The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Some Men Are Just Pathetic...

Evan tagged us so, here ya go...

Book Tag

Tag! I’m it. Without revealing too much about myself, here’s a glimpse into the bookwork hidden inside of me.

1) Total number of books I’ve owned.

Good Lord, how am I supposed to answer that one? I've owned far too many books to pin down a number. Hundreds, thousands... I have no clue.

2) The last book I bought.

I bought two at the same time. The Innocent by Harlan Coben and The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A.N. Roquelaure.

3) The Last Book I read.

Since I haven't finish 'The Innocent' yet, the last book I read would be Survivor In Death by J.D. Robb.

4) 5 books that mean something to me.

First Book - Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.
First Read - The first book I clearly remember reading was Pet Cemetary by Stephen King, although I'm sure that I read quite a few books before that.
Most Times Read - Well I'm addicted to J.D. Robb's 'In Death' series and I've read them all more than once but the first book in the series Naked In Death has been, by far, read the most.
Largest Impact - Life on the Edge by Dr. James Dobson
Biggest Fucking Page-turner (most recent memory) - Tell No One by Harlan Coben - I read that book in a few hours, I couldn't let go of it.

5) Tag 5 people and request they fill this out on their journals

I can't think of 5 people to tag so I'm going to leave it as an "open call", if you're interested have at it.


Hey, does anyone wanna have a little "phone-fun" with me? We could get kinky and have all kinds of yummy fun.

Maybe I should just post my cell phone number up here and whoever feels the urge can go ahead and give me a shout. What do you think?

No? It's not a good idea?

I didn't think so either.

God, I had the most obnoxious encounter with a complete fucking stranger yesterday. I was sitting there minding my own damn business and an IM pops up. I did what I normally do when I don't recognize the screenname, I made it go bye-bye. If they IM again, I always ask, "Do I know you?" and if the answer is "No" then I make it go bye-bye again. I'm not snobby or anything but I don't have time for some guy who's been "profile trolling" and wants to score a piece of online ass.

But this asshole was persistent. Let me tell you, he wasn't catching the hint. AT ALL. He was extremely obnoxious and freakishly desperate. I mean, when a woman says that she's married and she's just NOT interested it's usually not a good idea to follow that up by asking for her phone number. And the whole, "Your husband doesn't have to know. C'mon just give me your number, we'll talk, maybe get together and have some fun..." thing just made him look more pathetic than I already thought he was.

I've never understood that whole "profile trolling" thing? What's the deal with that? And why do men find it exciting to single out and proposition married women? Is it the fact that they know it can't be anything more than a sexual thing?

I know that a lot of married people find themselves in a sexless and often times loveless relationship with their spouse and for one reason or another are not able to end the union amicably and they have to go outside of their marriage to gain the physical and often times emotional needs that they're not getting from their spouse. I fully understand that. Everyone needs physical and emotional closeness with another person and if you're not getting it at home and divorce is not an option then finding it elsewhere is your only choice. So, I could understand the aggressive IM thing if that woman had placed an add looking for an outside sexual relationship but I don't understand singling out profiles of married women that have given no indication that they're looking for an outside relationship. It's just obnoxious! And any man that does this doesn't come off as attractive in any way, he just comes off as pathetically desperate.

I finally managed to nail my disinterest home and got rid of the creep but the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Angie's Entry - I'm the only one here

at work and it's mixed. I like being the only one her cause now I can fuck around for the next hour, but it's also kinda creepy.

My boss just left a few moments ago. She dropped quite the bombshell on us on Friday - she's leaving the company. June 10th will be her last day. It's rather depressing. as a person I like her a lot. All in all, she's been a good boss. We all have our days where we don't like our boss for some reason or another, but she's been good to me. Patient. She's tried to make this as much of a learning experience for me than any other boss I've ever worked under. I'm going to miss her.

I hope everyone had a good Memorial day. I'm going to stop by the cemetery today and visit my grandparents. I should go out and see my uncle, who's buried out at Fort Snelling, but I know my cousins are going, I send my thoughts and love with them.

Saturday a few friends and I went up to the bar that Aaron works at. His ex is back, not in his life necessarily, but she called him a few days back. She's going through treatment again. She got busted for DWI and beating up a cop. He only talked to her for a few seconds and she hasn't called since. For his sake, I hope she doesn't. She's the one that chose drugs and partying over him.

I waited for him to get off work then we headed back to his place. Unfortunately we weren't alone. One of his buddies hung out too. I fell asleep on the couch, one of his cats cutely curled up on the back of my legs.

He had this catalog from a home store here called Ikea. He hands it to me, asks if I've ever been out there and I hadn't, so he says we should go out there sometime. But we'd have to stop at his dad's and pick up his truck, so he could bring stuff home. LOL Now, normally I wouldn't think anything of him saying we should go out there together, but he says, as he's looking over my shoulder - let's see if we have the same taste. My mind goes into - reeealllllly? mode.

When I finally decided I had to get going around 9:30 am, he walked me all the way out to my car. He's so sweet. Then this morning he text messages me - where you is? At like close to nine am. He had to work last night at 10, so I was surprised he was awake that early.

Tuesday is his birthday. He'll be 31. I had forgotten he was a year older than me.

I'm in such a wierd place right now, emotionally. I asked my friend Nicole while we were at the bar on Saturday - so how do I tell him that I've been in love with him for like - ever? Her answer: well if you go back to his place with him and you end up in bed together, that's your answer.

Not really. Just means we're two consenting adults.

So look forward to lots more teenage ramblings about Aaron. If you'd rather not read them, please feel free to skip them, I won't be offended.

I have to resist telling my friend Teresa anything about him, cause her grand advice is - 'Oh for god sake Ang! Just fuck him and get over him already! Supportive huh?' It's just because she knows him and doesn't really see him being - how to put this nicely - not on my level.

But just when I stop thinking about him, he pops up. Like, he said on Sunday morning he'd call me later - so did I expect him to call me? No, cause he's like that sometimes. And when my cell alerted me to a message this morning, I was surprised. So maybe I'm not the only one feeling things. Of course fate just likes to fuck with me, so.

Aiight, enough about that.

I'm finally going walking with Katie this afternoon. We haven't been walking for almost two weeks. So I told her we might have to go twice just so we can catch up on what's been going on with us. She has stories about the birthday party to tell me about. Yey. But I feel like I haven't talked to her in weeks. Plus I get to go outside for a while. The sun is out and it's a freakin miracle.

Aiight, I'm off to surf the net. Chat with ya later!!


Saturday, May 28, 2005

Aimee's Entry - What To Do... What To Do?

Well, there's not much shaking at the Wingfield Residence today. Actually, I'm the only one here at the moment so it's pretty quiet. I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to do with all this quiet time.

Should I watch a movie?

Drew subscribed to Columbia House a few months ago (and although I'd like to hurt him for it because they deduct $25.00 a month from our account they do send some fairly decent movies) and now we've got all of these movies I haven't seen: Troy, Shark Tales, Ray, Collateral, Starsky & Hutch (I think there are a few more but those are the only ones I can think of).

Or maybe I should read a book?

I'm smack in the middle of 'The Innocent' by Harlan Coben and I have 'The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty' by A.N. Roquelaure (Ann Rice) waiting in the wings (although the reviews on this one are mixed so I'm not sure about it). Or I could always pull out How to Write a Dirty Story by Susie Bright. I bought that book ages ago and have yet to finish it. It's actually a very good erotica writing reference and I could use help in that area at the moment.

Oh and I can't forget about Nora Roberts new book Black Rose, it's being released on May 31st. I am SO excited! I absolutely adore her books. And I can hardly wait for July 12th because Origin In Death by J.D. Robb (that's Nora Roberts writing under another name) will be released and her 'In Death' series is my absolute FAVORITE!

Or I suppose I could write?

I have a ton of stories just blowing in the wind that need to be finished but I don't really feel like writing.

Decisions... decisions... I think I'm going to finish reading 'The Innocent'. Reading is one of my favorite things to do and I rarely have the chance for solitude while I'm absorbed in a good book.

So, I'm off to read. Catch ya later.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Who In The Blue Blazin' Hell Are We?

Why, we're Aimee and Angie, of course.

Now, we want to be clear that no offense was taken by either of us to anyone's assumptions about our mental state. We actually thought it was pretty funny but, at the same time, it feels like maybe we should explain a few things. So, here we go...

Schizophrenia: A psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment, by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by disintegration of personality expressed as disorder of feeling, thought (as in hallucinations and delusions), and conduct called also dementia praecox.

Kind of like... Angie today... Aimee tomorrow... angieaimeeangieaimee

That sounds pretty interesting, huh?

Well, as interesting as all that "personality-swapping" sounds, it isn't what's happening here. Aimee and Angie are two seperate women, living in two seperate states, leading two seperate lives. One's married, one's single. One has a child, one doesn't. One's raven-haired, one's blonde. One's dark-eyed, one's light-eyed. One was born in April, one was born in August -- the list goes on...

So, if we're two seperate people why do we blog together? Well the obvious reason is because we're friends, very good friends so, why not? The simpler, less consequential reason is because we host a website together so we figured why not blog together? No fuss, no muss.

It's really as simple as that folks. But if some of the people who swing through here still feel that we're actually one masquerading as two... so be it. It's actually impressive (to us anyhow) that anyone thinks I/We/Us are a sane enough schizophrenic to maintain a blog without having a plethora of extremely psychotic episodes.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Angie's Entry - Here I am to save the day!!

