The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Happy Administrative Professionals Day... all you Administrative Professionals out there. Hope it's a good one.

Alright, no more talking about my long, hot, steamy showers--that was so yesterday. Besides now you know about my random dalliances with body lotions and foot cream and shimmering body sprays so what else is there to say?

Anyhow, I had a nice day, really I did. I got flowers and a balloon and a card and they made me a pretty sign and bought me lunch. I feel so loved.

Wanna see? Well, if you insist (heh heh)...

Ain't that just the sweetest thing? Me thinks so.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Look Ma, I'm a GIRL!

So last night I was feeling particularly girly (don't ask why, I have no idea, it's not the norm) and because I was feeling all soft and feminine (gag), I decided to have fun with myself (no, not that kind of fun--the primpy fussy kind--I know, boring, but what can I say? I was in the mood). So after a long, hot, steamy and I must say, heavenly shower I got to playing with all this cool girly stuff I've managed to collect. And you know, it was fun. I'm gonna have to do it again sometime.

Anyhow, I discovered that there are a few things I own and never use that I absolutely adore. Who'da thunk it?

^^ Like this stuff, it's super-fantastic. Seriously, it is! Ahhh, my feet were so soft and minty smelling. It was good.

^^ And this too. I don't know why, but I love the smell of shea butter and my hands smelled like it all night. Yummy and good. And soft too. I like soft.

^^ Now I don't know if I've ever mentioned my odd love of lipgloss (probably), but this stuff is delectable. I'm serious, it tastes good and it makes my lips all soft and shiny. Wonderful stuff. I highly recommend it.

^^ This is the body spray, which I don't have ( and they only sell it during the Winter months though I actually saw it on ebay the other day but since I never can remember to remind myself that I've bid on something, I didn't even bother), but I do have the lotion and my God, it smells SO extremely wonderful! Like apples, candy ones (LOL). Anyhow, I slathered that stuff all over me and I must say, I was smelling pretty damn good.

^^ But my absolute favorite thing (like ever) is this stuff (and I do have this), not only does it smell as heavenly as the lotion, but it makes me all sparkly. And I like sparkly. Another odd love of mine.

So there you have it, when I went to bed last night, I was all soft and sparkly and I smelled like candy apples. YUM.

It's ashame you weren't around to see or smell or touch cause it was good stuff.

(Psst... this post is a perfect example of what happens when I have absolutely nothing to talk about)

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Today was a lazy day. I did absolutely nothing worth talking about. Well, unless you want to hear about my trip to the grocery store, but I'm not figuring you do.

Anyhow, here's some more pictures of my ornery child (who, mind you, only half-ass cleaned his room--brat).

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Same ole, same ole...

Well, it’s Saturday and I just got back from Curves (yes, I, Aimee (the lazy one) dragged my ass out of bed like a good girl and made sure I was there for my workout before 11:30am, which is the cut off because they close at noon--Go me) and now I’m trying to trick myself into thinking that going back to bed is a bad idea (I’m not quite convinced yet).

Anyhow, as per my typical Friday night routine, I didn’t do a damn thing last night but sit here and stare aimlessly at nothing in particular. I did play e-mail tag with Jeff for a little while and I also talked to Drew briefly, he got himself a car and he’s excited about that, me too because I thought it sucked that he had no way to get anywhere, but other than that, nothing. I know, I’m so exciting, aren’t I?

Oh, oh, oh--do you know what my child (you know, the one I love more than anything) did last night (No, of course you don’t)? He went to bed by himself. No saying goodnight to me. No hug. No kiss. No tucking in. Nothing. Just off to bed all by himself (without me, dammit). Now that was just wrong! Doesn’t he understand that since he’s started to grow up on me, I still need him to need me for something, even if it’s just our silly nighttime ritual. Sigh. Ah well, c’est la vie, I suppose.

And we, Cameron and I, don’t have anything planned for today, he still needs to finish cleaning his room, he started last night but he’s not quite done yet and mean mommy that I am won’t allow him to do any fun stuff until his room is completely clean. So I doubt we’ll be doing anything today, hopefully he’ll get that wrapped up today so we can do something cool tomorrow. We’ll see.

And as there’s nothing going on ‘round here, that’s all folks.

I hope everyone else is having a fantastic Saturday.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

You know...

...Aimee is slightly agitated about something at the moment. Seriously, I am.

Two days in a row my home phone has started ringing at an ungodly hour of the morning (3:55am and 4:34am). And after I stumble out of bed half unconscious, trip over a hundred things on the way to my desk, curse under my breath, etc.--I pick up the phone and my "Private Caller" (I hate when people block their info) doesn't say a bloody thing!

