The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Epcot 2007.

For my Evan who, since he told me he's never been to a Disney Theme Park, has left me wanting to change that.

^^ My mom enjoying a coffee and a quick rest in China.

^^ Myself, getting friendly with the trolls, in Norway.

^^ Myself in Mexico.

^^ America.

^^ Italy.

^^ My mom, admiring the flowers, in Germany.

^^ Since it was Epcot's Annual Flower & Garden Show, a "flower bed".

^^ Whatever their names are from "The Lion King".

^^ Mickey, in flowers. Pretty.

^^ Myself, amongst the sunflowers, in Morocco.

^^ Japan.

^^ And again, Japan.

^^ Canada.

^^ This silly little dancing water thing that always fascinates me.

^^ And another.

^^ And yet again, another.

^^ Pooh in the United Kingdom.

^^ My mom, flashing a grin, in Morocco.

^^ France.

^^ United Kingdom.

^^ Tigger, me favorite, in the United Kingdom.

^^ Mi Madre and myself at the Disney Marketplace.

^^ Fireworks.

^^ And more fireworks.

Friday, May 25, 2007

And we're off...

My mom and I are leaving tonight for our annual trip to Epcot for the Flower & Garden Show, we'll be stopping off for the night in Okeechobee but seeing as how they no longer have internet access I'll be incommunicado (as far as the net goes) until sometime Sunday. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and splendid holiday!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I (Heart) Jason!

I don't much listen to the radio but every morning during the monotonous drive to work I entertain myself with The Wild Morning Show. It's totally addicting and the hideous stunts, dares, punishments and whatnot they inflict upon poor Jason are positively hilarious! I love it! And him! He rocks! If you live in the area and you don't listen, you really should!

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Quote of the Day.

"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

Ingrid Bergman

Christmas Eve: The Lost Episode.

Or, more aptly, the very messy gingerbread house.

Yeah, so, it's like practically June already and my sister just now decided it'd be a fine idea to go ahead and send along a few of the pictures she took on Christmas Eve. That's a bit more than fashionably late me thinks. Anyway, cause a couple of 'em are cute, here they are.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

First, let me just say...


I hope it rocks and I totally want to see pictures of the tattoo!

Dios mio, I think there's a whole team of bloody vipers happily pounding away inside my skull this morning. It hurts. And I sorely (so very sorely) need at least another two hours sleep before there's even a chance of feeling remotely human. Why can't it be Saturday? Or Sunday for that matter?

So, tonights the night Jordin and Blake battle for the top spot on A. I. and since Cameron has an appointment with his psychologist, I don't have TiVo (or any of those other fancy recording type thing-a-ma-jigs) and I'm slightly sceptical about my mothers ability to record the damn thing on a good ole VHS tape, I'll probably miss it. But, as long as I manage to catch the finale tomorrow night, I'll live. At this point it doesn't really matter who wins, they're both fantastic and, win or lose, will no doubt end up with recording contracts, but if I were in their shoes, I'd be praying for second place right about now, not that I have anything against first place, mind you, but in this case, second's the way to go.

My Cameron was decidedly beastly last night. Truly. It went to hell the moment I walked in the door. Sigh.

First, it was dinner. My dad was working on some such electrical problem in the apartment complex next to us for our landlord and was therefore not in the kitchen whipping dinner together as Cameron strongly felt he should be so he bitched and nagged and whined and bitched and nagged and whined until I was sure my ears were going to bleed.

Second, it was dinner. My dad finally whipped dinner together and summoned us all to gather 'round the table and dig in but Cameron, the sweet child, had found something on TV that he absolutely had to watch so he whined and yelled and stomped and whined and yelled and stomped until I was sure my head was going to explode.

Third, it was dinner. My dad made Cameron's favored chicken nuggets coated in some rather tasty honey BBQ batter (hell on my refuse-to-budge tummy), which would've normally made him happier than a pig in shit but since he was in the middle of a tantrum over having to miss the rest of his TV program, happiness wasn't on the menu. But dramatics certainly were. I was too mean and he didn't want to sit next to me, the nuggets were too hot and burned his fingers, his finers were burning so he couldn't pick up his nuggets, he didn't want ketchup for his nuggets he wanted something else (etc, etc, etc) so he whined and cried and yelled and stomped and kicked and whined and cried and yelled and stomped and kicked until I was sure my teeth were going to shatter from gritting them so hard.

That's enough for now but sadly (so very sadly), my friends, not all.

And honestly, I don't think I would've been near as bothered by Cameron's behavior (since it isn't exactly a rare thing) if I hadn't already had a piss poor day at work. Ah well, hopefully today'll be better.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Totally nonsensical but...

For reasons that completely elude me I'm really feeling "Cupid's Chokehold" by Gym Class Heroes this week. Anyway, my favorite line from that particular little number would be...