Mighty mouse is on his way! Which is my new nickname at my part-time job. Whenever they need help, they call me and I jump into my batmobile.

Sorry, that is my song for the day - did you all enjoy it? LOL

Aim - I knew it!! I've been searching high and low for that man!! But it's aiight, you need him right now more than I do. So it's all good babe. Just don't wear him out like you did the last time you sent him back to me! It took him a freakin week to recover. You go witchur badself! LOL

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Kidnap? Me? Umm, I Plead The Fifth!!!

I was thinking that between the shameless rambling I did about my inability to achieve orgasm without umm... help (yeah, help is a good word) from inanimate objects, nonsensically followed by that whole freakish obsession with my nails thing that y'all figured I was looney tunes. I had bleak images of you creeping away... silently so as not to disturb the resident nutcase. But my goofy posting didn't traumatize you. Oh no, you stuck it out. Thanks. Y'all ROCK. (Side Note: I tend to speak whatever's on my mind (literally) so, it's pretty much a given that I will continue to go off on maniacal fieldtrips - I just can't help it.)

You know, you all are extremely fantastic. I mean, Matt thinks we're awesome and Jay thought I was running a schitzo blog. How cool is that? So, thanks y'all for stopping by our house of madness... While you're here, you'll encounter our thought-provokingly sincere and sometimes titillating thoughts (all of which are seriously overshadowed by a bunch of endless rambling). We adore the comments that y'all lovingly leave for us (they makes us all warm and gushy inside) so, if we fail to respond to one please know that they are appreciated. Now, sit back, relax (we're fairly friendly ladies), enjoy your stay and by all means come back and visit us anytime - we love having company.

Well, I didn't blog yesterday because it turned into the day from hell. There are certain people who feel that when they're in a serious pinch, I'm the "go-to" girl. Most of the time, I don't mind, I'll always help if I can but sometimes it gets a bit tiring.

I got a call from my dad at 5 minutes after 5 yesterday and let me tell you, I moved mountains, crossed rivers and parted seas to get to where my dad was stranded with my grandparents super-quick so they wouldn't be left baking in the 90+ degree weather that graced us yesterday. I took my grandparents home, took my dad to get a new battery then stood on the side of the road with him while he installed it to make sure it worked. By the time all that was done it was coming up on 7:30 PM so, I called Drew because he was closer and I wanted him to go pick up Cameron from his teachers house at 8:00 PM (she, Cameron's teacher, took him home with her so I could go help my dad) and Drew felt "put-out" by my dad so he morphed into "prick-mode" and I had to engage in a verbal tussle with him. I didn't get home until 7:50 and then I ran around like a madwoman, taking out the dog and what-not so I could watch the season finale of American Idol.

And to cap it off, the lady 4 townhouses down came banging on my door at 11:00 PM because her two brothers were pounding the shit out of each other and she wanted me to call 911. Why ME?? But, sighs, like a good neighbor I stood outside in my PJ's conversing with the 911 operator on my cell.

I'm hoping tonight is nice and peaceful.


Oh, guess what? Angie posted again... I think it might snow later (hee hee). And Ang, you forgot Taylor!?! GAH!! She'll be so hurt. It's okay, I'll talk to her ;)

Kidnap him? Me? *looks around sheepishly* NO. Of course not! Why would you think such a thing...

*backs out of here slowly*

Angie's Entry - *blows a raspberry*

I know, a rather immature action on my part, but I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling it.

Aimee and I are currently trying to finish up four (Is it that many? Yeah I think it is. Shai, Jolene, POV and Tracie (which is the brain child of Aimee and Mel). Not to mention the two I have - Kaitlyn and Jaina) fics between the two of us and we are having absolutely no fuckin luck. For a while yesterday we seemed to be on a short roll. When we split up to write our "own" segments, that's when it fell apart. I've been reading other fics, but about the same object of my unhealthy obsession - one famous white rapper who's name shall not be mentioned. Just cause I'm sure everyone knows who I'm talking about anyways. There are dissapointments when you set the bar too high. But that's another day! LOL I'm having no luck getting "re-energized", "inispired" or anything of that nature. Don't get me wrong, he's a beautiful specimen of a man, but I can't seem to get anything off the ground. The well has been tapped dry as a bone. Crap.

Does anyone watch 24? I spent two hours on Monday night in agony during the season finale. I was left feeling like it was the end of the series, not the season. I won't go in depth in case anyone hasn't seen it, I'd hate to ruin it by saying too much.
The Lost season finale is tonight, but I'm sure won't be half as exciting. Nonetheless, I'm still looking forward to seeing it. I never in a million years would have thought Matthew Fox could pull off a role like "Jack", but there are some parallel's to his "Charlie" from Party of Five. As an ensemble cast, this group is fantastic, not to mention the writers and the location. I'm all about Hawai'i.

After this week, there won't be much on TV worth watching, in my opinion. I'm not much of a reality TV watcher. Unless you count MTV's Real World. Which I've been watching since the very first episode 11 years ago.

I had dinner with some friends last night, I thought it was Monday we were susposed to get together, but it was last night. Anyways, the reason for our gathering was one of them went on a 12 day vacation to Greece. They traveled to the island of Crete and spent a few days in Turkey. We oggled at pictures of the Athens ruins, the Sultan's palace decoreated with so much gold it was crazy, but awesomely beautiful even in pictures. Then she tells us she's going back to Hawai'i at the end of June! This time instead of staying in Wakiki or Honolulu, it sounds like they'll be more towards the North Shore. She's so lucky. I'm so jealous.

I will return to Hawai'i someday. And I will spend an ungodly amount of time there, like a month exploring everything I didn't have the chance to when I was there.

I've been feeling philosophical and reflective lately. I think it has a big part to do with the weather in my fair part of the country. Monday it was beautiful out. Yesterday, up until around 10 a.m. it was nice out, then came the clouds and dropping temps. My lovely lady, Aimee informed me this morning that in her corner of the country it's 90 and sunny. While I'm stuck here with clouds, rain and 60. Which is not susposed to subside for at least another few days. Ho hum. Today, this morning, was PERFECT weather to sleep in. Not too warm, cloudy and gray, my little furry girl curled up, looking cute as anything I'd ever seen, but damn the alarm clock!

I have a serious kink in my back, like just below my shoulder blades, but dead center and it aches like a bitch. Taking a deep breath hurts like mad. And of course it's in a place I can't stretch out, believe me, I've been trying. Damn.

Where the hell is that millionaire?

Aimee, did you kidnap him AGAIN? What have I told you about not sharing? Don't make me come down there young lady!! LOL

Thanks to all of you for the funny replies to Aimee's and I's entry on our nails!! They were great!

I'm outtie!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Oh Ang, I'm OBSESSED With My Nails!!

I know, it's really rather sick but alas, it's true! They have to be pretty or I'm sad , sad, sad...

Now skip this and scroll down and read Angie's entry. She actually has something intelligent to say as opposed to my obsessive fascination with my nails.

Angie's Entry - It's Monday

It's Monday, another day of payroll and the beginning of yet another work week. Damnit. Where's that freakin millionaire I ordered? If he's got enough money to buy two apartments in Vegas, then he's got enough to get me outta here. I'm thinkin Hawaii would be nice.

It's FINALLY going to be sunny today! Their saying the high today will be near 80. Yey!!

I'm having dinner with some friends tonight. After a trip to a home mortgage lender to discuss refinancing.

Saturday I went over to my mom's house, we discussed paint colors and bought flowers to decorate with. Brother came down and we all had lunch. I love my brother, he's so damn funny.

Then Saturday night I went up to my cousin's house and played Texas Hold 'em with her and the neighbors. One of whom I spent the whole night flirting with. I lost both games, but I stayed in pretty long. I didn't get home until 3am. Good thing I stopped home after I left my mom's to feed and let the dog out.

Sunday I went tanning and finally had my nails done. I haven't had fake nails on in years but I needed to do something girly to make myself feel pretty. Plus mine kept breaking when they'd get the legnth I like, therefore having to start all over again. But we'll see how long these last. I usually get tired of them and rip them off.

I'm trying to lose some weight and everyone says I look better, so go me. I've been walking a few times a week with a friend of mine who's getting married next year and she's right on my home, so is the lake, so!

I colored my hair yesterday. I'm back to my natural, well, all one color hair. I've been hesistant to color the blonde that I covered with brown, that I covered with a deep burgundy/brown. But the dark auburn/medium brown and most colors in between were really bugging me. SO I took the change and went for black. So far I think it looks ok. It's as close to my natural color since I started way back when.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who procrastinates Aimee!

I'm outtie

Aimee's Enrty - I'm Feelin' Bitchy...

Going to see my mom can be a bad thing for my overtaxed mind, not mention the niggling sense of guilt that plagues me when I get to thinking about the things that I should've done but ultimately didn't. When we were sitting around on the porch talking today she asked me if I've been taking my antibiotics like a good little girl and I can proudly say that - yes, I have. But in the same token I started thinking about all the appointments that I was supposed to make and blew off.

After my needle guided biopsy last June I was supposed to follow up with Dr. Bershan every six months for a breast exam and a mammogram. Which means I should've gone in to see him in Decemeber (I didn't) and since June is quickly approaching that means another 6 month mark is just about here. So, I guess I better get off my ass and make an appointment.

I blew off my yearly rendezvous with Dr. Fazzano (he's my OB/GYN) that was supposed to take place in February. Sighs. I guess I better get my ass in to see him too.

And I skipped out on my yearly physical with Dr. Qureshi. I just figure that this one is a waste of time because I'm a regular visitor in my immunologists office and she's always poking and prodding and ordering blood so what the heck do I need a physical for, huh?