What's with that?

I don't give a rats ass about what time the calls are coming in, but the fact that whoever it is has decided that after I drag my ass out of bed to answer it, they're not going to say anything!

It's SO annoying!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Since g_c is curious as to how in hell I managed to burn my hand, I shall explain. But keep in mind that I never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed.

Alright, I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I have a thing for coffee--love the stuff--and for one reason or another I was really really in the mood for some last night and since I’m lazy, I asked my dad to make me some--super-fantastic man that he is, he did. Well, seeing as he made it and all, I figured it’d probably be wrong of me to ask him to fix me a cup too, so I got up off my lazy ass and wandered into the kitchen to make my own damn cup of coffee. My dad was still in the kitchen doing something or other with the pots and pans so I grabbed the coffee cup he’d set out for me and stuck it under the coffee maker (I have one of those coffee makers that doesn’t have a pot, you just press the cup against this big button thing-a-ma-jig and wallah), after which I proceeded to completely ignore what I was doing while I stared intently at my dad, trying to figure out what the hell he was doing with those damn pots and pans. Anyhow, while I was busy watching my dad play with the pots and pans my coffee cup reached it’s capacity and that scalding hot coffee I was wanting so bad had nowhere else to go but all over my hand. And because I have no sense, instead of letting go of the cup like any rational person would do, I held on to it. Then to make it that much more fun, like the genius I am, I headed for the sink (on the opposite side of the kitchen) sloshing more scalding hot coffee all over my hand and the floor and the counter and every damn place.

Dumb, dumb, dumb but well, what can I say? I do some dumb shit sometimes.


...we're not going to talk about the first degree burns spanning across my knuckles in some odd haphazard pattern, we're just not! Well, other than to say, slathering neospirin antibiotic cream all over the hand you burnt the bloody bitching hell out of and then rubbing your eye is NOT a good idea. Nope, not at all.

Anyhow, it's Tuesday, which as it should, is going better than Monday, but not by much. Work has been insane for a while now and when my vacation rolls around (and yes, I am taking one this year, dammit), I'll have earned every bloody second of it. And I'm going to try my damndest not to feel guilty about taking it either. But alas, I probably will cause I just love the peeps I work with, even the ornery ones.

And that's it really, it's been work-work-work and not much else lately.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Go Aimee, go, go...

I don't really have much of anything to talk about, it's Monday and in typical Monday fashion, it was a lousy day and to increase the lousiness factor, I've pretty much felt a step down from blah for most of it. And that's mainly because tonight I was making my first apperance at Curves since I was forced to take a unplanned hiatus from my nifty new workout plan last month and since it has been a month since I joined Curves that meant weight and measurement time. With only two workouts under my belt, it was bound to be bad news. Bummer.

Except it wasn't, not really. Somehow I managed to lose a pound, lower my BMI and lose a half inch in every spot (chest, arm, waist, abdomen, hips) except my thighs. Go figure that one. It's a mystery, but I'm not complaining.

So I'm not feeling so blah anymore. Go me.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


...I did something wicked evil to my back today and don’t ask me what because honestly, I have no clue what-so-ever, all I know is it hurts like hell.

And tomorrow is Monday. What’s with that, huh? Where’d the weekend go for pity’s sake? I swear, it was here and then poof it was gone. Sucks.

Friday I took a nap after work because I’m just lazy like that and then I sat around until some ungodly hour doing absolutely nothing. Fun, huh?

Saturday was a bit hectic and it felt like I was running behind all day (it’s probably that nap I tried to slip in smack in the middle of the day–see above excuse)–I took Cameron to the Easter egg hunt at my dad’s church bright and early (seriously, we were up entirely too early for my liking) and he had a blast so it was cool, Bugsy had a vet appt. at 11:00 so we hauled ass that way after the egg hunt. And after the vet I had to run down to some furniture store with my dad because he was wanting to buy this couch but he insisted that I see it, sit on it, etc. first. I thought it was just peachy so he bought it and they’re delivering it Tuesday (which means that I’ll be helping my dad lug out the old one tomorrow after work and Curves–fun). We got home about 2:30 and I decided that a nap was a fabulous idea but Cameron wasn’t having any of the craziness so he kept harassing me, that is, until my dad decided to take him over to the pool around 3:30 so I could get my nap on. Which I did, but since I was supposed to be at Drew’s house by 6:15 because we were seeing a movie at 7:00, it wasn’t such a smart idea to sleep until 5 and then run around like an idiot trying to get ready (especially since that happened to coincide with Cameron’s return from the pool and I ended up having to get him all fixed up at the same time–I’m lousy at multi-tasking), needless to say, I was late. I got to Drew’s at 6:45 and broke several speeding laws in an effort to get to the movie theater on time (I made it and I didn’t even miss the previews–Go Aimee). We saw V for Vendetta, it was good and I now have a list of all the movies I want to go see but undoubtedly won’t.

