The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Aimee's Entry.

I am extremely tired today, more than a bit cranky and I miss my Cameron so much it's making me mopey. Blah!

He was supposed to come home today, you know? But as is typical when he visits his grandparents in High Springs, that isn't going to happen. I called earlier to find out when they'd be arriving and was told that due to "unforseen circumstances", Cameron won't be coming home until sometime in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday or sometime early Tuesday evening--this depends on when they actually hit the road, Monday night or Tuesday afternoon. It sucks and SO did not make me a very happy camper! Cameron has been gone since June 19th and it's way past time for him to come home, dammit! Sigh.

Anyhow, aside from that, it's been a pretty decent weekend. I must've been dead ass tired on Friday because when I got home from work, I laid down to take a quick nap and that quick nap pretty much lasted the rest of the night. I did get up a couple times, but not for very long stretches of time.

Saturday I was up at 8 am, which would usually suck, but because I'd already slept a good 12 hours the night before, it wasn't too bad. And hey, I made it to Curves with no problems what-so-ever--Go Me! The rest of the day was anticlimactic, meaning I didn't really do anything. There were a couple of reviews for things I could've (and really should've) written because I've been sitting on them for a bit, but I had a fairly nasty headache so I took a pass on that chore--I'll just have to bust ass to get them done in the next couple days. Saturday night, Drew and I hit Chili's for dinner (I was really wanting Smokey Bones or the Cheescake Factory, but the waits weren't gonna work) and then we headed off to The Palace to see 'Superman Returns'. I liked it, but honestly, if I had to choose, I'd more than likely go for any of the originals over this one. The roof scene was definitely sigh-worthy! I wasn't really feeling Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane, but Brandon Routh did the part of Superman justice, oh, and I thought Kevin Spacey made a kickass Lex Luthor. And maybe it's just me, but that whole beginning thing made me dizzy.

You know what I really wanted to see? 'Pirates of the Carribean' (I absolutely adore Johnny Depp), but since I haven't seen the first one yet and the lines for that sucker wound around the place like some haphazard maze, we took a pass on that one. Maybe next week.

Today I actually slept in a bit and seeing as we didn't get home from the movie until somewhere around 2 am, Drew spent the night, so when we got up, we headed to his house so he could shower and change then stopped off at Cracker Barrel to have breakfast (at 2:30 in the afternoon--LOL). After we ate, he swung back here to drop me off before he headed over to the skate park to play on his bike. And I haven't really done much of anything since I got home, but that's alright, being lazy is a good thing sometimes.

Tomorrow it's back to work for me and Tuesday, I have jury duty (ick).

And that's all. I hope you all had a fantastic weekend.


At Mon Jul 10, 01:49:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That extremely blows about Cameron. I "grr" for you.

Am glad you enjoyed the movie, even if I didn't. Thinking I might try and wait for video on Pirates, but will likely get dragged out to it myself.

Sorry about the jury duty too. Hopefully it'll be a quick and easy case.

At Tue Jul 11, 04:43:00 AM, Blogger Drew said...

Hate to say it- but I *love* jury duty. I like the idea of doing my civic duty AND sitting in judgement of someone ;-) I've sorta longed for a juicy murder case that would take several months and would just get me out of work....

And sorry you didn't think you were productive enough but it sounds like a) you had fun with Drew- always a good thing and b) you needed the sleep. Whenever I sleep for more then 9 hours( which is all too f'ing rare these days) I know it's because my body is saying it NEEDS it, so I go with it.

By all means rent the first Pirate, it's a darn good movie... and as I just said on Evan's blog I'm looking forward to the second and plan to see it regardless of any bad reviews I might see about it.


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