

Saturday night (Sunday morning--whichever), I decided to stay up until 5 in the morning like an ass (and let me tell you, I had to literally crawl to the bed--I told Jeff I woulf, LOL), so I was most unhappy when Cameron crawled into bed with me and started harrassing me about breakfast at 8. Ugh. I mumbled something incoherent about bananas and juice boxes, but the lovely child couldn't get the banana off the thingamajig (he broke the silly thing in half trying), so I stumbled my way down stairs and did the whole cereal, banana, juice box thing myself after which, try as I might, I could not go back to sleep. Drew picked Cameron up at about 10:30 and I tried again to fall back asleep, but it was a no go so I gave up and got up. And then proceeded to do nothing other than clean out the refridgerator the rest of the day. I think I should probably feel guilty, but I don't.

Anyhow, by the time I hit the sheets last night I was dead on my feet. I crashed. Gone. Finshed. Out of there. It was great, but then I absolutely did not want to get up this morining. At all. But sadly, I did anyway because I have this thing about calling in sick, I just can't do it.

And that's pretty much it for me. I hope you all had a far more entertaining weekend than I.

Saturday, June 03, 2006


It's such an icky day, see...

But Cameron is having a ball driving everyone crazy--little monster o'mine.

But it's cool because all this rain gave me an excuse (heh) to sit around on my lazy ass and play on Amazon all day.

And oh my goodness, I just about died and went to heaven! Seriously, I did. I love to read (love, love, love it) and anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb groupie without apology. So how cool is it that I just discovered she has all these super-fantastic books coming out.

Angels Fall -- July 11, 2006

Morrigan's Cross --August 29, 2006

Dance of the Gods -- October 3, 2006

Valley of Silence -- October 31, 2006

Born in Death -- November 7, 2006

Five books in five months (and two in October (happy sigh), that just might be my favorite month this year! Sweet! I can't wait! Really, I can't.

Alright, goofy moment over--moving on...

That's it actually. It's bloody pouring outside and there isn't all that much to do when it's raining like that, well, there's sleep, but that wouldn't be any fun to talk about, would it? Nope, I'm thinking not.

So I'm off to find more things that I absolutely must have.

I hope you're all having a good one.

Friday, June 02, 2006


This is for Drew and anyone else who doesn't know what "Heely's" are.

What they are, in my opinion, is obnoxious and bloody dangerous. Sigh.