[...I know I'm young but if I had to choose her or the sun I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun...]

Love it. Heh.

Happy Thursday!

Well, all I ended up getting last night was a good dose of frustration at the grocery store (don't you just hate when the person in front of you, whom you've never met in your life, wants to stand there and chat like you've known each other for years?) and a bit of joy (and pride, my friends) because sometimes America does indeed get it right. Oh goodness, I'm getting all misty again and trying really hard not to burst into the chorus of "Proud to be an American". Heh.

Anyway, tonight is appointment #2 with Cameron's psychologist and he's looking forward to it, which makes me happy. And apparently during their one on one time last week the doctor let Cameron start a drawing of Spiderman and told him he could work on it some more during the next session and he's really excited about that. I really like this doctors approach with Cameron and the fact that Cameron is comfortable with him (he's asked to speak with him twice since their last visit) gives me hope that things will start looking up for Cameron. But I know that only time will tell.

My mom is back from Louisiana so after Cameron's appointment we're swinging by her house for dinner. Since there was some mention of souvenirs, Cameron's looking forward to that too. My cousin Cyndi sent me some pics of when my mom and Christie were up there and it looks like they had a great time! And gods, my cousin Crystal has gone and grown up on me, sigh, I'm starting to feel terribly old!

Next Friday, after work, my mom and I are going up to the house in Okeechobee for the night so we can get up bright and early Saturday morning and head to Orlando. We're going to Epcot for our annual Mother's Day trip together. I can't wait! And because we're able to make the trip before the end of May, we won't miss the Flower & Garden Show! YAY! I'm so excited! My pal K doesn't understand why I get so excited over going to a place I've been to numerous times but, well, I'm a big kid at heart and who doesn't like going to Disney World (even if it isn't the Magic Kingdom, which happens to be my favorite park, btw)?

Anyhow, that's it. I hope you all have a perfectly pleasant Thursday.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

If only.

I'm sitting here at almost half past six risking a decent nights sleep by drinking a huge ass coffee from Dunkin Donuts to try and keep myself from pitching forward and falling flat on my face before dinner, bathtime, etc., etc., etc. And you know what, I'd really, really love to get laid. Now. Right now. No soft dreamy sex but fast and hard and more than a little rough. But, seeing as that's not gonna happen, I'll just go back to my coffee.

Gods I'm tired.

The Glitter King & other nefarious nonsense.

I'm starting to suspect that my son, bless his sweet heart, is bound and determined to drive me completely out of my mind. And at this rate, it won't be long.

Have I ever mentioned my odd and somewhat childish affection for glitter? Yeah, more than likely. Anyhow, I've had a thing for the stuff as long as I can remember, this morning however, I'm not really feeling all that affectionate toward the sparkly shit. It all started last night when I came home from work and found Cameron playing with a container of glitter he'd found in one of my dresser drawers (which, mind you, he shouldn't have been pawing through in the first place). He was making a mess with it. Glitter, glitter and more glitter. It was everywhere--his hands, his arms, his face, his hair. We eventually got him all cleaned up, glitter free and into bed. But, what I didn't know (and he certainly didn't tell me) was that he'd apparently spilled a whole mess of the stuff in his bed and since he tossed his blanket over the glittery sheets and it was dark when I tucked him in, I didn't see it. Sigh. He was covered in the shit this morning, head to toe, he even had pieces stuck in his eye lashes. Have you ever tried getting massive amounts of glitter off your person when it's been ground into your skin by sleep and sweat? Well, it isn't fun. Or quick, for that matter. So, I was late for work this morning and not feeling the least bit loving towards my beloved glitter.

My dad made corndogs for dinner last night and because I know times are tough and money's tight, I ate them with nary a complaint but let me tell you, it was rough going. I have no aversion to corndogs as a quick lunch or a snack at the fair or a BBQ or a picnic but for dinner, ugh. At least we had them with french fries as opposed to the mixed vegetables served with them the last time we had them for dinner. Gods I sound like such an inconsiderate bitch, don't I? And I'm not, not really, sometimes sure but...

Maybe I'm unreasonably picky or just plain crazy (because apparently she has a rather impressive fanbase) but I do NOT like Melinda Doolittle. Not that she can't sing, she can, but she's stiff and she hunches and her faux like humbleness grates on my nerves. I want her to go bye-bye already but sadly, I have doubts that she's going anywhere (it's that whole fanbase thing again). Sigh. If she makes it to the finale (and I'm thinking she will), it's really really going to annoy me. Ah well, enough Melinda-hating for today.

It's Wednesday and because I annihilated my kid at the 50 yard dash Mondy evening he's challenged me to a rematch and tonight's the night. I hope my poor abused feet can take it, the little monster's fast, makes me proud.