Oh well, we'll just keep all this a secret. Shhh.

Aside from going to my mom's, it was a pretty blah and somewhat icky day. I woke up in "extreme-bitch" mode which put Drew's back up and threw him into "unreasonable-dick" mode so, sighs, we were at each others throats all fucking day. And Cameron is sick (again).

God, I have the urge to get blissfully drunk. Mmm, yes - that sounds like a lovely plan.


Sunday, May 22, 2005

Aimee's Entry - May The Force Be With You...

Through my wonderful powers of persuasion, I convinced Drew to take me to see 'Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith' tonight. I threw in a, "You know how much Cameron wants to see it and we can't let him see it without viewing it first!" (I know, I know - I'm such a lying bitch. I just wanted to see it and I was using any excuse to get him to null and void that "we're waiting a couple weeks" claim he made. Heh, it worked).

Anyway, I loved the movie. Seriously. I know a lot of people didn't like it but I thought it was bad ass. BUT, I don't think it's such a good idea to let Cameron see it yet. I think I'll rent the older ones, stick them in after he goes to bed and if I think one (or all) of them are okay then he can start with those. 'Revenge of the Sith', in my opinion, was a little too much for an impressionable 5 year old and I don't want to deal with the nightmares. He'd be crawling into our bed for comfort and the little monster is the worst wiggler when he sleeps. I never get any sleep when he camps out in our bed. He won't be a happy camper if he figures out that we're not going to take him to see it so, I think I'll keep that little bit of info hush-hush for the time being.

Tomorrow I have to drive all the way to Boca (I act like it's a trek and it's only like a 20 minute drive but I hate driving) to pick up my cell phone from my mom's house. She's been to my house 2 times this week and she keeps forgetting to bring it. Sighs. Oh well, it'll be nice. I haven't been to the farm in a while and my niece Sarah is there for the weekend, I haven't seen the little angel in what seems like forever. I miss her. She's so damn cute.

Okay, well, I guess I'll stop the incessant rambling, it's almost 1:30 in the morning and I should really be in bed. Night (er morning).

Friday, May 20, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Oops, I Did It Again...

I've been remiss but eh, no matter. Nothing really interesting shaking my way anyhow.

And hey, I hope I didn't traumatize all of you with my "Too Much Info" post the other day. Someone near and dear said, "Gosh Aims, I so did not want to know that." Oops. So, I created my own personal place that I can spout "Too Much Info" until the cows come home and none of my near and dears have to know about it (unless they want to).

Yesterday was my "busy" day at work and then last night I just amused myself with those silly online quizzes. One day I'll figure out why I like those bloody things so much.

Well, I was supposed to pull out all of the info I need to register Cameron for school this week. Didn't do it. I was supposed to call and reschedule my infusion because the 27th is a bad day and I can't make it. Didn't do it. I was supposed to call my immunologist and report my medical condition since I've been on the high powered Augmentin. Didn't do it. I was supposed to call this credit lady to discuss some credit options to get us out of financial hot water. Didn't do it. Oops. I didn't do much of nothing this week, period. I need to kick my ass into gear here and start doing the shit I'm supposed to, damnit. Sighs. I've been feeling so fucking lazy lately.

Cameron is spending the night at my mom's house tonight so, it'll be awful quiet around here. I miss the little monster but sometimes I enjoy the break. Drew is taking me to Carrabba's. YUM.

And, I'm all talked out for the evening. Night.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Aimee's Entry - AOL BLOWS...

This part will fall under "Too Much Information" so, I'll just get it out of the way. Feel free to skip it... God, I haven't had an orgasm that wasn't "mechanically-assisted" in so long. Even the other night when Drew traveled south to pay back a bet he lost, I couldn't cum. I had to use a clit stimulator when he was inside of me to get off. But the worst part, is even with a clit stimulator, it was like pulling teeth. I think I'm broken. It's so fucking frustrating.

I am SO ready to blow up AOL headquarters. I hate them. Seriously-fucking-hate-them! Why can't they just get their shit straight?

I'm not much of a chatter. I don't know why, I've just never been. That's not to say that I won't chat with you if you start-up a conversation, I will. I'm actually super-friendly. I just don't go bugging people. I figure if they wanna chat, they'll let me know.

The two exceptions to that rule are Angie and Christie. Angie's cool cause we chat on Yahoo and I have no beef with Yahoo but Christie is another story all together. We both have AOL. And God, she's been offline for so fucking long that I was beginning to have "Christie Withdrawls" because even when we shared a duplex we used to chat online constantly (with an occasional sneak outside to meet on the porch for a smoke. Drew used to make fun of us. He'd say, "If you two wanna fucking talk to each other, why don't you just go outside on the porch and talk? You two don't make any fucking sense." I digress. Sorry.) but when we sold the duplex and went our separate ways, she never hooked up her phone. So, she called super-excited the other day because she finally got a phone and our "chat-fest" was back on. But AOL loves nothing more than to fuck with me. It kept showing Christie that I was signing off in the middle of a conversation (I wasn't) and then POOF like 5 minutes later it'd show her that I signed back on. What the fuck is with that shit? Sighs. They annoy me.

Anyway, someone recently asked me why sometimes I talk about Drew in passing but I've never really talked about Drew. Shrugs. I don't know? What's to say? But to appease anyone's curiosity, I'll tell you a bit about Big D.

Drew is 25 years old (Yes, he's younger. He was actually only 16 when we started dating and 19 when we got married).

We're the complete opposite of each other in looks and well, personality too - where I'm 5'1, blonde hair, hazel eyes, pale skin... he's 6'2, black hair, brown eyes, dark skin. Where I'm volatile and have a quick-fire temper... he's silent with a slow to fuse, icy temper. We're an interesting couple.

He's an artist. He works full-time for a full-service art company as head of their mural division. He makes shit money working for them but he does fairly well with some clients that he's picked up on the side. He's extremely fucking talented.

I don't know what else to say about him? We've been together for ten years and we don't get along most of the time but for all our bullshit, we love each other.

And that's all folks. It's been an extremely boring day. Oh, before I go... Thaly-Ann, if you're reading, I updated the site. I added Ch. 9-12 of 'TTWL'. I did a few re-writes (I'm still not happy with it) and Angie edited it but it's pretty close to the original.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Happy Anniversary...

"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." ~ Judy Garland

Happy Anniversary to all the GLBT couples who were legally wed a year ago today. The battle for equality continues but for today, you should rejoice and celebrate the beauty of your union with the one you love.

Gosh, I'm feeling gloomy today. Blah, blah, blah. And boy, oh, boy do I need a bloody miracle to get myself out of the financial trouble I've managed to land myself in. I think I'll change my name and move to Nebraska.

Okay, moving on... yesterday's bitching about my breast size spurred
Jasmine to post about people's superficial need to have, need or want the exact opposite of what they've been given. And in response to her post, I commented...

In basic principle, I agree with your point. It's always wise to cherish what you do have as opposed to longing for what you don't have. But, all this wanting the opposite of what we were granted is spurred on by that vicious little beast Human Nature. It can be an odd little entity, that whole Human Nature thing, makes us do crazy things. But alas, it's just another one of those strange little intricacies that makes life keep moving.

People, in general, typically always want something other than what they have, it's just a fact of life. For Example: Until I cut off 12" a few months ago, I had a mane of glorious curls that landed just above my ass. Was I happy with it? Hell NO. I wanted pin-straight hair that landed somewhere in the region of my shoulders. Why? Because I had long, curly hair, of course. It's just that whole contrariness that goes hand-in-hand with human nature. That doesn't mean I'm not happy and grateful for what I've got, it just means I'm a contrary bitch who dreams of something different.

Well, I've been remiss in my writing and I'm supposed to be bucking up and challenging myself so, I promised Angie today that I would finish writing a poem. And I didn't do it. I got a grand total of two lines written and got distracted. BAD AIMEE. Sigh. Tomorrow, I shall finish it (even if it kills me).

And that's all for me. Blah. Night.

Aimee's Entry - Feeding the Addiction...

Thanks Jasmine for helping me feed my addiction... (I don't know what about these quizzes entertains me so? Hmm)

your bitch.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by

Monday, May 16, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Service With A Smile...

Yet another place I've wandered through...

The Search for Love in Manhattan (I just found this blog sweet and funny and real and... just check it out.)

Why is it that people think that if they act like complete fucking pricks on the phone I'll be inclined to give them premium service? Cause, I'll tell you what, if someone acts like a dick on the phone, they ain't getting jack shit from me. Not one motherfucking thing. Period. A pissy homeowner told me to "fuck off" earlier because he didn't like our service policy. Oh well, you ignorant fuckwad, I could personally give two shits about what you like - thank you and have a nice day DICKHEAD. Ah, service with a smile.

God, I spent way too much time messing around with our website today. I added a "Links" page and Tripod doesn't make it a walk in the park, let me tell you (or it could just be that small problem I have with computer illiteracy). And furthermore, why does everything have to involve HTML tags in one way or another? Sighs. I hate those fucking things.

