I sorta kinda asked
Drew to ask me "Five Questions" and if you play by the rules, anyone who would like for me to ask them "Five Questions", just needs to leave their request in my comments (although, if you love me and care for my sanity, you'll be a pal and not ask--LOL).
First- Wanted to ask this for ages; what’s up with you and Angie? Why don’t the two of you have your OWN blogs?Ah, very good question, with a rather complicated answer. I think we've been asked this question before, but for the life of me I can not remember how we responded, so I shall go back, way way back (LOL)...
Angie and I met in 2003 on a fan fiction site/forum (who's link and/or name I shant be saying because I'm a grudge holding bitch), I was a moderator there and Angie was a member, we both wrote fan fiction and though our paths crossed quite often, we didn't really start building our friendship until we were near the end of our association with this site/forum.
You see, one dark and stormy night (heh), a negative force entered my realm and pretended to befriend me, but her intent was actually to wreak all kinds of havoc between myself and the owner of this site/forum (who I
was very very good friends with), which she did quite effectively, btw, and in the process of fucking up that relationship, this dark force went ahead and decided to drag Angie, feet first, smack dab into the middle of the melee she'd launched against moi. The dumb bitch apparently got it into her head that if she attacked Angie and accused her of all kinds of weird "conspiracy theories" and meaningless unfounded bullshit, she'd somehow pit Angie and I against each other and put an end to our friendship, but that wasn't what happened. On the contrary, all she managed to do was piss Angie off and take the friendship that was slowly growing between Angie and I and catapult it into one of the closest relationships I've ever shared with anyone.
And when the dust settled, Angie and I said, (pardon our language) "fuck them", and started our own fan fiction site. And because we started this site dedicated solely to our writing and we'd become such good friends in the process, we thought it'd be cool to start a blog together. So we did. And there you have it. We don't update as much as we used to and I've always been a bit more chatty than Angie, but from the get go, neither of us ever thought to start our separate blogs, only together.
Question the Second; what one lesson/ teaching do you want Cameron to take with him when he moves out. What, above all other lessons, do you think is the most important thing for you to teach your son for him to have a good life?Acceptance. Of himself. Of his life. Of his choices. Of others. Of their lives. Of their choices. There are so many different types of people and just as many different types of lifestyles and more times than not, those who choose an "alternative" lifestyle or one that society deems "unacceptable" have to struggle to be what it is they want to be or live how they want to live and aside from pissing me off, that makes me sad. Who is anybody to deem or judge what is or isn't acceptable for somebody else? People should be free to be whatever they want to be and live however thay want to live and not have to worry about being accepted. So above all else, I want Cameron to learn accapetance and to know that no matter what path he chooses in life, he'll always be accepted and he'll always be loved.
Third Question- Your blog is the only one I’ve seen with links to Charity web sites. Can you tell me abit about why you did that; and why you chose the 7 that you listed?Because we're a couple of charitable ladies, Angie and I (LOL). But all jokes aside, I link charity web sites because as an individual, there isn't much that I can do personally to help those who need it and I feel very strongly about what these charities do to help others who do not have the means to help themselves.
As for the seven I've (we've) chosen, some are more personal than others for me (us), but all are near and dear to my heart.
IDF (Immune Deficiency Foundation) -- Is probably the most personal for me as I was diagnosed with an immune deficiency, I do belive it's coming up on ten years ago, and the IDF does so much to help those who struggle with immune deficiencies, from acceptance issues to helping them get needed information about IVIG shortages and recalls to helping them set up infusion therapy to helping them deal with the insurance nightmare that almost all immune deficient patients have to go through and so much more. They're a wonderful organization one that I personally, would be lost without.
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation -- This is Angie's baby as someone she loves has Cystic Fibrosis.
Make A Wish Foundation -- When I was old enough to draw a paycheck, I started having money deducted and donated to the Make A Wish Foundation because I've always adored children, all children, they're beautiful and innocent and bring so much joy, so if I can help in any way to make a wish come true for a sick or special child, I will.
