The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Aimee--Much ado about nothing...

Ugh, I woke up with the most vile headache this morning! And for some reason I'm feeling somewhat overtired, like I'm dragging a bit (blah), guess I didn't sleep quite as good as I thought I did. No fun.

Anyhow, my mom was back last night (she's going to be bunking in Camerons room Monday through Thursday for the next month or two) and since we discovered that Curves was closed because they're doing some roof repairs, we headed over to Walmart (one of my least favorite places in the world) so she could pick up a few things for her lunches this week and while we were there, I got myself a couple pairs of the cutest, most comfy panties I've had the pleasure of covering my ass with. Seriously, they are so frickin' cute and they had them in all kinds of wonderful colors--orange, mint green, lime green, red, teal, lavender and grey, brown and black with little white polka dots (I got the black with little white polka dots and lavender)! I wish I could find a picture, but alas, I can't! No matter, I absolutely adore them and I must get me some more!

Alrighty then, enough about my underwear--LOL.

So I came into work this morning and the Big Man cornered me...

He: "What's this shit I hear about you taking 10 days off?"

Me: "Six."

He: "What?"

Me: "Six."

He: "Six what?"

Me: "Days. Six days."

He: "Six, ten--whatever. What're you needin' with six days off?"

Me: "What I'm needin' is a vacation."

And so the Big Man spent the next 15 minutes explaining to me what he feels I absolutely "should" fit into my vacation itinerary. LOL. I positively adore that man. And though I doubt I'll do any of his absolute "shoulds", it was incredibly sweet of him to suggest them.

My warehouse guy just handed me this "Jazz: Strawberries & Cream Diet Pepsi" he got for me to try and it's a bit weird tasting, I'm kinda sorta thinking I don't really like it all that much. And since there's a whole 12 pack in there, I'm really hoping it'll grow on me.

My Cameron is heading up to Okeechobee in a little bit to spend the night with Christie and Sarah (he's been driving me batty about it for over a week cause he's been wanting to ride his ATV--can't say I blame him, that thing is kick ass) and I'm not really wanting him to go because he was away from me for so long when he went to High Springs, but since it's just for a short time, I gave in. I shall miss the little booger. My mom will probably enjoy it as she gets the bed all to herself for a night, no feet to the stomach or elbows to the ribs for her this night. LOL.

And that's it really, I haven't been doing much more than working and being lazy of late, so there's not too much to chat about. I hope you all are having a fantastic week thus far.


At Tue Jul 25, 01:36:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Strawberries and Cream Diet Pepsi sounds delish.

And I absolutely love the colour teal.

Sorry your day is a little off. I think I overslept myself

At Thu Jul 27, 11:16:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Know what's better? The Black Cherry French Vanilla Diet Pepsi--that stuff is SO yummy!

I can defintely do teal.

And thanks, my love! I'm sorry yours was off too.


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