It's been a bit of a while since I've visited this space but truth to tell, there hasn't been a hell of a lot going on that's worth talking about.
Recenetly, I did get to reconnect with my best friend, Tracie, who I haven't spoken to in 6 years and that's a lovely thing. It's been awesome catching up with her.
Cameron is doing wonderful. We put him in summer camp this year and it's done wonders for his behavioral issues. He also met a couple new friends around his age that recently moved in, they're totally cool and their friendship has really helped him open up. There are still a few issues that we're working on and the new school year hasn't started yet but right now, he's doing really, really good. YAY!
Drew has been doing a series of paintings on famous people for a local gallery and that's been a blessing because there's been next to no steady work coming in from his regular job. There's also some talk of possibly doing some murals and such in Dubai, he'd be gone for too long and I'm not happy with that but he'd be making extremely good money and it would be an incredible thing to have on his resume so he's excited about it.
My Handsome Jack is a picky little monster, I've added a new ingredient to his salad and he's not really feeling it. He's so ornery and if I weren't so smitten, there'd be trouble. I took him to the vet a couple weeks ago and was happy to learn that he's not only very healthy but he's only about 10 months old and is indeed a boy.
Harley is growng like a weed too. He's (though he may be a girl, too soon to tell) all about the crickets these days (ate damn near 100 yesterday) and won't give the tasty greens we provide a second look. He's also discovered his little beard and now feels inclined to beard us on a regular basis. It's more cute than intimidating.
Hulk has discovered the power of sucking up and now realizes if he sucks up on the regular he's regaled with those tasty little treats he so desires. He's a lazy one, our hulk, but when he gets to feeling playful, he goes all out and everyone must watch their feet.
And me, well, I'm doing alright, I suppose. This year has been a bit hard on me healthwise and financially things have sucked out loud but lately, I've been feeling a-okay with everything and right now, I'm good with that.
Labels: Cameron, Captain Jack, Drew, Harley, Hulk, Life