Remember how I mentioned getting up entirely too early on Saturday? Well, that was bloody late compared to today, seriously, we got up at the crack of dawn this morning and I was NOT a happy camper. And it’s all because I promised my papaw that we’d go to church with them on Easter Sunday (they go every Sunday and since I’m not a church person (horrible I know) I’ve been dodging that one quite successfully for weeks, but my luck ran out this morning). Cameron was awful, but I expected he would be and I would’ve been okay with it, but the little monster had to go saying crazy stuff in the middle of the sermon. You see, we were sitting there and he kept wiggling around and then he started grabbing at his crotch so I leaned over and whispered, "Stop that." And my sweet child looked up at me and said, "I can’t mom, I don’t have any underwear on." Sigh. I guess I can’t let him dress himself anymore.

After church and gulping down a quick cup of coffee so I didn’t hurt anyone once the caffeine headache set in, we (Christie, Sarah, Cameron, Drew and I) headed for my mom’s house in Okeechobee (that’s a ridiculously long drive) for Easter lunch with the family. And that’s pretty much where we spent the rest of the day/evening before we turned around and took the 2 hour drive back.

And now it’s all over and back to work tomorrow for me. Blah.

I hope anyone who celebrates Easter had a happy one.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Yeah, yeah, yeah--I know...

I need to stop with all the pictures already or turn this bloody thing into a picture blog, but I just can't help myself.

And you know, I gotta feel for Cameron sometimes because it must get annoying having some woman constantly chasing you around with a camera, but again, I can't help myself, he's my baby, the only one I'm ever going to have so I get carried away. You should see the ridiculous amount of pictures I have from when he was teeny tiny (he was so cute), it's obnoxious.

Anyhow, the youth minister at my dad's church invited Cameron to an Easter egg hunt so like the good mommy I am (*snort*), I took him.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Blah, blah, blah.

Today was completely uneventful and tonight is pretty much the same, I'm just sitting here doing a whole bunch of nothing--fun, huh? So needless to say, I have absolutely nothing to talk about.

Anyhow, I was harrassing my kid with the camera again earlier. So here ya go, more pictures.

^^ Ain't he cute?

^^ This is a bad picture, but I think he looks cute.

^^ Cameron wanted to take one too. Don't I look pretty with no make-up? NOT. What I look, is rough.

^^ Awww...

^^ Nighty night.

Alright it's back to the wonderful world of nothing for me. I hope you're all having a more exciting night than I. See ya.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I’ve been so tired lately. I don’t know why, really? Depression? Angst? Stress? All of the above? And I remember now why Friday night was alright--I slept it away--got home at 6, was asleep by 6:20, my dad woke me up around 9 because he said I needed to eat something and I was back in bed by 10:20--I didn’t resurface until around 10 on Saturday morning. It can’t possibly be bad if you’re unconscious, right?

Anyhow, when I got home from work this evening, I was beat. I dragged my tired ass up the stairs and stood there in the doorway of my room staring longingly at my bed--the house was quiet (Cameron is in Okeechobee with my mom for a couple days), I was tired and I couldn’t think of one thing that I absolutely had to do. And a nap sure sounded heavenly. So I crawled into bed with my lover, curled myself into him (or rather, around him) and indulged in what was a splendid two hours of nothingness. Heaven indeed.

Have I never mentioned my lover? No? For shame. My love is a tiny little thing and he’s a bit on the pale side and it’s strange really, but he has a thing for these cute little red ear muffs, I swear, he never takes them off (I think they’re sewn in--the poor thing). But that’s no matter because Little E (don’t ask, I won’t tell) loves me and he’s always there to comfort me when I need him (and even when I don’t). And best of all, he never complains when I’m cranky or clingy or weepy or whiny or (bless him) when I smother and smoosh his cute little body (though I do wish he’d stay under my chin where I put him, somehow the ornery little thing always ends up snuggled comfortably between my breasts--I think he does it on purpose). No, he just loves me. And I love him.

So I’m feeling pretty good, still a bit tired, but good.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


DeShaun "Big Proof" Holton -- D12's Finest

10/2/75 to 4/11/06

I'm sure there are some of you who have no idea who Proof is, but I'd still like you to give a moment of silence for an extremely talented man who died senselessly and far before his time.

