It's been a bit of a while, huh?
Wow, so like December 2nd is the last time I really updated this thing. For shame. But, honestly, nothing much ever really changes.
Much to my (and his) dismay, Drew is still not working but he did get a call from someone wanting to subcontract some work to him and that's a good thing. I'm still working and, thankfully, we're managing to keep our heads above water.
Cameron is doing good, he's growing up way too fast for my liking but a lot of the problems he's been having over the last few years have calmed down. He still struggles somewhat with school and homework can be incredibly frustrating for all of us but there's been so much improvement in that area, it's really hard to complain. This afternoon is his second guitar lesson and so far, he's really enjoying it. And baseball, he had try-outs last Friday and the teams were picked Monday so we're taking him to the ball field tonight to meet his coach and teammates. The try-outs were very frustrating for him, he's never actually played with a team, just with friends for fun, or been critiqued by coaches and such and he was incredibly nervous so he didn't do as well as he'd hoped but he stuck it out and I can't tell you how incredibly proud of him I am. We celebrated his 9th birthday in early December and though we weren't able to throw him a big party like he wanted, we did have a nice family party and he had a wonderful time.
Christmas was much better than I expected it to be. In the beginning, I was so busy being stressed about money (and the serious lack of it) that I wasn't looking forward to it at all but somewhere along the line, I put the worries aside and just enjoyed myself. And it ended up being the best Christmas we've had in a long, long time.
My mom and I threw an "all girls" slumber party for Christie's birthday earlier this month and it was a BLAST! We had such a good time! We did fun girly stuff (each others make-up, hair, etc.), you know, kind of like a "Night at the Salon" type thing. We're thinking of having another one sometime soon, only this time, it'll be a "House Marathon" instead. Fun.
The animals are all wonderful! Drew built this amazingly beautiful cage for my Handsome Jack as a Christmas gift to me and he bought me a baby Uromastyx, we named him Rock, he's such a cutie. We bought Cameron his own beardie for his birthday, he named him Drago, and he's been so good with being responsible for his care (we help, of course). Remy is finally perking up, he's been in semi-brumation for months and has spent most of his days napping. Harley is growing up so fast, he's such a little chunk (a very loveable one). Mushu is getting big too and we've been busy working with him because he's still extremely skittish. Terra and Rex are the only ones, at the moment, that still need lots of extra work but they're coming along and Drew's busy building them a new enclosure as we speak and I'm thinking all the extra space will go a long way to getting them more active.
Aside from all that, there's not much else going on.
P.S. I got new glasses so the old ones (circa 1999) are FINALLY toast! Yay me!