And that's it. I'm feeling largely negative lately and trying not to let it shimmer through, it's working alright I suppose but I'm thinking I need to do better.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My Writing Wizard.

Because (as my mom *jokingly* put it) I'm a horrible mother, I don't have pictures from last Monday's "Night of 100 Stars" where Cameron got his certificate and ribbon for the Math Superstars Program. But, I do have pictures from last nights story reading at Borders for the Writing Wizards Program...

Monday, May 14, 2007


Well, Mother's Day kinda blew for me but that's the breaks, what am I gonna do?

It started out alright, Cameron and I drove up to DD so I could get my beloved coffee and he, his bagel. When we got back he presented me with this awesome card he made and inside was this sweet little poem he wrote for me, it was beautiful (and the best part of the day, hands down). Around noon we did the whole get ready thing so we could go and pick up Drew for lunch. They, Cameron and Drew, took me to Smokey Bones for lunch, then we went to the Rag Shop to browse and Drew bought me a jewelry box and this cool looking prehistoric fish tank thing-a-ma-jig.

But, because my nurse canceled on Saturday, I had to cut the day short and head back home to meet my nurse for my infusion (fun). Drew asked me to drop him off at his house and he'd drive over later to spend some more time with us which, not surprisingly, left Cameron out of sorts so I had to deal with a weepy irrational child all the way home. Once home I called Drew and he reassured Cameron that he'd be over later. My nurse showed up later than she was supposed to and proceeded to use me as her own personal pin cushion (8 sticks before she hit gold).

After that it's all a blur, who knows, but I can tell you that when I finally surfaced somewhere around 2 in the morning Cameron was in bed asleep with the TV off but it wasn't Drew who put him there as he never did come back. Sigh. Not the best day really, but then again, not the worst.

Tonight we have to go to Borders because Cameron has to read a story he wrote that was chosen to represent his grade for the Writing Wizards Program. He's extremely nervous and terribly excited. Wish him luck.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Straight up!

Friday, May 11, 2007

And the weekend cometh.

Ugh, I have the absolute worst headache this morning (well, almost afternoon) and I'm out of ibuprofen, which totally sucks.

Anyway, it's Friday (thank the gods) and I've only got a bit over 5 hours before this weeks torture is complete (gods how I wish it would hurry). I can't wait. Not that I have anything remotely exciting planned this weekend (well, there is my infusion Saturday morning--yippee), but still...

This week has just dragged and dragged and dragged, I swear, I didn't think it was ever going to end. And it wasn't an altogether pleasant week either. What's with that, huh? My car payment is late and because I had to toss Cameron's new psychologist a cool hundred in less than a week I won't be able to recoup the difference until I get paid next Tuesday, which will no doubt make things sticky with Ford. You know, I think I'd sell my soul for the five grand I need to pay off my car loan... Okay, maybe not, but being sans that $412.00 a month bill is a really lovely thought. My cell phone bill is due tomorrow and sadly, another thing I can't afford to pay until Tuesday, so, if anyone happens to feel the urge to call me anytime between Sunday and Tuesday, I'd shoot for my home number. Then there's the water bill, the phone bill, the electric bill and the never ending portion of my rent that my dad will be hitting me up for any day now. Oh, and another cool fifty will be going to the psychologist (I don't know why I even bother with health insurance cause despite the ridiculous monthly premium I still end paying out my ass in co-pays for anything medically related). Life, ain't it sweet?

Speaking of psychologists, I'm trying really hard not to make myself crazy overanalyzing everything but it doesn't seem to be working all that well. My main worry is the ADHD, not the disorder itself but the treatment. I have a big, huge, astronomically large issue with the meds they use to treat ADHD and I'm currently giving myself an ulcer fretting over the side affects. I really need to just calm down and start dealing but that particular action hasn't been kind enough to take root in my brain just yet. I'm working on it.

But, all stressful things aside, Sunday is Mother's Day and my Cameron made something for me in school that he's pretty excited about so I'm looking forward to that.

Anyhow, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and all you mommy's have a perfectly lovely Mother's Day.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Funny thing, I was in a good mood.

Have you ever felt like no one gives a flying fuck about you or your problems? Me too.

Moving on, Cameron's first appt with the psychologist went great, good, fine and all that. He'll be submitting the proper paperwork for approval to do the ADHD testing because though there are other issues at play, ADHD is more likely than not the main stressor. Anyhow, while we're waiting for the insurance company to piss and moan about approving it (2-3 weeks the doc says), we'll begin working on behavior management. And that's that.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Cameron Will Always Be My #1.