So, Drew and I were talking last night and we got on the subject of breasts. You see, I want smaller ones and he thinks that's just crazy. So, I asked, "Why is it crazy?" He looked at me like I'd grown another head, "Because I like them the way they are, they're perfect." Snorts, Uh huh, "Yeah right, they are SO not perfect honey. I want cute, little perky ones." He asked, "What, like your sister's?" (Sorry Chris, but Drew is the one who brought your tits into the conversation - not me. Although, I might have, if he hadn't mentioned them first.) Nods, "Yes, exactly. Just like Christie's." He shook his head, "No, they're nice but that's not what I like." Well hell, "What about what I like? I'm the one who's gonna have to deal with these babies when gravity gets a hold of them." And that, my friends, is the crux of the problem... Why do I want smaller breasts? Because gravity is a real bitch to big breasted women. Oh, the unfairness of it all. But, sighs, Drew said he'll still love me when my breasts are happily flirting with my waist. We shall see...

Hasta mañana.

Angie's Entry - The Downward Spiral

I had every confidence that Aimee would keep you entertained in my absence, and I was correct. She's the best.

Chicks that drive pickup trucks are cool. Just thought I'd tell you that. I love driving my friend Jason's truck. It fits me well. My prix does too, so I think I need one of each. Not too much to ask now is it?

My mom is all moved into her new place with her new furniture. I'm so happy for her to have things that make her happy. To be living how she wants to live. Better late than never? I suspose so.

I spent Thursday moving her and Friday I helped her unpack.

Saturday I went up north to see my ex's mom. It was a little uncomfortable for me at first, but she and I were the only ones at the house for a good couple hours, so that helped. She was disappointed I didn't bring my dog with. I told her next time I go up I will. My ex showed up with his gf and the kids. That was a little weird. But it was alright. I was relieved Mama didn't give asshole the clock back while I was sitting there. But he's going back up in a few days and I'm sure she'll give it to him then. But snaps for not doing it in front of me. Salt in the wound and all.

Sunday I didn't do a damn thing. I brought the paper in but haven't read it yet.

And now for my incessant rambling: I'm unhappy with my whole life right now. It seems to be a disturbing pattern in my life. One thing starts this chain reaction and everything else goes to shit.

~ So far the car has been ok, but apparently that's a bomb waiting to go off. So the new decision is whether or not to keep it and run it as long as I can. It'll be paid off in September. Or trade it it now while it still runs and I can get a fairly good trade in value on it. Car payment plus insurance or no car payment and run the risk of no car. Hello rock, meet hard place.

~ I need to refinance my house cause my payments are drownding me.

~ My summer trip to Detroit to stalk the love of my life is looking less and less that it's going to happen. Considering we haven't bought our tickets and if get the $250 VIP, I would assume it will have to be soon before they sell those out too.

~ I have to push going back to school until January because I can't afford to make my student loan payments.

~ I need to find a new full time job before I get fired from this one. Had the "talk" with my boss and our HR guy about, well we're at the fork in the road, do you want to stay here and make payroll your lifelong career or are you going to find something else? A few people have made comments about your attitude. Well one, it's not like I can leave part of myself at home. I'm frustrated with just about everything right now so excuse me if I'm not sunshine and flowers. Second, I have a thanksless job. When people come to me, it's because something is wrong, they made a mistake and they want it fixed right fuckin now. Sorry, I don't have that capability anymore. It's not like people stop in and tell me what a good job I'm doing. No, they stop by to complain about one thing or another. Thirdly, ever heard that expression, actions speak louder than words? Well when you keep handing me busy work, I'm not an idiot. I know it's because you don't think I can handle anything difficult. So thanks for that. It's not like I haven't proven myself over and over again either. I told you numerous times that I'm not good at this job, that I don't want to do it anymore and only now when the big boss man has a problem do you finally decide to listen to what I've been trying to tell you for three fuckin years.
I do take responsibility however. I should have not let you talk me out of staying, I should have left when I told you I was going to. I accept that. That was my choice. And I have to live with that, but it's quite unfair that your using that against me now. Super secretly forcing me to go.

My mom thinks I need to go back into counseling, possibly back on meds just to regulate the moods I have. A few years (more like 8 or 9 now) back I almost flunked out of college because of a serious battle with depression. Ever read "Prozac Nation" by Elizabeth Wurtzel? That was the book that made me ok with being on medication. There are parts of that book that I swear to god she plucked right out of my life. Only she is a much better communicator of those thoughts and emotions than I am. It's an amazing story, her story about her struggle with depression.

I called Aaron on Wednesday like I said I would. We talked for about a half hour or so. He knows a guy that works at a shop, he can get me the part at cost and he'd do the labor for nothing. Well, a bottle of Jim Beam or Jaggermeister. He was gonna call his buddy for the info on the part and call me back. He didn't. That's Aaron.

Got to see Brother. He's doin good. He presented his paper last Wednesday. He's got like four job offers for this summer. Lucky brat. But he's worked hard and he's the best guy I've known. My mom and I raised him right. LOL

So are there any good things going on in my life? No. And I'll spare you the incredibly boring details as much as I can. In fact I would suggest skipping my entries and only reading Aimee's. Hers are much more interesting, funny and all around easier to read. Seriously.


Aimee's Entry - Feeling The Force...

And this, friends and neighbors, is another spot that I've inadvertently landed during one of my "link-chasing" moments.

spank me with a spoon (I, personally, don't find getting spanked with a spoon (or well, anything really) all that exciting but to each their own, I say. She seems to enjoy it. It was interesting reading and if you like nudes, well, she posts some up pretty consistently, it's mainly breast and bottom shots but, hey, there's nothing wrong with breasts and bottoms.)

God, today was such a wasted day. I had all of this stuff that I wanted to do and I didn't do any of it. What I did do, was lay around on my lazy ass all day watching TV. You see, they were playing 'Star Wars: Episode I (The Phantom Menace)' on FOX and I wanted to see it so, I figured that was a perfectly good excuse to ignore the fact that I had chores to accomplish. Shrugs. It worked for me.

And putting all the neglected chores aside, there was a definite plus to today's laziness. Oh yes, there was and I believe that Drew has now learned that it's never wise to bet sexual favors when you're not sure you're going to win. He lost a round of oral pleasure and I gained me one. She shoots. She scores.

Since we watched 'Star Wars' today, I guess Drew was feeling the force. Snorts. Mr. "smooth move" slid his hand up my shirt and palmed a hand full. I, of course, immediately moved to intercept. He tried pushing through my interference with a "But they're loose" defense. Nice try but, "So, what? I rarely wear a bra in the house. I don't have to." He narrowed his eyes, "But your dad's coming over." Shrugs, "So? Like he's going to see through my shirt, I'm wearing black." And his cheesy comeback to that was, "Oh, so you're crossing over to the darkside, huh? Wanna see my light saber?" I have to admit, I giggled.

And here's a little advice for all the men out there... when you wake up next to your woman (or any woman you happen to wake up next to, for that matter) and she's naked, still all soft and warm from sleep, you're sporting some serious morning wood and you're feeling recklessly horny so you snuggle up next to her for a little wake-up sex. She's receptive because there's nothing like a bout of soft morning sex to clear away the sleep and she pushes back against you, ready to accept what you're longing to give her. So, you thrust forward forcefully, pushing yourself (un-fucking-welcome) into the wrong the bloody entrance. OUCH. Anal sex is fine, my friends. I don't have a problem with it (anymore), I've gotten past my fear of it and actually enjoy it from time to time. But, for fuck's sake, give a girl some warning before you go shoving yourself in there.

Well, that's all for me tonight y‘all. See ya.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Family Day...

Hi, my name is Aimee and I'm a link whore. There, I did it. I confessed. If you have links on your blog/website I'll follow them like a lovesick groupie. Why? You ask. Well, because I'm unabashedly curious about all manner of things, of course. What can I say? Besides, it's actually kind of cool. I end up in some interesting places, let me tell you. And the one thing I love more than anything is when someone moves my emotions in one way or another, whether it's pissing me off, amusing me, making me think or simply making me hot. If you've managed to move me, I think you're fucking awesome. So, I figured I'd randomly share some of the places that I inadvertently land. Here's one of them...

PostSecret (I don't know but I find this blog pretty cool. You mail in a secret (it can be a fear or a want or a fantasy... anything, as long as you've never shared it with anyone) on a 4x6 index/postcard and she posts it up. Some of the things that people send in are quite interesting.

Moving on... I decided sometime last night that we were going to have some "family fun time" today. Why I do that is beyond me because it usually ends up disastrous and it was certainly looking like a bad plan this morning when Drew and Cameron went head to head over the days events. Sighs. No one EVER agrees on anything in this house. It annoys the fuck out of me. You see, I wanted to see a movie but Drew wanted to go to Boomers and Cameron wanted to go to the movies until Drew pushed Boomers. Then all hell broke loose because I (stupidly) complained about Drew pushing Cameron into Boomer's when he wanted to see a movie. So, of course to make things difficult, Drew changed from Boomer's to movies which left Cameron in tears because he made the switch from movies to Boomer's. Are you confused yet? I was here in the middle of the mass chaos and I was confused. Whoo. But we worked it out. Oh yes, in the end everybody won and we spent twice the money. We went to the movies AND Boomer's.

In other news... my five year old son beat me at miniature golf today. How pathetic is that? After I get over the shame of it all, I think I'll work on firming up my golf game so I can beat the little smarty pants. The brat had a jolly ole time rubbing salt in my wounds. And Cameron was down for the count by the time we got home so Drew and I watched 'Oceans 12' on DVD. It was a fucking awesome movie but I'm going to have to re-watch 'Oceans 11' because I'm pretty sure that one was better. Drew disagrees.

And here's a question that's been plaguing me all day... why on earth do girls wear coochie cutters? Good Lord, they've got to hurt. Seriously, having your pants (or shorts) buried so far up your crotch that it's a wonder you can still walk can NOT be comfortable. And maybe it's just me but, the visual is not attractive. AT ALL.

