...I did something wicked evil to my back today and don’t ask me what because honestly, I have no clue what-so-ever, all I know is it hurts like hell.
And tomorrow is Monday. What’s with that, huh? Where’d the weekend go for pity’s sake? I swear, it was here and then poof it was gone. Sucks.
Friday I took a nap after work because I’m just lazy like that and then I sat around until some ungodly hour doing absolutely nothing. Fun, huh?
Saturday was a bit hectic and it felt like I was running behind all day (it’s probably that nap I tried to slip in smack in the middle of the day–see above excuse)–I took Cameron to the Easter egg hunt at my dad’s church bright and early (seriously, we were up entirely too early for my liking) and he had a blast so it was cool, Bugsy had a vet appt. at 11:00 so we hauled ass that way after the egg hunt. And after the vet I had to run down to some furniture store with my dad because he was wanting to buy this couch but he insisted that I see it, sit on it, etc. first. I thought it was just peachy so he bought it and they’re delivering it Tuesday (which means that I’ll be helping my dad lug out the old one tomorrow after work and Curves–fun). We got home about 2:30 and I decided that a nap was a fabulous idea but Cameron wasn’t having any of the craziness so he kept harassing me, that is, until my dad decided to take him over to the pool around 3:30 so I could get my nap on. Which I did, but since I was supposed to be at Drew’s house by 6:15 because we were seeing a movie at 7:00, it wasn’t such a smart idea to sleep until 5 and then run around like an idiot trying to get ready (especially since that happened to coincide with Cameron’s return from the pool and I ended up having to get him all fixed up at the same time–I’m lousy at multi-tasking), needless to say, I was late. I got to Drew’s at 6:45 and broke several speeding laws in an effort to get to the movie theater on time (I made it and I didn’t even miss the previews–Go Aimee). We saw V for Vendetta, it was good and I now have a list of all the movies I want to go see but undoubtedly won’t.
Remember how I mentioned getting up entirely too early on Saturday? Well, that was bloody late compared to today, seriously, we got up at the crack of dawn this morning and I was NOT a happy camper. And it’s all because I promised my papaw that we’d go to church with them on Easter Sunday (they go every Sunday and since I’m not a church person (horrible I know) I’ve been dodging that one quite successfully for weeks, but my luck ran out this morning). Cameron was awful, but I expected he would be and I would’ve been okay with it, but the little monster had to go saying crazy stuff in the middle of the sermon. You see, we were sitting there and he kept wiggling around and then he started grabbing at his crotch so I leaned over and whispered, "Stop that." And my sweet child looked up at me and said, "I can’t mom, I don’t have any underwear on." Sigh. I guess I can’t let him dress himself anymore.
After church and gulping down a quick cup of coffee so I didn’t hurt anyone once the caffeine headache set in, we (Christie, Sarah, Cameron, Drew and I) headed for my mom’s house in Okeechobee (that’s a ridiculously long drive) for Easter lunch with the family. And that’s pretty much where we spent the rest of the day/evening before we turned around and took the 2 hour drive back.
And now it’s all over and back to work tomorrow for me. Blah.
I hope anyone who celebrates Easter had a happy one.