HRC (Human Rights Campaign) -- I've been a member of the Human Rights Campaign for quite a while now because I believe wholeheartedly in equality for all. All the judgemental bullshit and prejudice in the world today is disgusting and sad and so completely unnecessary. What most of these people fail to understand or accept is that you are no better than I and I am no better than you, we are equal and we both deserve the same rights.
Million For Marriage -- I don't believe that anyone, least of all our government, has a right to decide who should or shouldn't be allowed to marry. If two people love and respect each other, no matter what their sexual orientation happens to be, they should be able to legally marry each other if that is their wish.
AIDS.org -- AIDS is a devastating disease and one that too many people turn away from because they either consider it a "homosexual" disease or one aquired solely through deviant behavior. It isn't. And to be that one-dimensional speaks volumes about the vast amount of ignorance spreading through our country. I could probably go on for days, but I'll stop now before I get up on my soapbox and get carried away.
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. -- The obvious answer would be that I am a woman and that puts me at risk of aquiring breast cancer some time in my life, but it's a bit more personal than that. Because of my immune deficiency, I have a much higher risk of aquiring breast cancer (as well as lung and gastrointestinal) than most women and if you combine that with my family's extensive history of aquiring various forms of cancer, breast cancer becomes a very scary thing for me. I, personally, have had two breast cancer scares in the last four years and I'm fairly positive they won't be my only.
Question #4- Do you have a favorite book? And if so, why is it your favorite?Just one? Goodness, no. I do, on the other hand, have a favorite author--J.D. Robb, and any one of her books could easily be considered my favorite. Why? Because I love her writing style, she's witty and fun and engaging and sarcastic and addicting. She is, for lack of a better phrase, one kickass writer. She writes the "In Death" series set in the 2050's about homicide detective, Eve Dallas, and if I had to pick what I love most about her books, it'd be her characters, they aren't merely characters, they're people, she invites you into their world and by the end of the book, you either love them or you hate them, but you feel like you've known them for years. It's good stuff, I'd recommend her to anyone.
And the last one- I notice that you have two erotic links on your web page, so have you given any thought about what you would do when you find a stack of Cameron’s porn as you clean up his room( in a few years of course ;-) ). And if so, how do you think you’ll handle it?What a fantastic question, Drew. I do, in fact, have erotic sites linked to my blog and this would be because I love erotic material (reading it, writing it, watching it--I don't discriminate) of all kinds, but one of my favorites is erotica in it's written form. And before I get to answering your actual question, if you enjoy written erotica, I highly recommend
Lazy Geisha, she is an extremely talented and multifaceted writer.
Alright, now back to your question--No, I haven't given it any thought, but now that you mention it, I probably should. How would I handle it? Huh. Well, if I'm being honest, the first thing I'd do is probably sit down and take a look through what he's got there. All you gaspers, suck it back in, will ya? What'd you expect me to do? Rant, rave, cry? Nope, that's not me. Everyone, even children (of appropriate age, mind you, because it'd be a different story if it happened now when Cameron is only 6) are curious about sex and exploring their sexuality, it's natural and nothing to be ashamed of. So if I were to rant, rave or cry over finding porn in Cameron's room, what kind of message would I be sending him? A negative one and I wouldn't want to do that. After taking a look through what he's got, I'd more than likely call his father and discuss with him the best way to approach Cameron (again, this would depend on his age). I don't believe it's wise to try and repress anyones sexuality or sexual urges nor do I think it's wise or right to make anyone feel ashamed about those sexual urges, they're natural not shameful. So I suppose I'd just want him to know that it's okay and if he's intending to move beyond visual or mental stimulation, that he understands the possible consequences and knows how to protect himself. And this probably won't be the most popular answer because in my experience, a lot of parents tend to take an irrational and somewhat radical approach when it comes to the subject of sex and their children, but it is my answer and hell, I've never cared all that much about being popular anyway.