The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, March 30, 2009

It's Monday!

And for reasons that elude me, especially considering I went to bed before 11:00 last night, I'm crazy tired today. Monday's suck hard to begin with and being tired on top of the suckiness just makes it that much more suckier. You follow that?

When my last post ended, the Mudcats were 3 and 1 but alas, a few bad games were played wherein our lovely players did not have their heads remotely in the game and so, we lost. Pity, that. Let's see...

5th Game, we lost. Mudcats 4 - Muckdogs 8.

6th Game, we lost. Mudcats 2 - Rock Hounds 13.

7th Game, we lost. Mudcats 7 - Indians 10.

8th Game, we won. Mudcats 7 - Sidewinders 1.

We're now 4 and 4. All 4 of our losses were to a National team. And I don't know whether they're intimidated by them or it's something else but every time we play a National team (which is not typical until the play-offs but there were a lack of teams in both leagues this year so we're playing each other), our team has trouble getting started and by the time we pull it together, winning is pretty much impossible.

What else? What else?

OH! Cameron had his first sleepover this weekend! I was nervous, nervous, nervous! but he had a great time and as much as I fretted, I'm not thinking it was at all necessary. My baby is growing up on me. So sad.

I have some kind of strange area on one of my ankles and no one can figure out quite what it is? Bug bite seems to be the most common suggestion but it's been there for over two weeks so I'm not sure if I agree with that suggestion. Weird.

And that's really it, not too much going on, same ole same ole, you know?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What's up?

For me, it's all about Little League Baseball these days. If we're not at practice, we're at a game but while it does take up a lot of our free time (especially considering Drew's an Assistant Coach), it's a good thing because it's been very (very) good for my Cameron.

Cameron's team is the Mudcats. Practice started sometime in the beginning of February, Opening Ceremonies were held on Friday March 6th (where we won 1st place in the "Skills" competition--YAY!) and our first game was Tuesday March 10th (we won that one too!). The Mudcats are currently 3 and 1.

1st Game, we won. Mudcats 10 -- Scrappers 7.

2nd Game, we won. Mudcats 8 -- Storm 2.

3rd Game, we lost. Mudcats 7 -- Marlins 8. (Note: While we did lose this game by 1 run, it was (as yet) the best fricken' game we've had, it was very challenging, the Marlins are a GOOD team and we held our own so we didn't so much mind losing this one. Plus, my Cameron recieved the game ball and that rocked!)

4th Game, we won. Mudcats 12 -- Thunder 7.

It's been an awesome season so far and more than that, it's been so wonderful for Cameron, he's happier and more secure with himself than I've seen him in a long time. Good stuff. Our next game is this coming Saturday and me, who generally likes no sports, can't wait!

Aside from that, there's not much going on. Really.

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Friday, March 06, 2009

All this clutter...

... is just not good for those closet OCD-ish qualities I posses.

It's driving me batty! Batty, I tell you! Sigh.