The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, June 24, 2005

Angie's Entry - It's Friday

. . here in a very weather challenged Minnesota. Yesterday it was a blazin 96 degrees and that is without the humidity. I think at one point in the day I heard the heat index was up around 105. Now if you live in a dry climate, 105 degrees is no big deal, but when it's humid - it's just plain old nasty.

Today it's storming, currently, and susposed to clear up in the next few hours and then be partly cloudy and 80-something.

This week has been fairly quiet. Our new cost accountant started. They found a replacement for Stacy. He's not a controller like she was but rather an accounting supervisor. I'm hoping that I will still be "working for" Paul. Or have Tim (our CFO) as my direct boss. But we'll see. He doesn't start until the 6th of July.

Oh and I'm working the 4th. Yey. Oh well, that just means double time for me. I can crank up my radio and rock out whilest entering payroll.

Haven't heard from Aaron all week. Which is rather odd. I half expect him to text me tonight, but then again I don't. I dunno.

My mom and I are getting together tomorrow to do some shoe shopping and have lunch. It's wierd, I feel like I hardly talk to her anymore. I used to talk to her like every couple days at least. I dunno. I get lazy sometimes too. I can be very bad about picking up the phone.

Other than that, life has been pretty boring on my end.

Nicole has a softball tourney this weekend that I'm going to try and get to. I'm the official groupie! Go me! The girls on her team are really cool tho. We were sitting in the shade last night after their game and one of the girls is married, but dates men and women. It wasn't clear (to me) whether or not she's still with her husband.

Then another girl is gay and is seeing two chicks at the same time. She met them in the same bar in the same night! Scandlous! Her "husband", he's more like her Jack (as in Jack from "Will and Grace", Jack) and he's a hoot. He's been gay since forever and this is the first time he'll be going to Pride. I'm like - dude! I'm straight and I'VE been to Pride. He's just hitting the gay bars and I think I've been to more gay bars than he has! It was just something I found funny.

Their a cool group of gals. So I'm gonna try and get to a few games if I can.

I've been trying to get to together with my friend Teresa without any luck. We live 20 minutes from each other and I haven't seen her in like 2 months. It's summer - so she goes up to her cabin like every weekend. I can't pick up and go on a moments notice cause of the doggy child, so it leaves little time for us to connect. If it weren't for instant messaging, good gosh!

Well, I can't think of anything more to babble on about, so that must mean it's a good time to stop.

Have a safe and fun weekend!


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