The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, July 14, 2006

Aimee -- TGIF! For sure.

Good Morning! And I'm in such an odd little mood this morning too. Let’s see, I’m one part irritated, one part giddy, two parts snappy and four parts tired--wonder what’ll happen once I’m shaken and stirred? Hmm. Speaking of mixed drinks (even though we weren’t really), I spied some Midori when I was rifling through the cabinets the other day, now if I just had some sweet ‘n sour mix and a few maraschino cherries, I’d be good to go. And if my fat ass weren’t on a bloody diet, I’d for sure go out and get me some. Sigh.

Well, last night my Cameron and I got into our first argument since he’s been home. Blah. And it never would’ve happened if he hadn’t have been so mouthy and I’d have felt a little less like road kill. At one point, he turned around and went storming out of my room so I yelled (yes, dammit, I yelled), “Uh uh, where do you think you’re going? Turn your behind right back around and get in here now.” To which he replied, “Why? You don’t even like me.” SIGH. Doesn’t the little brat understand that I love him with every ounce of my being? Apparently not, but we’re all cool now. There are no more mad feelings towards each other and lots of hugs, kisses and I love you’s were exchanged.

Oh, oh, oh did I tell you that he learned to ride a bike while he was gone? I’m so incredibly proud of him! Drew tried numerous times to teach him, but they always just ended up mad with each other because Drew sometimes lacks the patience necessary to deal with Cameron’s fear of falling, etc. But I guess Otto (Drew’s dad) took him out with Thomas’ (Cameron’s cousin) bike one afternoon and taught him to ride. It’s an awesome thing and he’s so happy because now the neighborhood kids can’t make fun of him anymore because he doesn’t know how to ride a bike. And as much as I loathe them, he’s gotten pretty damn good on those awful heely’s too.

Anyway, I just found out that someone (I won’t say who, but if you think about it for a minute, you’ll probably figure it out) has been popping off at the mouth behind my back about how some of my “decisions” in the last year or so are disgusting and sinful and blah, blah, blah. Well, personally, I don’t give a rats fucking ass about what they think of my “decisions”, this is my life and as long as I’m not harming those whom I love (which I’m not), I will live it however I see fit and if how I choose to live my life and the decisions I’ve made make me disgusting or sinful (so on and so forth) in their eyes that’s too bad, I just can’t find it in me to care, especially considering the mess they’ve made of their own life. I am so tempted to spout off a bit of that religious scripture they’re always pushing off onto everyone else […Judge not, that ye be not judged (Matthew 7:1)…], I can quote scripture with the best of them and personally, if you’re going to go around quoting passages from the bible, you might want to make sure you live a life consistent with what it is you’re preaching, yes? Otherwise you just end up looking like a hypocrite. And lacing scripture with profanity in the same paragraph is more than likely blasphemous, but I never professed to be religiously correct, did I? No, I did not.

Anyhow, with all that said, I’m more than bit perturbed about “who” they’ve been popping off at the mouth to. And I know exactly “why” they're doing it, but it’s just so unnecessary, it really is. Does making me look bad really make them look any better? No, it doesn’t. I swear, I don’t understand this sick twisted need some people have for personal validation. To me, that is disgusting and may I say, sinful.

Alrighty then, now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I do believe I’ll end this by wishing everyone a happy and safe weekend.


At Sun Jul 16, 07:34:00 AM, Blogger Drew said...


I remember watching a 'Cobert Report' where a congressman said that he felt that the 10 commandments SHOULD be in the House, because what better place then a 'house of laws' should they be[ hmm a house of worship?]
What got me laughing is Cobert asked this congress man to NAME the 10 commandments; and he could only name 3.
What cracked me up more... besides the fact that I can do all 10 off the top of my head... was the fact that in the THREE he did get; he missed "no killing"

So ignore them. I know I try my darndest now to ignore religious/rightous people. It's not always easy at the time, but it really does make life easier in the long run if you can shrug it off.

Glad that you and Cameron were able to work things out and not 'go to bed mad'. When I read the "Turn your behind right back arround..." I cringed and feared the worse. But then I remembered that OTHER people's parenting skills aren't as bad as MY 'rents... and it's clear from all your entries how much you love Cameron- even if he acts like a snotty little kid at times ;-)


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