They say the good die young,

Thats why I think that you should have fun (when you're young)

Cos time won't wait for no one (uh huh)

When god calls, you gotta go home (go home)

They say the good die young, (die young)

Thats why I know that we gotta have fun,

In this life, cos you only get one

When God calls for me, don't cry, I just went home

Good Die Young -- D12

Good Morning!

Well, no, but there's always a chance it'll get better. One can hope anyway.

Anyhow, as indicated, my day started off on a bad note. Why? You ask. Well, if you came into your office at 8 in the fucking morning and found your desk kicked halfway across the room and your shit all over the floor (some of it broken--dammit) because someone (and I won't say who but I swear, I have a whole lot to say to them later) had a ridiculously childish temper tantrum and it happened to be while they were in your office, you might be a bit pissed too. Shit like that bothers me because it's just so pointless and doesn't accomplish anything other than pissing people (in this case, me) off who had absolutely nothing to do with what pissed them off, you know? Oh well--whatever.

And you know, since last week was such a bitch, I was determined to start this week on a positive note and I guess yesterday was okay, the headache that was taunting me all day was a bit of a pisser, but other than that, it was alright. I think the problem is, it was an emotionally trying weekend and that didn't exactly set me up for a happy-go-lucky week. Friday was alright, I suppose, but my Saturday night date with Drew went in a completely unexpected direction, which as painful as it was, needed to happen. And out of respect for him and fairness to both of us, I won't be talking about that night or what was said here because it's far too personal.

Then there's the problems that have developed with the damn incision from my surgery. It's not doing so well, and honestly, I don't know why I expected it to, I never can seem to heal like normal people. Sucks for me.

So, unfortunately, this week isn't looking much better than last week, but hell, it's only Tuesday, right?

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I love you, Angie!

I hope it was a super-fantastic one, cupcake. And I wish that I could've been there to spend it with you!

Your gifts are going out this week, I'm sorry they're late.

*Kisses* & *Hugs*!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

I bet...'re all wishing I hadn't gone out and bought that card reader for my digital camera, huh? Well, I did and since I did, I'm going to make you suffer through more pictures of my ornery child, but it's okay because he's cute.

Anyway, my mom and I took Cameron to some Easter thingamajig this afternoon at the South Florida Fair Grounds, it was hotter than hell out, but he had fun.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Thank the gods it's Friday...

Seriously. It's been one bitch of a week and I've been in one bitch of a mood.

Warren, my poor warehouse guy, who (as Cathy puts it) "likes" me, pulled up a chair yesterday and asked, "Are you alright, hon, because you've been a bit testy all week." I had to laugh, not at him, mind you, but at the word he chose, let me tell you, he was being extremely nice because testy is a mild word for what I've been this week.

The other day I said there was "no rhyme and no reason" for my mood this week, but that's just bullshit because there are a whole myriad of rhymes and reasons, I just don't feel like talking about them because it's pointless really and won't do anything but rehash what's bothering me.

Anyhow, it's Friday and I'm bound and determined to pull myself out of this miserable funk I've been in this week so I can start on a positive note next. Wish me luck.

And have a great weekend.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I was going to waste a ridiculous amount of time and write what I'm sure would have been a rather vile and completely unproductive post, but fuck it, I'm just not in the mood. I'm feeling nasty--very, very nasty--and I have been since I woke up Monday morning. There's no rhyme and certainly no reason, I just am.

Oh well, who cares. Fuck it--that's my motto this week.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Aimee -- Mondays, love 'em!

I was late this morning (dammit), traffic was hell, work was a bitch and if I don't have peace and quiet in my house tonight, I just might hurt somebody.

So how was your day?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

More Pictures...

Since I just know how much you guys enjoyed the pictures I posted of my bedroom last night (*snort*), I'm going to post more pictures to entertain (bore) you with. But no more free tours of my bedroom, it's the Parkinson's Walk-a-thon today. Ooo, exciting (not). And I'm even posting the horrible ones of myself that were taken, just scroll down real quick and you shouldn't be frightened too badly (I'm not kidding, they ARE pretty bad ones).

^^ Me, my mom and Christie

^^ Me.

^^ Me (my darling child told me that I look ugly in this picture. Ain't he sweet? I can't get upset with him though as I do believe he has a point).

^^ Drew and Cameron.

^^ Me.

^^ Christie and Sarah.

^^ Sarah.

^^ Christie.

^^ Cameron.

^^ My mom, Cameron and Sarah.

^^ My mom, Cameron and Sarah.

^^ Cameron and Sarah.

^^ Cameron and Sarah.

^^ Cameron.