Oh well, that's it, nothing exciting going on 'round here. Today was "family day" in my little corner of the world.


Friday, May 13, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Randomness...

“When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy.” - Anon

This dratted illness that plagues me can be a real bitch at times and there are days when it can be a bit rough on me. I don’t typically do very well with the rougher days but knowing that people care goes a long way towards helping me cope with those not so stellar days. Words can be a pretty powerful thing and when they’re given with love, concern and out of friendship they mean more than I could ever express. So, thanks.

Well, today hasn’t precisely been a down day but it hasn’t exactly been an up day either. It’s just... blah, ya know? Actually compared to yesterday, today is an utterly fabulous day. So, things are looking up.

Drew and I were supposed to drive down to Marathon tonight because one of his customers wants a few murals done at his weekend home but the construction on the house isn’t completely done yet so, we’re putting it off for a couple weeks. Money-wise, postponing the job sucks because we could’ve used the extra $1,500.00 this week but in the long run, it works out better this way because feeling like I do, I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed myself. Plus, not going will make my mamma very happy. You should’ve heard the laundry list of reasons she gave me for why going on the trip this weekend was a bad idea.

Speaking of trips... I’m so excited because we finally decided what resort we’re staying at for my birthday trip. YAY! We’re staying at Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort. God, I can’t wait. It’ll be so fun to get away for a few days with my mamma and Christie.

Well, since I can’t think of anything remotely interesting to talk about and I’ve been doing rewrites latey, I figured I’d post this rewrite up for Thaly-Ann. Enjoy babe. P.S. I changed the ending to this scene when I did the rewrite. I’m guessing that Angie would’ve picked up on that so I figured I’d mention it.
His velvety hands glided across her, tracing patterns over her satiny skin. He circled her nipples slowly, tormenting her with his tender touch, stoking the fire that burned deep with in.

His soft, supple lips brushed against the creaminess of her neck, his tongue darting out to lave at the smooth flesh.

She could hear her own breaths. The deep, ragged air that pushed out through her slightly parted lips and cycled back, filtering through her ears, clashing with the galloping beat of her heart.

Fear; pure and primal, coursed through her veins. She didn’t know what she was afraid of? It couldn’t be him, she loved him but something terrified her.

The fear ebbed slightly when she felt his hands slide down over her stomach, his tongue flickering furiously in a race to catch up, leaving his hot saliva behind to scorch her skin.

She arched up and a primitive moan pushed past her lips when his soft, fleshy tongue swiped up the inside of her upper thigh, moving toward her slippery, hot center.

His breath rushed out between her thighs and he flicked his tongue out to tease the swollen bud directly below his mouth. She clutched the bed sheets in her hands, her knuckles turning a ghostly shade of white as she fought to hold on. His tongue pressed hard against her clit and dragged down through her silky smooth folds before plunging into her.

She jerked her hips up, pressing herself deeper into his mouth. He continued to make love to her with his tongue, sending waves of heat rocketing through her, quickly melting away any left over fear that hadn’t fully ebbed.

His tongue plundered her, rubbing against her inner walls while his thumb drifted up to play with her clit. He stroked and pressed, he licked and sucked, he pinched and nipped until she was writing underneath him, her head flailing from side to side helplessly.

She was on the precipice, of what, she didn’t know but whatever it was she would willingly cross over and walk into it blindly, she didn’t care. She felt like she was soaring somewhere above the clouds. The pleasure was so deep, it was like a shimmering light invading her mind. She could see stars floating behind her eyes, little white pricks of glittering light.

"Oh God..."

She bolted upright in bed and looked around her room groggily. Her body was a riot of sensations. She glistened with sweat, her breathing was short and choppy and her heartbeat pounded frantically in her ears.

‘A dream,’ her mind processed, ‘just a dream.’

She laid back down slowly and clenched her thighs tightly together in an effort to diminish the ache that throbbed ruthlessly between her legs. But it wouldn’t dissipate, she needed release.

She slid her hand smoothly across the flat of her stomach, continuing lower to the juncture of her thighs. Her legs parted slightly to allow her hand to slip unhindered into the silky depths of her panties. She cupped her sex and let out a ragged moan, her thighs snapping tightly back together to press her hand more firmly against her core. She arched her back, her toes digging into the bed sheets and ran her fingers between her slippery lips before pushing her middle finger gently inside her throbbing entrance. Her thumb moved up to lightly thrum her clit as she rocked wantonly against her hand. Remnants of the dream came filtering back to intensify her pleasure and she sped up the rhythm of her hands when she felt her walls begin to suck greedily at her fingers. She pushed another finger deep inside of her, pressing her thumb more firmly against her swollen clit and bit down hard on her lip as she crested, her orgasm washing over her in endless waves of pleasure.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Aimee - Down Day

Today has been a very bad day medically for me so, I'm going to suggest some other blogs that I enjoy.

I already posted up some of my favorite
"sex blogs" (at the bottom of the entry). Check them out.

Or you could check out this one, But Enough About You. He's fabulous. He makes me smile.

And of course all the blogs in my links are awesome.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Aimee's Entry - The Oddity That Is Me...

Today has been one of those monotonous days. It's been dreadfully tedious so far and it's left me longing for a nap. Plus, unpleasant remnants of last nights migraine have dug their claws in and are happily hanging on for dear life. Sighs. Anyhow, days like today either put my brain to sleep or force me to think about inconsequential shit. Unfortunately, I couldn't allow my brain to catch some Zzzzz's so that left me with the inconsequential pondering.

So, I started thinking about the odd obsessions that I have with some things. I mentioned a few of them in yesterday's entry, let's talk about me.

It made me wonder, why do I pick up these weird attachments to things? Or develop some weird, unexplainable habits?

Shrugs. I don't know the answer but I know I certainly have a few. Weird attachments or hang-ups, I suppose you could call them.

Like panties for instance. I have a strange panty fetish. Not lingerie, just panties. The sexy, lacy, slinky kind. I know I mentioned my obsession with pajamas but no one in their right mind would consider my pajamas lingerie or remotely sexy, for that matter. I like those comfy yet cutesy two piece pant set pajamas. But, don't get me wrong, I love sexy lingerie too but it's panties that I collect like my son's prized possession of Yu-Gi-Oh cards. And I have to ask myself why? Most of them are ridiculously expensive and they're usually so flimsy that it takes next to nothing to ruin them. Just last week I put a thumb nail through a perfectly lovely pair of black lace "boy shorts" panties. Oh well, I like them. What're ya gonna do?

And then there's my glitter fetish. I can never quite get a handle on this one. I don't know? But I fucking LOVE glitter. Glitter body lotion, glitter body gel, glitter shower gel, glitter body spray, glitter lip gloss. Glitter, glitter, glitter. One of my favorite body sprays is called 'Shimmering Waters' and that stuff will make you glow like a beacon in the night when you get in direct sunlight. Apparently I have sparkly issues.

Capri pants. Why do I like them so much? One would think that they'd be annoying, right? I mean, they're not really pants yet they're not shorts either. They're stuck somewhere in between. But it doesn't matter. I adore them. Completely.

Toe rings. They're so damn cute. They're extremely uncomfortable if you're not wearing open toed shoes but I don't care, I love them. Seriously love them.

And as far as weird habits… well, there’s my desk at work. Don’t Fuck With It. I can’t stand it when things are out of place. My stapler, tape, post-it pads, paperclips, etc. have their place and I get itchy when people move them. And God, I can NOT stand it when there’s paperwork just lying around on my desk, it drives me to distraction, I have to make it go away. The smart ass guys that work here think it’s funny to fuck with me so they move my shit around all the time. You know - my stapler a couple inches to the left, my tape on the other side of my rolodex, my post pads crooked, work orders spread haphazardly across my desk. Ha, ha - they’re so funny, huh? One day I’m just going to go nuts on the smart ass motherfuckers and then we’ll see how funny they think it is.

Okay, well that wraps up Aimee's "I Have Issues" session for today. But seriously, is it just me? Am I the only loopy one out there that finds themselves attracted to some of the silliest things? Or saddled with some weirdo habits?

Angie's entry - Gasp! Two in two days?

Have the planets lined up and hell has frozen over?

No sportsfans, I just have something to blog about. Imagine that.

So there's this guy that I've had a thing for since the first day I met about, oh 5 years I think it's been. Well, let's see. I met Teresa when I was 24? And that's when she introduced me to Aaron, so yeah it's been about 6 years. Wow.

So anyways.

Teresa and I were damn near inseperable for the first year we met and Aaron quickly became part of the team. The drinking and general mayhem team. Aaron and I have always flirted but it never went anywhere casue he had a psycho chick named Libby. Who's misadventures remind me of one now infamous Kim Mathers. Libby even jumped ship last year to go hang out and do drugs for a living.

So for my birthday this year a couple friends and I decided to go up to a club I hadn't been to in quite a while. And since it was my birthday and all, I spent an half hour putting on makeup and doing my hair. I had quite the JLO look going on. Sparkly eyeshadow, hair pulled back. I shoulda taken a pic, but I hate pictures of myself.

So I digress again.

So we go to this bar and who happens to be working there? Aaron. I was just as surprised to see him as he was to see me. Finally before we left, I went over and said hey. We talked for a while, he said he'd call and I left.

Well, he didn't call so I gave up. Aaron can be like that sometimes - flaky.

But he had my heart all fluttery.

