The e-mail variety.
1. What time did you get up this morning?
Well, cause I have that whole miserable strep throat thing going on, I slept a bit later than normal (and was therefore late for work), so I'd say it was about 7:20.
2. How do you like your steak?
Medium Rare.
3. What was the last film you saw at the movie theatre?
The Number 23.
4. What is your favorite TV show?
House MD.
5. What is your middle name?
Dawn, after my mother.
6. What is your favorite cuisine?
Mmm, Mexican, yummy!
7. What foods do you dislike?
Oh, this and that, but I'll be damned if I can arrow in on any right now. Must be the strep... LOL.
8. What are your favorite chips?
Baked Cheetos!
9. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
Hmm, as I haven't really been listening to CD's lately, I don't know.
10. What kind of car do you drive?
'02 Ford Explorer.You can see the ass end of it in one of the pics below.
11. What is your favorite sandwich?
12. What characteristics do you despise?
Liars, cheaters, manipulators or anyone that has to put someone else down to feel better about themselves. << Yeah! What Angie said.
13. What are your favorite clothes?
I love capri's.
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation?
Back to where last I went.
15. Favorite brand of clothing?
Don't particularly care as long as it's comfy.
16. Where would you want to retire?
Not here. LOL. But, honestly, I've really never given it any thought.
17. Favorite time of day?
Night time.
18. Where were you born?
Ashland, KY.
19. What is your favorite sport to watch?
None of them.
20. Who do you think will not send this back?
I dunno?
21. Who will send it back first?
Not sure
22. Pepsi or Coke?
Pepsi, the Diet Jazz variety, preferably in Strawberries & Cream.
23. Beavers or Ducks?
Say what? Ah, ducks, I suppose.
24. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl.
25. Pedicure or Manicure?
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
A nurse.
27. What is your best childhood memory?
Not that I didn't have any, but at the moment, I honestly can't recall.
28. Piercings?
Ears, two in each.
29. Ever been to Africa?
Nope, but I imagine it'd be interesting.
30. Ever been toilet papering?
Sure thing.
31. Ever made a crank phone call?
Uh huh.
32. Been in a car accident?
33. Favorite day of the week?
34. Favorite restaurant?
At the moment, probably Carrabba's.
35. Favorite type of dog?
My little Pugsy, Bugsy.
36. Favorite flower?
37. Favorite ice cream?
Ooh, tough one... Barnies Santa's White Christmas Coffee Flavored.
38. Favorite fast food restaurant?
39. How many times did you fail your drivers test?
40. From whom did you get your last email?
41. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Probably Target or wait, Barnes and Noble.
42. Bedtime?
Anywhere between Midnight and 2 AM.
43. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?
Everyone’s responses make me curious.
44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
Mi Madre.
45. What are you listening to right now?
Umm, the delivery guy from Boynton is whistling.
46. What is your favorite color?
Emerald Green.
47. How many tattoos do you have?
Not a one.
48. How many people are you sending this to?
I'll send it back to Ang, but aside from that, no one. I suppose maybe I'll post it on the blog as content filler seeing as I rarely update anymore.
49. Favorite magazine?
Don’t have one.
50. What time did you finish this email?