The awards ceremony for the Math Superstars Program last night was very sweet. Cameron ranked #14 out 160 students in the 1st grade, I thought that was pretty cool, he, on the other hand, was miffed because he didn't make the "Top 3" and therefore only got a ribbon and certificate as opposed to a trophy and certificate. Kids, they're just never happy.

Tonight is Cameron's first appointment with the psychologist and I'm a tad nervous about it. Cameron isn't too fond of doctors in general (like mother like son) and he's less fond of talking about what's bothering him. When he's upset or bothered about something he tends to close up or shrug it off or, oddly, laugh--seriously, my Cameron laughs at the most inopportune moments. I explained all this to the doctor when I met with him last Friday and he told me it was fine and completely normal, a coping mechanism, but still, I'm nervous. I just want it to be done already so the frogs quit hopping around in my belly.

My mom, my sister and Sarah are leaving tonight for their trip to Louisiana. They're driving up to see my cousin Crystal graduate from high school. As fun as that particular road trip sounds, I'd bet the bank that my mom, Christie or both will want to kill the other by the time they head for home next Wednesday. Ah, to be a fly on the wall (or window--heh) for that one... Me, I'm just going to enjoy having a completely work-free and relaxing weekend while they're away. I think I might actually do some much needed house cleaning, my room could really use some work, it's all clutter-clutter-clutter and then I'm thinking I'll go ahead and finish that second story for Sasha that's due at the end of the month.

Ugh, I'm such a dunce! I just locked my keys for the bathroom IN the bathroom which leaves only the boys room (ick) open next time I have to tinkle and I couldn't possibly explain how unappealing that thought is. Shudder.

Let me tell you, I just don't get the weather around here sometimes. It's been hotter than the depths of hell the last month or so and then this morning, it was bordering on chilly and though it's now in the low 70's, it's still a bit nippy. Go figure. But, hey, at least it's not so hot and humid you feel like you're going to suffocate and that's a wonderful thing.

Well, that's it, I'm done. Have a lovely.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Psychologists, tummy aches and Spiderman 3.

Ah, it was such a long weekend that was oddly, way too short. Yeah, go on, see if you can make sense out of that one.

So, I met with Cameron's doctor on Friday and despite my feelings about doctors in his particular profession, I liked him, he was straightforward, not pushy and made me feel comfortable. Cameron will be meeting with him for the first time this Tuesday evening and hopefully Cameron will feel as comfortable talking to him as I did. We'll see...

Speaking of Cameron, he and I were afflicted with the tummy aches this weekend. Boo hiss and no bloody fun. I don't know why but it certainly sucked. We're both feeling better now though and that's lovely thing.

Anyway, Spiderman 3, I didn't love it but I did like it. I saw it twice (Saturday with Drew and Sunday with Cameron & my mom) and for me, it was actually better the second time around. I don't know, there was just too much going on, a whole lot of fluff and not near enough action (although, my mom really dug the emo-esque Peter, she said he looked much better that way. LOL), but that's just me.

And tonight we have an awards ceremony type thing because Cameron ranked in the Top 20 for his grade in the Math Superstars program, he's very excited about it and that's incredibly cute.

That's about it for me, same ole same ole.

Friday, May 04, 2007

PotC: AWE.

This movie looks bad ass! I can't wait!

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007


It's not yet ten and I have a banger of a headache. Don't you just love days like that?

I finally clawed my way through all the obstacles that were popping up right and left and found Cameron a doctor. So, I have an appointment with the man on Friday, just he and I, and he wants all kind of fun stuff like, for example, all correspondence between his teachers, current and former, and I, you know, interim reports, report cards, letters home, etc., etc., etc. and in trying to pull this stuff together I've discovered that I really need to do something about my completely disorganized method of filing. Seriously. I've found everything from this year with no problem (though it's slightly annoying that 90% of my correspondence with his teacher this year has been done through Cameron's daily planner, therefore I'll need that with me on Friday and he won't be able to take it to school as he's supposed to) but the stuff from kindergarten hasn't been as easy to come by and I really (really) need to find it. Because his kindergarten teacher was so much better at communicating with me, I have a whole file of correspondence from kindergarten--daily behavior charts, disciplinary letters, referrals, etc--and it'd really be helpful. Ah well, I'll be back to searching tonight.

And, because I need her to schedule her C-Section on a Friday so I can stay with her to help her take care of the baby without missing two days work, the OB/GYN just informed Christie that the only date she really has to choose from (as far as Friday's go) is November 23rd. So it's looking like I'll be spending the day after Thanksgiving on the Labor & Delivery/Postpartum floor with Christie instead of picking out our Christmas tree. It's a good thing I'm the type who likes to brave the masses on black Friday.

My mom got herself a part time job setting up the book displays at some local CVS stores and since she's nervous about it, she's asked me to come along and help her out Friday night. I love books, maybe it'll be fun.

And that's really it, not much going on just now.