See, Aaron is my bad boy. He's the fucked up one that I, for some bizarre reason, need to be with. Everyone tells me it's just a faze, that everyone needs a bad boy just to say they did. But Aaron's somehow seems different to me. I've seen him at his worst and I've seen him at his best. He's a riot to party with, he's a sweet guy, protective, funny.

He's about 6 foot 7, can't weigh more than 175 if that.

I dunno he's just Aaron.

He called me last night and left me a message asking if I wanted to get into some trouble with him, which in Aaron speak means he wants to get together. I'm going to call him today and see what's going on. I'm sure he's working tomorrow night and Friday. Probably Saturday too. He's a bouncer afterall.

Aiight, I just had to share that.

I won't be around for the rest of the week. I'm helping my mom move tomorrow (Thursday), then on Friday I'm helping her paint. Saturday I'm driving up north to return a clock to my ex's mom. I guess a couple other peeps are going up too, so it should be interesting. Hopefully the ex won't be there and if he is, I dare that cock-sucking asshole to say shit to me, cause I will put him in check. The prick deserves it.


Aimee's Entry - So, Let's Talk About Meeee...

Well, since Angie told you a bit about her, I figured I'd follow suit. Hmm, let's see what tedious things I can come up with about me that'll probably bore you to tears.

* My parents chose the name 'Aimee' because they liked the spelling, they thought it was different. And though it has the fancy French spelling, it doesn't have the fancy French pronunciation (which is kind of like Ah-me). Nope, it's pronounced like Amy.

* My middle name is Dawn, after my mother (it's a tradition thing).

* Together 'Aimee Dawn' means, 'beloved break of day'. Awww, how cute (not really).

* I was born in Ashland, Kentucky at Kings Daughters Hospital on August 4th 1975. Which, ladies and gents, brings me creeping up on 30 super-fast.

* I currently and well, basically for the past 24 years have lived in sunny South Florida.

* I'm a hazel eyed blonde (which you probably already realize since I posted a picture). Anyway, my eyes tend to stray more towards a weird aqua color (Drew said my eyes are like a mood ring - I never really thought of it that way but okay). I don't have that light, sun-kissed blonde that I long for - I'm stuck with that darker, dirty-blonde. Up until a few months ago I had really long hair (it was down to my ass) but it consistently annoyed me so I chopped off 12 inches (which is still a rather sore spot around here).

* I'm short. Very short. 5'1", I believe. It's a bit awkward since Drew is 6'2" but we manage to fit somehow.

* Christie is my only blood-related sibling and she's beautiful (again you know this because she was in the picture I posted). I just love her to pieces.

* I drive a 2002 Ford Explorer.

* Like Angie, I'm a smoker. I've been smoking since I was 18.

* I lost my virginity to a man when I was 16. I had an intimate sexual experience with a female before that but I've never considered that the loss of my virginity.

* I've slept with 6 men (including Drew).

* Other than the female I mentioned earlier, I've only fooled around with 1 other woman when I was in my early twenties. But I'd be intimate with another woman if the situation arose.

* I started dating Drew when I was 20, he was 16. We got married on June 27th 1999 and our first and only child (Cameron) was born on December 8th 2000.

* Cameron was born 4 weeks early and had to stay in Neonatal Intensive Care for 10 days. That was the hardest 10 days of my life.

* I've worked as an Administrative Assistant for a construction company since May 1997. And Ironically, I fucking LOVE my job.

* I have a chronic illness. I found out that I was sick when I was 22.

* I absolutely love to read but I'm not much of a TV watcher. American Idol, House and Six Feet Under are the only 3 shows that I watch religiously.

* I love to write all sorts of things but erotica is my real passion.

* I'm a sucker for action movies. I'm not too fond of comedies. Tear jerkers make me weepy so I tend to steer clear of them. And I'm a BIG scaredy cat so, I close my eyes through most horror flicks. Except 'Scream' (all of them), don't ask me why but I actually liked every one of them.

* I love all kinds of music but I'm partial to Hip-Hop.

* My favorite color is emerald green.

* I have a slightly odd obsession with pajamas. Speaking of which, last night I had to walk the dog and the little ass went tearing across the parking lot like a bat out of hell, dragging me with him and I gave the neighbors a bit of a free show before I managed to catch my fucking pajama pants. And the lesson I learned here is: Make sure you tighten the drawstring on your pajama bottoms before prancing around outside.

* I have pretty much the same weirdo obsession with house slippers (I know, I can't help it), clear lip gloss and fragrances.

* I love to take those silly online quizzes. I took one the other day, the topic was, "What kind of sexy are you?" and it kindly informed me that I’m "Boyishly Sexy", I’m not quite sure how to take that. Hmmm.

And hell, I can't think of anything else but if you think of something you'd like to know - ask. I'll answer if I can.

Night. Xoxo.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Angie's post - Angie who? Aimee's invisible friend!!

Just kidding.

Because of my lack of posting, Aimee's wondering how many of you think that I merely exist only in the recesses of her mind. I don't. I'm chained there for her sexual pleasure, but I'm not complaining!!

So in order to prove that I am a real human girl, here's some rather boring things about me:

I live alone, unless you count my dog. Which is more like a child to me than anything else. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old and she is truely mama's girl. She has attitude and spunk. And I swear to anything unholy that she understands every single word out of my mouth. She's spoiled like an only child should be.

I just recently turned 30. It's not as bad as it sounds, but I'm still not reaping any benefits from it. I don't feel 30 and I hope to god I don't look 30. I still get carded for cigarettes and booze.

Speaking of booze, I like to drink. Not a lot, in excess anymore. The hangover just isn't worth it. Plus I don't live at the bar like I used to. Among my favs:

The Captain, from which I have another nickname - Captain Coolpants. Don't laugh, it's cool. If you're a rum drinker, I would suggest Captain Silver. Much smoother, less bitter than the original.

Jack and I used to be bestest friends until I had a little too much of him one night. It didn't end well. But he and I still talk on occasion.

I've started drinking beer, so yey me. My usual is Mich Golden Light. I'm not much for branching out in this area because honestly, all beer tastes the same to me. Sorry guys.

I smoke. Cigarettes. I have since I was 12. That's when I tried my first. I got caught a few times, went off and on until I was in college. Then it was all on from there. I've been a religious smoker since I was 18. I've heard all the lectures about smoking and I will quit someday. I just don't know when that is. I've had two grandparents die from lung cancer and I should know better.

I have one brother, younger. He's about 6 foot 5, 220 or so. He's just finishing up college and he's fuckin awesome. He took me to Hawai'i this past January cause he's already gone 6 times previous. This was most likely his last year going so he brought me with. I love Hawai'i. It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen. The weather is perfect for a freeze baby like me. 70 and sunny every day. *sighs* I wish I was there now.

My brother and I have different dad's and I do not know my biological father. He left the state when I was two. The only pictures I have ever seen of him are two that my mom took when I was two, just before he left. He could walk up to me on the street and I'd never know. I have often thought about looking for him, but never had the nerve. I know that I look more like him than my mom but other than that, I know very little about his personality. My mom has been open and forthcoming when I've asked her about him.

My mom and my brother's dad are divorced. Have been since I was 12.

I am half Mexican, from my dad and French, German and Irish on my mom's side. Can you say temper anyone? LOL

What else?

I live in Minnesota.

I drive a 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix and I love it.

I haven't been involved in a serious realtionship in 6 years and I like it that way. I'm looking for my ideal guy (coughMarshallMatherscough). The last one fucked me up something good, so I think it's time to be independant for a while. When it's time to find someone, I will. I'm just not activelt looking right now. And I'm completely fine with it. I like being on my own.

Music. I love music. I grew up on the sounds of the 70's. Earth, Wind and Fire. The Doobie Brothers, Barry Manilow (don't laugh. I've seen him in concert three times and it's a hell of a show. Also, I can't listen to "Can't smile without you" because my mom told me that song is her song to me. So everytime I hear it I cry.)

I loved the 80's bad hair and crazy fads aside. I love VH1's shows about the 80's and 90's. It's amazing how much I remember from those times.

I am a fan of almost every genre of music. Save for the twangy country, jazz for extended periods of time and some classical. I like the old classical, the kind you study in music class in college. Beethoven, Mozart.

I went thorugh my, hip-hop faze, metal faze, had my alternative faze and now I'm back where I started - hip-hop.

I love hip-hop. LOVE it. The beats, the lyrics. From my first Run DMC tape to The Game's CD, I've been a fan. I strayed for a while and got into Rock and Roll, Motley Crue to be specific. For a few years I listened to nothing but heavy metal. I did the black nail polish, black eyeliner, the whole nine. Since I already had/have black hair, I fit.

Some of my favorite artists from across the board:

Eminem (I could go on for DAYS about this guy. What I wouldn't give to have a conversation with him, among other things. wink, wink)

The Game (this guy has a hold on me. I love his CD)

John Mayer

Sarah McLaughlin

Motley Crue (can't wait to see them in August!!)

Linkin Park (these guys rock, lyrically and musically. I love the Mash-up they did with Jigga man)

Tim McGraw (I couldn't listen to "Live like you were dying" much past the first verse without breaking into tears, but now it's better. I love this song)

Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks

Ok, moving on. I could talk about music for hours.

I hate my job. I work for a small company during the day doing payroll. After I leave here I go to my part time job that I've had for 4 years. I work in the second mortgage department entering orders. It's an easy job for pretty good pay.

My favorite color is purple or black, depending on my mood.

I LOVE Taz!! LOVE, love love him!!

I have three tattoos. My most recent one I got while in Hawai'i. I want another one, but alas I have no funds. So it'll have to wait. I got the idea for my fourth one from a fic that someone wrote, but it seems cheesy to actually have it done. Maybe, maybe not. It's either that one or my Taz that I've wanted for a few years now.

