Aimee's Anticlimactic Weekend...
God, I've got a headache. I swear, I feel like I always have a headache. Oh well.
Well, this weekend was extremely anticlimactic. Let's see...
Friday I didn't do a darn thing. Zip, zilch, zero. And I even went to bed fairly early. Weird.
Saturday was actually really fun. I spent the day with my mommy finishing up school shopping for Cameron (God, I can't believe that in just a little over a week my baby will be starting kindergarten, *sniff*sniff*, I'm not ready). Okay, back to Saturday... We scooped up the rest of his supplies, got a couple extra pairs of uniform shorts and shirts, I bought a card for Angie (I'm crazy with the cards... Angie'll tell you) and my mommy bought me a pair of baby blue capri pants and these really soft black socks with pink butterflies (cute, cute, cute) to keep my little footsies warm (our house feels colder than a meat locker half the time). In between all that hard shopping (hee hee) we went to lunch, I had to get a salad (boo hiss) so as not to cheat on my diet (we wouldn't want that now, would we?). I've lost 10 pounds and I absolutely can't be back-sliding because that would really bite. Our last stop was Coral Square and we basically just looked at fun stuff there (YAY) but I gotta say, you can always count on mi madre for a few smartass comments...
We were getting ready to leave the mall, my mom was in the car already and I was outside doing my thing and she leaned over and yelled, "Hey, pop the trunk and get my candle out of the back while you're out there killing yourself."
And we drove her cute little car instead of my Explorer and as I was pulling out of the spot there was an SUV blocking the way and I said, "These assholes in their SUV's always blocking the way." and she lovingly replied, "Umm, Aimee I hate to point this out but you're one of those assholes in their SUV's always blocking the way."
She's great ain't she? She seriously is (even with all the smartass comments *wink).
Anyway after I dropped her off, I hoppped into said SUV and headed home where I proceeded to do nothing.
Today I spent the day cleaning. I hate to clean. I have a serious aversion to any and all domestic chores. And I dropped a bloody knife on my foot while I was doing the dishes. That shit hurt and my poor foot started to bleed. Ouch. No fun.
Now I'm just sitting here, yep, you guessed it... doing nothing.
And that about sums up my weekend. Boring.
Oh wait, this morning Drew was in the mood so he set out to get himself some but well, I was feeling bitchy and I just wasn't in the mood but he didn't want to hear all that noise. He actually said the most out of character thing in his quest to get laid, "Yo, just close your eyes and think about whatever you need to, just let me get in there."
But a word to the wise about a statement such as that one... It's too broad. You should never tell a woman to think about whatever she needs to while you're boning her because it might not be you. I mean, what if it's another man? You've just given her the go ahead to close her eyes and imagine fucking him while you're fucking her. It's not a wise statement.
I didn't, give him any, that is. I really wasn't in the mood.