I stumbled across a fan fiction site a while back (about two years ago), and like Aimee, I'm not going to post a link either cause I'm upset about some things that took place, but we won't get into that right now. And I've been addicted ever since. I finally got the courage to postsome of my work up and that's how I met Aimee. She helped my with my frst sex scene and we developed a friendship from there. We've co-authored a couple fics together and I think she's an amazing writer. She nearly broke my heart when she threaten to quit and I'm very thankful that I could talk her out of it.

Ok, that's all of the fun stuff about me that I can think of posting right now.

Catch ya later!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Aimee's Entry - You Can Do It Chris...

I don't know why but I've always loved to write. It started when I was in middle school (which was eons ago, BTW) with poetry and I stuck with that up into high school until I wore myself out and then for years I didn't write a thing. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Zero. That is, until I stumbled upon a "fanfiction" site (which I won't post the link to because I'm a petty, immature bitch and by posting the link, I'd be sending traffic that way *clearsthroat* okay, moving on...) almost two years ago. And that's when the real writing began for me. Before that I'd never moved beyond poetry, I never thought to try but once I started writing "erotica-based" fiction, I realized how much I love it.

Well, my sister and I were talking about my love for erotica recently because she's always wanted to write a fictional story with tinges of erotica woven into it but she doesn't think that she'd be any good at it. I disagree but the only sexually based thing that she's managed to write is a small poem that I, personally, loved but of course she hated it. So, I tried to explain that for me, it's all just fantasy driven, ya know? There is no basis in my reality to things that I write. What I write are things that I want to happen in the bedroom, bathroom, back seat of my comfy SUV - you get my drift.

Christie said, "Yeah, I get that but what happens when you step into murky water and get stuck? How do you write yourself out of it?"

I said, "You just use your imagination Chris."

She counters, "But what if it's something that you have no experience with? Has that ever happened to you?"

Sure it has. It's probably happened to everybody at least once. I'll never forget the first time that I stepped into murky writing water. I was sweating it for hours while I stared blankly at my computer screen. And it was all my own fault. Someone had issued a challenge to everyone that I just knew I could handle - yeah right. She wanted people to write an 'Epilogue' to their story. The epilogue had to be about the main character paying back a bet that she'd made and lost with somebody. The prize was her ass. Literally. Well, at that point, I'd managed to hang on to my virginity in that particular area. Anal sex was a big, blank screen of nothingness for me. How the hell was I supposed to write an entire epilogue about it? Well, I managed to bullshit my way through it and now that I'm no longer a virgin in that area I realize that I probably could've done a better job but hey, at least I didn't buckle under pressure.

Anyway, I digress. My whole point of this rambling entry was, I suggested that Christie just take a look at different forms of erotica. Everything from published stories to stories posted on the net to peoples "true" sex stories. Taking in erotic writing in all forms is a fabulous way to see how different people handle different situations. From oral to anal to vaginal - just all forms of sexual acts. Of course, I explained that she had to find her own writing style but by reading other peoples words she could take a look at all the various and wonderful writing styles that exist.

I don't know if she'll ever attempt to write her own but maybe...

So, anyway while I'm speaking of sex (and I‘m not feeling lazy), I mentioned sex blogs the other day. I love them. I have no clue why? I just do. Some of them are peoples real life experiences and some of them are merely fantasy but most of them are enjoyable in one way or another.

So, here's a few that I enjoy.

  • Rentboy Diaries (I already mentioned him but he's fantastic so, I'll mention him again. This is one of two sex blogs that I actually sat down and read from top to bottom. Starting from his first entry to his last.)

  • About Last Night (This is the other sex blog that I read from top to bottom. It was thoroughly enjoyable. I had a good time anyway. I think you will too. He’s bisexual and in an open marriage and I just love his style.)

  • Jacky‘s Gay Sex Chronicles (I don’t know if you’d consider this a “sex blog” per se but his stories focus around his sexual experiences and fantasy’s that he has with/about other men. And I absolutely love the way he writes.)

  • Rod Talks - Married With Lover (Rod came up with a brilliant idea involving bandaids. It sounds fun. I love the different dynamics of the relationship that he has with TJ. It‘s great reading.)

  • Freya's House of Dreams (I just adore the way she writes. I could get lost in her writing.)

  • Pussy Talk (Everything that she writes is just so sexy. Seriously sexy.)

    Okay, well there are more. Just follow some links and Wallah. Enjoy.

    And I’m done. Caio.

  • Aimee's Entry - Happy Mother's Day!

    Woes me. I need lots of love and a little bit of pity and then maybe some more love. I hurt SO bad. Ouch. You see, I know it was stupid but in the spirit of Mother’s Day I stayed at the beach MUCH longer than I’d intended. And let me tell you after 7 hours of fun in the sun, my pale as Casper ass isn’t quite so pale anymore (and it burns). Plus, for some reason I can’t explain, I hurt everywhere. Oh, sleeping tonight should be a blast. (Sense the sarcasm?)

    And oh, my mamma got me the prettiest little sandals. They’re Sketchers and they’re black with little white flowers embroidered in the straps. Cute, cute, cute. My mamma is so adorable, she’s forever on a mission to make me dress like a girly girl. And Cameron got me a candle with a sunflower (that’s my favorite flower) melted into the wax. It smells yummy. So, putting aside the sunburn and the fact that I feel like I was run over by a rather large truck, I had a terrific day. But now I’m so sleepy.

    And to all mom’s, grandma’s, moms-to-be, step-mom’s, adoptive mom’s, foster mom’s, mom’s-in-law - just all mom’s everywhere…

    Happy Mother’s Day!

    I hope y’all had a lovely day. You certainly deserve it.

    Saturday, May 07, 2005

    Aimee' Entry - Ah, Mother's Day *Smiles*

    This blog is not now nor will it ever be a sex blog because I don't know about Angie but, I don't have enough sex to fill a page much less a blog. BUT I love reading sex blogs and I've stumbled upon a few great ones. One day when I'm not feeling completely lazy, I'll post up links for some of my favorites but there's this one that I absolutely adore. You should check it out. Rentboy Diaries. It Rocks. Seriously.

    I seriously missed my computer yesterday. It was my monthly infusion day and after they administered the pre-meds, I spent the rest of my day in a perfectly legal, drug induced coma. So, there was to be no computer play-time for me.

    Well, the day started out lovely anyway. Before I was expected to check into our friendly neighborhood hospital, I went to a Mother’s Day breakfast they had at Cameron’s preschool. It was so darn sweet. After breakfast they sang to us (awwww) and gave us gifts. Cameron gave me this picture he made. It was a flower and the body of the flower was a paint imprint of his hand and the center of the flower was a heart cut out of construction paper. It had a little poem underneath…

    A piece of me
    I give to you.
    I painted this flower
    To say “I love you.”
    The heart is you.
    The hand is me.
    To show we are friends-
    The best there can be.
    I hope you will save it
    And look back someday
    At the flower we shared
    On your special day.

    It made me all mushy and sentimentally sappy. I think I’ll frame it.

    So, tomorrow is Mother’s Day and we’re doing our annual “Celebrate Together” thing. My mom, my sister and I always get together and do something with our kids. This year it’s the beach. It’ll be fun but I don’t believe I own a bathing suit. Seriously. I’ve looked everywhere. I know, *gasp*, how could I live in South Florida and not own a bathing suit? Honestly, I have no clue? But I don’t. I’ll have to figure something out.

    Oh, somebody sent me a link to this thing called, The Purity Test and Oh. My. God. some of the questions at the very bottom were just, ya know, too kinky weird for me. Like this one ~> Have you committed bestiality (animals)? Umm, that’s a definite NO. Uh, uh. Never. And I mean NEVER.

    Anyway, here’s what I scored…

    You clicked 77 of the 100 checkboxes.


    Any score above 70 on this test automatically notifies the Sex Crimes unit of the your local Police Department. You'll be hearing a knock on your door any moment. But remember, keep my name out of it.

    No one’s knocked on the door yet - LOL.

    Alright, I’m out y’all. Night.

    Thursday, May 05, 2005

    Aimee's Entry - What Happened To The Spark?

    So, I was sitting here at my desk, my chin propped up on my hand, staring blankly at basically nothing and I started thinking about random shit, nothing remotely interesting but then my mind worked it’s way around to relationships. And I think I actually gave myself a headache but that’s neither here nor there.

    Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that when two people get involved in a relationship, whether it’s marriage or just a serious commitment between two people, the sex suddenly takes a massive nosedive before practically dying out all together?

    What’s with that?

    Is there like an unspoken rule written somewhere that I don’t know about? “Thou shalt not engage in sexual activity, except in times of serious desperation.” Hmm. It’s a weird kind of phenomenon.

    I mean, I remember back when Drew and I got together, sex was like a recreational drug, extremely addicting and doled out in massive quantities. But we certainly put the kibosh on all that when we got married. We’re lucky if we do it more than twice a month now. And then it’s a "wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am" type of thing. I rarely get off and he’s simply doing it to get off.

    I can’t help but wonder what happened to us? Have we lost that giddy sense of excitement we felt for one another? Has the spark just died out so we continue to have sex periodically as a way to affirm that we still love each other?

    I don’t know? Sighs. But I miss my sex life. I’m merely living vicariously through the sex lives of others at the moment.

    And here’s a completely random thought, the guys hung this picture in my office, some weird water dripping thing and written at the bottom is: ATTITUDE IS A LITTLE THING THAT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE. Do you think they’re trying to tell me something? And is it good or bad?

    Oh, my walking disaster warehouse guy bought me a Dr. Pepper yesterday so I guess I have to give him a freebie and not kill him the next time he hurts himself. Hey, I’m an easy bribe, what can I say?

    And my poor baby (Cameron) tripped at Gramma’s house last night and busted his lip open. It was so sad. It was all puffy and he was so upset about it. I hate when he gets hurt, it breaks my heart.

    Okay, well that's enough chatting for me. It’s back to work I go.

    Aimee's Entry - Warning SMUT Ahead...

    This entry is for Rod cause ah, he wondered in here during my, "Aimee's Pitching A Bitch" entry. Way to go Aimers. Good way to make a first impression. You can come on back Rod, I promise I won't bite (unless you want me to).

    I don’t feel like writing a Disclaimer. So, blah, blah, blah… don’t read it unless you are of legal age to read erotica… yadda, yadda, yadda.

    Oh, and if you’re one of the readers who enjoys my writing, this is just a rewrite of a scene that I wrote a while back. Enjoy.
    The silky material felt binding yet wildly erotic against her closed lids. She was caught in an awkward state of limbo, bouncing steadily back and forth between arousal and nervousness. It was such a strange mix of feelings, it made her head spin.

    “Relax.” his voice was whisper soft.

    She tried to still her body, to push out all of the nervous energy that was flooding her system but he certainly wasn’t helping. She could feel him rustling around at the end of the bed and it was driving her crazy that she couldn’t see him, couldn’t touch him. Her body tensed again and she tugged at the material binding her wrists when she felt him nudge her legs apart and crawl in between them.

    “I said relax baby.”

    She took a deep, calming breath and did her best to relax but that hard found relaxation was short lived. She bucked her hips up, practically coming off the bed when she felt him spread her soft, slippery lips with his fingers.

    “Jesus--” she whimpered.

    Thick, hot, sticky liquid cascaded down over her exposed clit. It trickled slowly downward, seeping through her glistening folds to mingle with the thick, syrupy liquid emanating from her body.

    “Shhhh.” he whispered, slowly trailing his tongue up the soft flesh of her inner thigh in teasing swirls of motion.

    “Oh God--” she moaned, sinking her teeth into her fleshy lower lip.

    “Do you trust me?” he asked gently.

    His fiery breath feathered out to tickle the sensitive flesh at the juncture of her thighs and she almost came undone.

    “Yes.” she moaned, brokenly.

    “Then RELAX… please.”

    She stilled her movements in an effort to show him her trust but, it was one of the hardest fucking things she’d ever had to do. She could still feel his breath, hot and heavy, fanning over her throbbing pussy and it sent her nerves fizzling out of control.

    “Please, I want--”

    “Shhhhhh,” he whispered against her slick skin, “don’t talk, just feel.”

    His mouth dropped lower, landing on the straining bud at the top of her sex. He tugged it into his hot, greedy mouth and suckled gently. She was writhing underneath him, her thighs trembling to some imaginary beat in her head. He stopped suddenly, releasing the delicate bud and dragged his tongue down across her wet lips and back up again.

    “Mmmmm, chocolate and you.” he purred, “What an addicting combination.”

    His tongue slid slowly back down and plunged into her, pushing as deep as he could into her hot, juicy opening. He began to methodically stroke the slick velvet of her inner walls.

    His fingertips crawled up her leg, inching ever so slowly toward the liquid heat between her thighs. His hand brushed over the top of her swollen lips and he pressed down roughly, grinding his palm against her aching clit.

    “Oh Fuck…” she screamed, arching up further into his mouth and pushed his tongue deeper into her body.

    Her inner walls contracted and fluttered around him as she began to crest. He continued to pump in and out of her while her essence seeped from her core, coating his tongue.
    NOTE: I appreciate all comments on my writing and that includes criticism BUT, if you are going to criticize, please do it constructively. I love learning anything that someone wants to take the time to teach me and I can learn something from “constructive criticism” so, if you have some, bring it on :)

    Wednesday, May 04, 2005

    Aimee's Entry - S/W/F Indeed...

    I should probably warn you that I’m on the reckless side of pissed right now and when that happens my language tends to take a complete nosedive. So, if you don’t want to burn your eyes with my scathing tongue you can check out yesterdays entry about the Great Color Debate.

    And for y'all that are still with me, you’re going to have to bare with me while I have an immature moment. I need to get this out of my system. I'll be back to normal in just a few.

    I said that I wasn't going to let it bother me. I said that I was going to let your stupid, petty, immature, ignorant bullshit just slide right the fuck off of me. Water under the bridge and all that. Finished. Done. Over. I said that if you wanted to keep pretending that you were the fucking injured party in all of this ridiculous bullshit, then so be it. That's nothing but a bunch of fucking garbage but whatever. Not my fucking problem if you want to lie to yourself. I said that I wasn't going to be mad… Well guess what you egotistical bitch - FUCK YOU! I am still mad.

    It fucking burns me but I've kept my fucking mouth shut and refused to defend myself, partly out of respect for a friendship (and I use that term loosely - very loosely) that used to mean something to me but mainly because you're too fucking self-righteous to listen to the fucking TRUTH.

    Well fuck that. When all this petty shit went down, you fucking jumped my ass in public and I just sat back like a fucking pussy and took it. Oh wait, you didn’t actually use my name, did you? No, that’s right, you used some insultingly childish phrase to address me. Well, I didn’t use your name here either so I guess we’re fucking even.

    Gosh, you know, all this reminiscing is making me sappy… thinking back to all the time and attention that I devoted to you out of some misguided sense of friendship with a great big “FUCK OVER” as a thank you for my effort. Oh, and we can’t forget the “FUCK OVER” that Angie received to match mine when your fucking lap dog nipped free of her leash and went off half-cocked. Attacking Angie and pulling her into the middle of something she had NOTHING to do with. That, more than anything is something I'll never get past.

    Ah, the good times. Let ‘em roll.

    Well, you got one more “FUCK OVER” in - Congratulations but that was the last one, I’m done with that shit. So, let’s make a toast, eh? To you and your new digs, I don’t think I’ll be visiting often. Here’s hoping it all falls down. Cheers Mate.

    And Angie, I know I should’ve just left it alone… closed the door and walked away but that last jab was the nail in the coffin for me. And I couldn’t move past it until I got it off my chest.

    Whoo. Okay. I’m done. And I’m sorry about that y‘all but I’m only human and I’d just finally reached my boiling point.

    Tomorrow I promise to be nice even if it kills me. Night y‘all. Xoxo

    Aimee's Entry - The Color Purple...

    Well, let’s see… my immunologist has me on Augmentin (1000 mgs for 10 days, 875 mgs for another 21 days), Singulair, Advair and Albuterol. If all of that doesn’t have me running around like I’m jacked up on speed, I don’t know what will. Oh well. Drugs are aplenty ‘round these parts.

    You know, sometimes I wonder how in the hell my parents managed to stay together for as long as they did. It’s baffling. You see, my papaw (my dad’s father) wants to go home - back to Kentucky, not to live, just to visit. He’s getting old, he’s had three bouts with cancer and I think he just wants to see his home and some of his kin again before he leaves the world. I’d want the same thing. But my dad says that they can’t do it because they can’t afford to fly and they have unreliable transportation. I’d make the 16+ hour drive with them myself if I could but there‘s no way I could get the time off I‘d need from work. I‘ve had to use a good majority of my vacation days for my infusions and the last couple days that I have left, I‘ve already requested off for my birthday trip. So, needless to say, my mom is pissed off at my dad - BIG TIME. I had to listen to the complete and uncensored list of his faults the other day. I won’t list them all here because it’ll probably give you a headache but the crux of her anger lies in one very damning fault. My dad doesn’t work. He hasn’t worked in six years. His excuse is that he has to take care of my grandparents and while I understand that, I also think that it would be a good idea if he got himself a part time job at night to bring in some extra income instead of depending solely on my grandparents social security. I mean he is here 5 out of 7 night EVERY week so, a part time job is certainly possible. But he won’t do it and now my mom is outraged that he’d deny my papaw a chance to go back to Kentucky before he dies. Sighs. It’s a no-win situation.

    Now, on to the color purple…

    Yesterday, Cameron and I were eating dinner at McDonald’s after my immunologist appointment and Cameron was a bit peeved about something so I asked him what was up? Well, he was a little pissed off and somewhat confused because one of the little boys in his preschool class called him a girl. Do you know why? Because Cameron’s favorite color is purple. And you can’t be a “real” boy and like purple. Oh no, that’s a “girl” color. SIGHS. I must’ve slept through that lecture in school when they explained how the fucking color chart separates the genders. Silly me.

    I don’t understand why parents feel the need to push their ignorant views on their children? Because the ignorant views that some people pummel their children with end up running off onto my child and that annoys the hell out of me. I mean, at 5 years old, that kid had to hear that kind of idiocy at home. What? Is his dad at home beating his chest while inciting the “real boy” pledge? It just irks me that I had to explain to my son that it was perfectly okay for him to like purple or any other damn color he wants to like, for that matter.

    And now that I think about it, my favorite color is green. Does that make me a boy?

    A Note To Parents: Let your children like whatever they want to like. If your little boy likes pink and your little girl likes blue, then so be it. Children should be free to express themselves through colors and sounds and just everything. Repressing them by forcing your views on them does more harm than good. Color is only a small thing but from small things, larger things breed. Think about it.

    Well, I think that about does it. Night.